Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 2471: Make a comeback

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

"How strong is the human leader who fell into the purple world eight million years ago!" Xiao Ye's face was filled with emotion.

Even if it fell, it also caused such great changes in the purple world, and even triggered the outbreak of war among the undead race. This influence is too terrifying.

He thought of the ‘corpse’ of the mysterious strongman he saw in the superstarry realm at the border of Dali.

If the mysterious strongman is still alive, at least the existence of a holy order peak.

The deeper he understands the Three Thousand Worlds, the more Xiao Ye feels insignificant.

"The Three Thousand Great Realms have existed for countless years, and I don't know how many strong men were born, even if the true Divine Lord cannot be said to be at the top."

"Where is it so easy to truly dominate the 3,000 world?"

Ziguang Realm shook his head.

His knowledge is amazing and he knows a lot of secrets, but his mentality is very peaceful, free from interference from external forces, and he has been practicing meditation all the time.

After talking with the Lord of the Purple Light for a day and night, Xiao Ye said goodbye and left.

"In the beginning, the Son, the undead race has damaged so many strong men in the Ziguang Realm. It will definitely not be reconciled, nor will it give up the Ziguang Great Realm and will make a comeback."

"Although I am the Master of Purple Light Realm, but I am unable to protect the Great Realm, I need to rely on you."

In the face of ethnic wars, let alone the Lord, even though the ordinary Lord can do very little.

"it is good."

Xiao Ye nodded his head, and his figure disappeared quickly.

In the Universe of Purple Light, Xuan Xiao rectified those strong men who were willing to follow Xiao Ye, and investigated those who were mischievous.

Everything went smoothly.

Lin Lin added up, there are a total of one hundred thousand sage rank strong who are willing to follow Xiao Ye, including the three great lords.

Xiao Ye was extremely satisfied with this, and secretly exhibited the Soul Forging Bible in person, and conducted a survey of these Holy Order strong men. After nothing was missed, he felt relieved.

The number of one hundred thousand is indeed not much, but the overall strength of the one hundred thousand sage rank strong is extremely amazing, led by him, can fully fight the heavens, has already begun to take shape of a sage rank power.

Thinking of the reminder of Ziguang Realm, Xiao Ye found a lot of old antiques that have been practicing for many years in the purple world.

The leader of the human race that fell eight million years ago is absolutely extraordinary. Perhaps there will be some treasures left, and Xiao Ye wants to trace them back.

After all, the undead race must have sensed something, so it will attack the Purple Realm at such a cost.

But after some inquiries, Xiao Ye didn't have any big gains. He didn't even know the identity of the human race leader, and he didn't find anything in Ziguang Great Realm.

The 8 million years are too long. Although the Sheng-rank strong Shou Yuan is endless, on the road to cultivation, it is inevitable that there will be unforeseen changes.

For example, under the impact of the reincarnation of the era, there will be many saint-level strongmen who die.

The warriors who have witnessed 8 million years of dying years have almost passed away. Even if there are still alive, it is not what Xiao Ye can find now, so it can only be done.

Although the death and injury of the undead race was heavy, it does not mean that the crisis of the Purple World has been lifted.

At this time, Xiao Ye got a message from the holy temple.

"The intelligence of the Human Race Temple shows that the undead race is likely to make a comeback?" Facing this information, Xiao Ye was not surprised, but rather calm.

The result of the war in Ziguang Realm is naturally known to the human temple.

And now the information coming is to make Xiao Ye stand still, and the temple will send strong men to assist Xiao Ye, and fight off the next wave of attack by the undead race together.

"The undead race, there may be a Saint-rank peak powerhouse, but once such an existence is dispatched, Lord Xuanyuan of the Human Race Sanctuary must know it and will check and balance it."

"And sending other Holy Lords to come will not threaten me."

Xiao Ye whispered to herself, did not rush to leave, went to other big realms to hunt the alien sage Lord, but quietly remedied in Ziguang big realm.

The sharpener does not cut the woodworker by mistake, and he does not have to rush to continue to hunt for contribution.

Moreover, fighting with the undead race Holy Lord, he has some new insights.

Looking around, in the universe of the Purple Realm, the sacred lines of the near road were urged again, and Cabernet Sauvignon was blooming, and the endless energy was roaring. It turned into an endless scene of holy treasures, and it was full of heaven and earth. Immediately after being shrouded in the Word of Time.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

These rare treasures of the holy order seem to be full of life, bursting with powerful fluctuations and growing rapidly.

This is Xiao Ye's display of the "Mortalized Treasure Bible", turning the body of the Son into a rare and rare treasure, gestating with the holy way of time to cultivate the Taoism in the early days.

At the same time, the Nine Veins Saint Dao seems to be transformed into nine ancient universes, also because the Sheng Dao is approaching.

Almost every day, Xiao Ye can feel that his own strength is slowly improving.

Anyone who chooses to follow Xiao Ye's martial arts is naturally qualified to approach Xiao Ye's retreat and use the power of the near-sacred pattern to accelerate the understanding of the saint.

Time flies and another three years have passed.

During these three years, the atmosphere of Ziguang Dajie became tense, a scene of wind and cranes.

Because news about the undead race has come and gone, it shows that the undead race is about to shoot again.

At the same time, Ziguang Dajie also ushered in a lot, the strong sent by the human temple to reinforce.

Headed by the powerful masters of the five holy orders, they led the army to cross.

"In the beginning, the Holy Son was really scary enough, so that so many people in the Ziguang Great Realm were willing to follow."

"The ancient clan forces of our human race heard that in the early days, the Son of the Sun was in the Ziguang Great Realm, and he was supported by the strong men of loose cultivation.

"Is the ancient tribe really reappearing? This is bad news for many people. It may make the situation of the tribe even more confusing."


The five powerful masters of the Holy Lord noticed the changes in the Purple Realm, and they were all amazed.

Even though they thought highly of themselves, at this moment they all gathered their arrogance and arranged them in the Purple Realm to prepare for the impact of the undead race again.

Finally on this day.

With a bang, the vast power of the Nether, possessing an invincible will, destroyed and decayed, and bred out in the star field on the border of the purple realm.


At this moment, warning bells rang throughout the entire Purple World, echoing through the ages and enduring.

"Do the Undead Races have to shoot again?"

Ziguang Great Realm boiled in an instant, and the figures rose from the sky, Xuan Xiao and Xiaobai, and Xiaobai's parents stood side by side, fighting for Lingtian.

"Hey, this time, without the boss Xiao Ye's shot, we can kill the undead race for a piece of armor without leaving!" Xiao Bai laughed even more.

(The second one is coming!)