Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 2423: Strike the Charm Blue Ao

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

The broken starry sky in the Taixu Great Realm is crying and howling, as if the gods and gods of the heavens are emerging, and the supreme Tao is surging.

And the coercion of the Holy Lord in Xiao Ye's body has broken through to the level of the heavenly position.

His body trembled, and turned into a brilliant rain of light, rushed together, thundering, like a holy drum before the quake, which rang throughout the starry universe.

This is a sign that his realm has been raised, so that the body and potential of the Holy Son can be stimulated again.

The unmatched energy is tumultuous and surging, quickly repairing the scary wounds on Xiao Ye's body.

All this happened in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, Xiao Ye had no time to realize, and had no time to stabilize the realm. Instead, he waved his fists, the body of the Son was surging, and the nine-pronged Saint Road, which had reached the eighth ladder, surged and smashed the palm of the fall.


Such a violent collision has made the galaxy dim, and the Taixue Dajie has exploded. The symbol of the hundreds of thousands of sages is rushing into the depths of the universe. Glorious.

Within a few minutes, when everything slowly disappeared, a fierce and fissured space crack spreading millions of kilometers appeared, which could not be bridged for a long time.

In the cracks, there was only a pool of blood stains, extremely dazzling, scattered everywhere, so that all the human ranks in the Taixu Great Realm were shrinking their pupils and trembling.

"Did I finally fall under my strongest blow?"

Mei Qingao whispered to herself, his expression was a little complicated.

He is the true heavenly saint, and he has realized the high-level holy way. For a small heavenly saint, he has spent so much energy, which is simply unprecedented.

What's more, at the last moment, Xiao Ye could still break through the sky, and even he had to admit Xiao Ye's horror.

Fortunately, such a character was still bombed by him.

"In the beginning, the Son, clearly broke through to the celestial level, but he was killed by the town in the end. Didn't even his Son body block him?"

"God is really unfair. This is probably the most amazing genius since the reincarnation of my human race. Even the first-generation sons of the ancient clan can't compare, but they fell down and left the eternal hatred!"


Many people are shocked in their hearts, whirling in tears.

The blood doesn't seem to be spiritual, it seems to be punished by the death path, the dark path is dark, and the spirit is lost.

Regardless of how the world evaluates Xiao Ye, through this period of time, they also learned that the other party is definitely a hero and is truly willing to fight for the human race.

Such leaders, they are willing to follow.

"Holy Son is okay." Although Xuan Xiao was also pale, he muttered to himself.

It seemed to confirm his words.

The pool of blood shuddered, and then began to glow, dazzling, and exuding the spirit of the ocean.


Splashes of blood began to roll around, the skeleton was constructed, the real body was reorganized, a human figure appeared quickly, and the disappeared Xiao Ye reappeared in the world.

at the same time--

This body trembles, a plume of chaotic air pervades, and a sacred saint flows like a liquid, with a thousand hammers and hardships, and reproduces the supreme style, extremely brilliant.

In the eye, Xiao Dao's inscriptions on his body are more complicated, as if they were born in chaos, they are naturally self-contained and have a sense of fulfillment.

Xiao Ye's real body was finally completely solidified, and all the injuries disappeared.

And stepped into the realm of the middle heaven, and finally completely stabilized, let the various essences of the nine wilderness of the universe rush out, and even the seal of the charming Qingao can’t stop it, and his body is also rapidly transforming, just like a **** The wheel stood in the air, and no trace of scars could be seen on the body.

Especially the sound of his blood flow, if the galaxy surging, deafening, causing the sound of heaven and earth to resonate and emit fluorescence.


The charming Qingao froze directly.

Xiao Ye Mingming was beaten by him, and it was reproduced again, and it was more terrifying. What kind of physique was this?

"Charming Qingao, although ten tricks have passed, but I am afraid you still have the intention to kill, then I can only continue to fight with you."

All this quickly ended, Xiao Ye's eyes opened, deep and cold, and the majestic warfare took off.

He has crossed the heavens, and now he is a super master at the level of the Holy Lord. The Holy Crown is ancient Lingjin, and he can overlook the three thousand worlds.

The breakthrough of the realm is still second.

The most important thing is that the potential of Xiao Ye Shengzi’s body was stimulated again, and the surging energy in the body increased tenfold. Even if he was blown away by the charming Qingao, it was quickly reshaped. The feeling of the Great Lord.

"I still have to fight against me? Well, I also want to see how much you have improved to this level."

A faint glow appeared in the eyes of the charming Qingao.

Just like an old hunter, the joy of suddenly encountering the favorite prey!


The enchanted Qingao was shocked, and the gray haze that immediately represented the death path could be called the speed of light. It can make the holy Lord of the heavens shudder.


Xiao Ye had already made preparations for the integration of the Nine Veins Holy Path and returned to his ancestors. The space around his body suddenly became turbulent and twisted, his figure became confused, and the space was cut away and disappeared.

This is that Xiao Ye has enveloped himself with the holy way of time, changed the time flow rate, and is increasing his speed.

And because the Qiu Sheng Sheng Tao's comprehension ascends to the eighth ladder, this speed is obviously faster than Xiao Ye's when he was in a small heavenly level, even avoiding most of the death saint. Shock.


The remaining part of the gray haze shrouded, but it only made Xiao Ye's body tremble, and a trace of gray blood escaped from the corner of his mouth.

But at the same time, Xiao Ye's figure also appeared on the side of the charming Qingao. The photo was taken directly by the detective, and the space like fragile paper was shattered directly.


In everyone's horrified eyes, the charm of Qingao's reaction quickly exploded, but some sharp-eyed people clearly discovered that several purple scale armor on Meiqing's body broke, and a trace of blood escaped.

"In the early days, the Son could actually hurt the charming Qingao!"

The body of the celestial lord shivered and could not help but exclaim.

In the previous World War, Xiao Ye did everything in his power, and the charm of Qingao was unharmed. Now Xiao Ye breaks through again, and the charm of Qingao is already injured. Such a clear contrast makes him tremble.

In the early days, the realm of the Holy Son crossed a heavenly position. Could it be able to traverse such characters as Mei Qingao?

"Sure enough, it's a lot stronger and can't be measured with common sense."

The charming Qingao stopped and looked at the man in black robe in front of him. The high-level Shengdao breath flowing from him slowly dissipated away.

(The first is here!)