Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 2171: Holy Spirit Aura

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

Although the seven ancient tribes in the Eternal Land moved to chase Xiao Ye, there were still three saints who considered for a long time and did not leave.

In front of the Pyramid of the Holy Lord, they have tried to impact many times, but unfortunately, without Qing Fan's permission, they could not enter at all.

But don't forget, there were more than 60 holy kings who entered with Xiao Ye.

Now that Xiao Ye is out, I believe that the sixty or so holy kings are coming soon.

Therefore, with this mentality, the three saints waited patiently.

However, this kind of waiting for them has no result.

A year later, the second person in the Pyramid of the Lord never walked out.

Moreover, there is bad news.

Xiao Ye did stay in the eternal land, and seemed to be looking for something.

The Holy King sent by them also found Xiao Ye's trail frequently, and also broke out with each other.

Only a few times later, Xiao Ye seemed to be able to spy on the heavens. Whenever the ancient clans of their ancient clans were encircled and suppressed, they would escape.

Even, Dayan Shengzi, who personally pursued the chase, couldn't catch the other party.


The eternal land is too vast, and eternal immortal, the surrounding scenery remains unchanged, it is difficult to feel the passage of time.

In the West of the Eternal Land, a giant-like building can be seen standing up, standing proudly in the void, emitting extremely majestic fluctuations.

This is the Hades, a dangerous place in the eternal land.

Looking around, the band-shaped black mist filled, ghostly, you can see the white bones everywhere, spilling over the building.

There are ghost fires everywhere, there is no trace of color between heaven and earth, and it is extremely dim.

This is also a burial place, which is more amazing than burial of holy stars. It is a veritable danger. The crying cry makes the scalp numb.

In the Eternal Land, the corpses that give birth to evil thoughts will also fight against each other.

For example, in this harem, because there are too many corpses, they fight each other, causing many corpses to shatter, losing the sacred rhyme, and becoming the bones in front of them, covering the ground.

The seven ancient tribes descended on the eternal land, and they once focused on searching the Hades.


Suddenly, a huge meniscus tears the universe and manifests itself directly above the Hades. The moonlight appears to be shrouded in the light of Buddha, directly covering the entire Hades.

In this round of meniscus, a man who looks like a **** king comes, he flutters in the snow, glancing down at the Hades below.

Needless to say, this man who looks like a **** king is the son of Dayan.


Dayan Shengzi rushed into the Hades, as if entering a no-man's land, carefully looking for Xiao Ye's trail.

"There is indeed a breath of Xiao Ye, but he has already left."

Soon, Dayan Shengzi stopped, his hands traversed the arc of the mysterious arc in the void, and cast back the holy law.


Suddenly the void turbulent like a water surface, and numerous glimmers of floating light appeared, forming a picture.

It was a man in black robe, his black hair fluttering, roaming in the underworld, looking for something.

But soon, the man in black robe was intercepted by a holy corpse that was born with wicked thoughts.

This corpse's strength turned out to be comparable to that of Xiaocheng Shengwang, but it was cut in half in just ten strokes, and it was exploded, which could not stop the man in black robe.

This is a picture of what happened in the Hades before Yi Hongxiang.

"He not only recovered from his injuries, but also improved his strength!" Dayan Shengzi clenched his fists tightly, his figure rose again into the sky, and the terrifying momentum swept the Quartet.

However, there is no trace of Xiao Ye in the boundless world.

At the same time, there are hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from this place, there is a quaint pagoda, as if the dust floating in the void, it seems very common.

In the fifth floor of the Tower of Time, Xiao Ye stood upright, surging with the power of the Holy Order, practicing the Holy Dharma.

If there are strong people who understand the ancient races of the human race here, they will surely be stunned.

Because the holy method cultivated by Xiao Ye is in the holy king realm, in addition to those from the Shuangtong ancient clan, there are even Jiuxiao ancient clan and Dayan ancient clan.

Xiao Ye is like a huge melting pot. He cultivates many holy methods and continuously extracts the essence. He wants to integrate into the self-initiated holy method that he created, to sublimate and take it one step further.


Suddenly, Xiao Yexin stopped, feeling a sneer on his face: "Dai Yan Shengzi?"

Seven ancient tribes are chasing him, how can he not know?

He broke through to the Holy King Realm, the power of the soul soared, and the ordinary Saint King's thought of changing the genius-level soul quality was quite easy. Even Xiaocheng became a king.

Since this time, as he secretly shot, the seven ancient tribes who entered the eternal land already have pieces he arranged. He can know the movement of the seven ancient tribes in advance, where will he be caught?

For example, the holy king realm holy method he is practicing now comes from the gifts of "chess pieces", but these pieces are not as good as the holy son. Very good.

How simple is the holy law that can be collected by the ancient people?

"Unexpectedly, the holy flower on the other shore actually contains the Holy Spirit Aura."

Xiao Ye waved his palm, and a flower appeared in his hand, like a lotus-like sacred treasure.

The so-called Holy Spirit Aura, which is different from the Universe Aura, is bred by the origin of the Holy King Realm and is the embodiment of the essence.

Ordinary holy king realm can only grow a ray of divine spirit every ten years. As for the small holy king realm, it will take five years.

Only the aura of the Holy Path can moisten the earth like a dew, so that the Holy Realm of the Holy Powers can be integrated and the soul can be born.

Therefore, the importance of the Holy Spirit Aura is self-evident, it is one of the conditions related to the breakthrough of the realm of the Holy King, and even to enter the Holy Realm.

In this year, Xiao Ye extracted twenty rays of divine aura from the holy flowers on the other shore, which was worth his two hundred years of hard work. Not only did he further expand his holy world, he began to have a spiritual breath, and the realm also A big step has been taken, and the Holy Power is even stronger.

"This holy flower on the other shore may really allow me to break into the Xiaocheng Shengwang Realm."

"I don't know my Holy World, what will be the born souls?" Xiao Ye looked full of expectation.

Through the specially-made golden ball of communication, he communicated the chess pieces he arranged, and learned that the ancient masters were no longer nearby, and Xiao Ye rushed out of the tower of time.

"It has been more than a year, and I still haven't found it. Taboo the corpses of other holy order strong men of the ancient clan. If I still can't find it, I can only leave the eternal land, otherwise it will be more and more troublesome." Xiao Ye Si thought up.

He entered the Hades, naturally for treasure hunting, but unfortunately did not gain.

During this trip to the Eternal Land, he has gained a lot, and there are fragments of the holy path of the Windless Lord, waiting for him to refine, and the glorious future is fully expected.

However, he was quite unwilling.

The holy sons of all the ancient races of the human race, sitting on endless epoch resources, it is a definite fact that the future breakthrough will become the holy deity.

The taboo ancients have faded away, and Xiao Ye cannot easily leave the eternal land if he wants to surpass the Son.


At this moment, Xiao Ye suddenly changed his face.

(Traffic jammed at high speed made me doubt my life. It was already too late to come back, but finally wrote the third more)

(The update will start at normal time tomorrow, and the correction will start)