Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 2459: The two sons duel

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

The facial features of the coming person are obscure. Compared with the imprint of the soul of Jun Gen that Xiao Ye saw in the land of the Dayan tribe at that time, he has less sense of killing and more transcendent charm.

It's as if the other party is already detached from the Three Thousand Realms, and you can stand at the highest point and look down on the mortal beings of the heavens of the world.


Emperor Wuchen and other eleven principals of the Sanctuary of the Sanctuary have changed their faces.

They have already expressed their position as the masters of the holy temple of the human race. Will Jun still still fight against Xiao Ye?

However, before they responded, a mysterious field was stretched out, as if a round of ancient meniscus was in the sky, and the watery moon was flowing out, directly covering the eleven temple principals.

" this the ancestral field of the Dayan ancient tribe?"

In an instant, these eleven temple principals were all stiff, and they only felt that the flowing Yuehua directly penetrated into them, and the overbearing suppression of his divine power, even the saints he understood could not be urged Issued to.

The forces of the ancient human race have inherited countless eras and are immortal. In fact, they all have the power to return to their ancestors.

For example, the time of the early ancestors of the ancient tribes.

As the first son of the ancient Yanyan tribe, Junzi naturally controlled this kind of ancestral force, but how horrible the specifics are, and very little is known.


The eleven temple principals lost their power of action and could only watch each other and walk towards Xiao Ye.

Naturally, Jun's qualifications needless to say, the years of cultivation are not measurable, and no one can speculate on what state they have reached.

"June, do you want to fight me?"

Xiao Ye didn't dare to carelessly, the two main lines of the near road and the holy road unfolded together, turning into two auras.

"Is this the power of Saint Son in the beginning?"

Jun Gen whispered to herself, at this moment his whole body changed greatly, as if he had become the master of the universe, and he respected all the realms. He went straight forward without any hesitation.

At this moment, the sacred lines of the Dao tremble, as if the ants are shaking the trees in the sky, and they cannot affect the holy Dao comprehended by Jun.

As for the sacred mark, it seems that the effect has been achieved.

Let the breath of Jun Gen's body reveal, and directly fell to the level of the Lord of the Great Heaven, and then fell to the level of the Lord of the Middle Heaven, which stabilized.

"A battle against the realm? I am longing for it."

The realm is suppressed, but Jun Qi is still breezy, and if there is no way in his body, it is boiling, so that this world and heaven and earth seem to be destroyed, not a universe, not a universe, first turned into a black hole, and then turned into a black hole. In the chaotic land, the breath of terror is flowing, and the holy word is extinct.

So he shot mercilessly and directly hit Xiao Ye.

This is an ordinary palm, but it seems to have evolved the mysteries of the heavens, the law of nature is natural, all hands are everywhere, and billions of brilliance are filled with space, as if there are endless gods emerging.

"So strong!"

Xiao Ye bounced.

Jun's realm was suppressed, and his random shots have such power, which is much stronger than the real heavenly saints he slaughtered before.

Xiao Ye shouted, in the unyielding battle, the body of Saint Son bloomed endless light, and Jun Cheng blasted.

Jun Qi is certainly terrifying, but if he is at war with the realm, he has a lot of cards and is naturally not afraid.

The peerless collision broke out, two kinds of power that could kill the gods and destroy the demon annihilated the time and space, and a big collapse occurred on the border of Dali.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

The two figures were separated by a touch. Xiao Ye's body burst into a muffled sound. The holy blood was stirred. Although not injured, a pair of eyes were filled with horror and looked at Jun Qi who was also retreating.

The other party is clearly standing in the same state as him, but the strength of the other party is just like him?

You know, before dealing with those alien lords, under the same realm, no one can even tassel him.

"Interesting, keep going."

Jun Gen only split the space on the border of Dali with one stroke of his hand, as if the blade was across the ages, the Holy Light overflowed, and directly hit Xiao Ye.


Xiao Ye was also violent, and while fighting with the other son with the body of the Holy Son, he was also urging the Jiumai Shengdao to fight with the other party.

His Son is endless, and the Nine Veins and Holy Fa are coming out, all sweeping towards each other.

In the face of such violent attacks, Jun Qi is still indifferent, and his hands are lifted to completely resolve it.

"Who is that? How did he fight the Prince Son!"

This fierce confrontation caused the eleven temple principals who had lost their ability to move to be shocked continuously.

Finally inside the border, many of the Holy Order strongmen were affected, their bodies were crushed, at least ten thousand people died, and even their origins were annihilated.

After the rest of the people retreated in horror, they looked at the sky dome, only to find Jun Cheng.

"No, if I guessed right, that person should be the first son of the ancient Yanyan tribe, Jun Qi!"

"Is this Jun Jun's deity?"

The armored Lord Chiron shook his body, and could not help but exclaim.

He is a genius who is not born out of the world, and he is quite proud of his heart. He has a lot of research on the genius of the major forces of the human race.

In addition to the first son, he was very interested in the first son of the ancient clan forces.

So it is easy to tell the origin of the other party.

"What? That's Jun Qi!"

As soon as this remark came out, Xuan Xiao's complexion changed suddenly.

The first son of the ancient clan forces was extremely terrifying. His strength was built with countless blood and bones. He could not spend it with common sense.

At that time, their ancient ancestors also began to plan to build the early princes in order to check and balance these early princes.

Now the other party appeared, and he fought against Xiao Ye.

This is not good.

Even though Xiao Ye's body potential is horrible, the time to return to the position is too short, and now he is competing with the opponent, I am afraid there will be a big change.

"Hateful, my current state can no longer help the Son!" Xuan Xiao was shocked several times, but they were all shocked, unable to get close to the fierce battlefield, unwilling to clenched his fists, his eyes split.

At the same time, the fierce battle in the field has escalated again. The breath of the Holy Path is overwhelming, endless and splendid, and it has spilled over the universe and surpassed any holy war that broke out on the border between Dali and Lebanon.

Jun Qi Dao Law is natural, there is no need to compete with one's body, the holy law is endless, too much against the sky, and is constantly fighting with Xiao Ye, causing Xiao Ye to encounter the most terrible duel in his life.

"Xiao Ye, you recaptured the body of the Son from the Dayan tribe, and in the end can you only exert such power? It disappointed me a little."

"Take all your strength, otherwise I will regain this body today."

Jun Gen became more and more fierce in battle, and turned passive into active. He glowed all over, bursting out a terrifying atmosphere, and even the holy mark imprinted the universe, and turned into a volume of the Bible, attacking Xiao Ye.

"The Word of Time!"

Xiao Ye's eyes flashed, and the nine-pronged holy path returned to their ancestors.

(The second one is coming!)