Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 2463: Two Beasts

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!


At the end of his thoughts, the vast and unmatched sacred knowledge surged out from the heart of Xiao Ye's eyebrows, and rushed towards the two huge beasts to explore.

At this moment, Xiao Ye's holy consciousness felt, like the waves of the sea and the fiery blood veins like magma, filled with endless divine power, as if numerous heads of beasts were roaring, almost shocking his holy knowledge Scattered.

This is a mutant bloodline belonging to Xiaobai's parents, which is extremely terrifying.

In the depths of this mutated blood vein, there are ancient characters floating up and down, with the blood of the animal spreading all over the body, turning into a terrible imprisonment.

Obviously, this is the ban of the ancient strange people, used to control and enslave Xiaobai's parents.

It is also these ancient words that, when these two monsters resisted the orders of Lord Hao Zun, they exploded into power, destroying the bodies of the two monsters and causing serious damage.


Xiao Ye tried to lead the Jiumai Shengdao to attack, but found that these ancient characters could not be shaken, let alone erased.

"Boss Xiao Ye!"

Xiao Bai scratched his ears and scratched his cheeks anxiously. When he saw Xiao Ye's reaction, his heart shook.

"No hurry."

Xiao Ye said indifferently, and then his cold eyes turned to the side, the breath was weak, and he was staggering to repair the injured Hao Zun Lord.

After being crushed by Xiao Ye, Lord Hao Zun was severely hit by Xiaobai's crazy attack. The source of the source was extremely severe. If there is no Holy Order, it will take at least hundreds of years of rest to recover.

At the moment, when he saw Xiao Ye's eyes, Hao Zun's face turned pale.

"Resolve the ban on these two beasts."

Xiao Ye teleported directly to the Lord Hao Zun, grabbed the other person's shoulder and threw it, and directly hit the feet of Xiaobai's parents.

At that time, Xiaobai's parents were actively surrendering to Lord Hao Zun.

"Xiao Ye, you are too much!"

"This beast kills my holy lord. Not only do you not correct it, but you also help the other party to deal with the holy lord. Are you not afraid of being pointed by the thousand?"

"Everyone, you have all seen this. This is the first son of our human race. He started his fight against his fellow clan for a strange beast!"


Suddenly, several anxious and corrupt voices came from the crowd, and the people who spoke were all holy Lords of the strange ancient people, and they were inspiring.

Even Di Wuchen and other principals are frowning.

They were having a headache about how to deal with Xiaobai, and Xiao Ye also made such a noise.

Once these holy order strongmen were agitated, the sanctuary served as a human protective umbrella, even if they wanted to favor Xiao Ye again, they could not be indifferent.

"Children, give up, don't do that, you can take care of Xiaobai, we would be very grateful."

The two beasts that looked like leopards and tigers looked at Xiao Ye with soft eyes.

Together with Xiaobai, Xiaobai also told them everything, naturally including the relationship with Xiao Ye.

"Two people, how Xiao Ye acted, they don't need them to judge."

"Whoever does not look good to me, can go ahead and fight me."

Xiao Ye's eyes were deep, and he spit out cold words, which immediately trembles the soul of the holy Lord of the strange ancient race, and all the voices stopped abruptly.

Despite the battle with Jun Gen, Xiao Ye was defeated.

But the scene of the other party slaughtering the alien saint, is still vividly remembered. Who dares to step forward and fight Xiao Ye?

It's not that Xiao Ye is too strong, but that the sacred lines of the Daoist Dao are too far from the sky, and the true God will be tragic when encountered.

"Go ahead, if not, I won't kill you, but I can't guarantee the consequences," Xiao Ye said.

"Masters, don't you stand by!"

At this moment, Lord Hao Zun stumbled back in shock and anger, and then cast his eyes on Emperor Wuchen and others for help.

In his current state, Xiao Ye started, and he really had no resistance.

"Hao Zun, you have also seen that even Lord Xuanyuan has appeared, this..." Emperor Wu Chen said quietly, pretending to be embarrassed.


Lord Hao Zun breathed and spit blood.

Xuanyuan appeared and talked with Xiao Ye closely, and he naturally saw it.

No one knows what Xuanyuan and Xiao Ye talked about, but the relationship seems to be very harmonious, bringing him unlimited reverie.

"it is good!"

Under the balance, Lord Hao Zun gritted his teeth and made a choice.

Now that the principals of the Terran Temple are present, he can safely leave after agreeing with Xiao Ye's request.

If Xiao Ye took him into a land of no one, it would be hard to say.

"The Beast Bible!"

Lord Hao Zun sealed the hands with his hands, chanting ancient scriptures in his mouth, and the palms of his hands rose in blood, constantly shooting towards Xiaobai's parents.

Buzz! Buzz!

Suddenly, bursts of blood shrouded the two beasts.



In the distance, the holy Lord, who belonged to the strange ancient people, was bleeding.

These two beasts with three kinds of bloodline mutations are extremely powerful. If they are really better than Hao Zun Lord, they have made contributions to their strange ancient tribes. Are they now lost?

boom! boom!

Time passed slowly, and half an hour passed, and the two beasts shrouded in blood, bursts of roar broke out in the body, as if something was constantly breaking.

At the same time, these two beasts shook their heads up, and the sound of the waves was filled with endless joy, and the blood was filled.

The prohibition of millions of years has been lifted, and from now on, no one can experience this kind of mood.

In the blood of the sky, the body shape of these two beasts changed gradually into a middle-aged man and a middle-aged woman.

The man is dressed in a tiger-patterned robe, has a sturdy body, has prestige in his eyes, and his face is shameless, and the woman is gentle and generous, standing side by side.

"Father, mother!"

Xiaobai threw himself up excitedly, crying like a child.

Xiao Ye looked at all this with a smile and was also happy for Xiaobai.

"Huh, when I return to my peak state, I will definitely enslave these two beasts!" Lord Hao Zun snorted coldly, dragging the heavily wounded body away.

"After one hour, our human race temple will pursue these three beasts."

At this moment, Emperor Wuchen preached to Xiao Ye.

"Xiaobai, you and your parents will leave." Xiao Ye looked at each other gratefully, nodded silently, and communicated with Xiaobai.

The beast and the human race are naturally opposed.

What's more, Xiao Bai went crazy and killed several holy saints. The temple can tolerate it until now, enough to give him face.

"We are not going to leave."

Faced with the decision of the human temple, Xiaobai's parents shook their heads and let Xiao Ye frown.

Xiaobai's parents, are they going to retaliate against strange ancient people?

"We are strange beasts, and naturally we cannot coexist with the human race, but if we are based on the warriors of the human race and serve them, it is the help of the human race."

Xiaobai's parents walked out hand in hand and even saluted on kneeling towards Xiao Ye.

"The great strong man, we are willing to take your life and blood to serve you as the main, and never betray for life."

(The third one is coming!)