Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 2745: Force shock

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

Every dark side in human nature is the life and soul of the warriors deeply rooted in the human race. Slicing them off this road one by one, the difficulty also increases geometrically.

Not to mention the six dark sides of Xiao Ye, which has gone to the fourth, and now only hatred and ambition remain.


However, as Xiao Ye continued to wave, the long sword condensed by the Dafa of the Six Ming Gods, in addition to bringing great pain to itself, the ancient tree of Qingtian, which represents hatred, was finally shaken.

After several hours, it finally collapsed and was eradicated from him.


At this moment, Xiao Ye shuddered, a trace of blood escaped from the corner of his mouth, and his steps were staggering


At the same time, this ancient tree of Qingtian turned into a ball of evil spirit, spread out in the universe, turned into a black light, and quickly rushed towards the territory of the human race.

At the same time, a dense meteorite group is floating in the vast universe of a certain territory of the human race, and eight beasts are living here.

Some of them look like tigers, and they are quite similar to human races, and they are not full of black scales, which is very fierce.

Although the appearance is different, but they are the same race, but it is the top race in the three thousand worlds-Wanxiang, before the gods.

After several unrests, the Wanxiang race has long disappeared, and only these eight tribes have survived, the only one in the world.

In the period of the last law, Xiao Ye reconstructed the human race. They came to take refuge, received Xiao Ye's kind treatment, and lived here for cultivation.

"No, there is a terrifying breath approaching!"

"Here comes from the Great Soul Zen Realm of the human race, is it the first ancestor to shoot us?"

At this moment, these eight people of all races were alarmed, and their eyes were all looking in a certain direction.

There was a monstrous rush of gas rushing quickly.

"You abominable races of all kinds, I want to kill you all!"

In this group of evil spirits, a face appeared, which was very similar to Xiao Ye, but was enveloped by hatred. It seemed that he would slaughter all the creatures with hatred in the world, and make the expressions of eight Wanxiang people change greatly.

Their races of all kinds do indeed have old grievances with Xiao Ye. In their past trips to the earth and earth, the strongest holy order in their clan had once killed Xiao Ye.

But this kind of hatred, Xiao Ye let go long ago, and also took them in. Why do they have to fight against them now?

You know, the strongest of them is nothing more than the peak of the Holy Order. Xiao Ye wants to kill them.


At such a critical moment, a black-haired and black-haired man suddenly appeared, turning his palms and shaking back.


Immediately afterwards, the man's body was terrible, and all parts were lit like magic lamps, exuding a kind of anti-celestial breath of creation. He was constantly shooting, swiftly and sturdyly, causing the heavens and the world to resonate.

Although this evil spirit is also extremely extraordinary, it was gradually wiped out by this man, leaving only the unwilling roar, slowly echoing between the world.

"Two ancestors?"

The eight tribes of all races are already stunned and do not understand what happened.

Who is that black man with black hair, not Xiao Ye?

Xiao Ye just glanced at these Wanxiang people, and as soon as he walked, he disappeared.

"Cut a darker side, even making me weak..."

Back to the Soul Zen world, Xiao Ye looked pale.

This operation is different from other times.

That sword chopped off hatred, as if chopped on his body and soul, leaving a deep trauma, almost making the dark side of hatred brewing a big disaster.

It's really hard to imagine how much impact it would have if you cut the final ambition.


Xiao Ye sat cross-legged, repairing the trauma of the soul and body, and also carefully sensing the changes that occurred to him, and soon discovered it.

The'road' leading to a new realm, the mist shrouded in it is much thinner, letting him glimpse the mysteries, even in the age of the final law, there are many feelings that come to mind, like a lighthouse in the sea, guiding Xiao Ye's direction .

This discovery surprised Xiao Ye.

At the moment, he is fully comprehending in the soul zen world, constantly enlightening his own Taoism, especially the time holy way, he is also thinking, silently accumulating strength.

Time rushed, and a hundred years later.

During the years of change, it is difficult for the strong who can break through the sky to survive, and the surviving strong people are gradually getting older, making the three thousand worlds more and more wither.

In addition to other races, a few new tombs were added to the holy plane of the Soul Zen Realm in the human race, some of them aging to death, and some who failed to hit the realm and were killed by thunder.

Xuan Xiao was even more aging, and the majestic heroism of the past was no longer visible. In the end, Xiao Ye ignored the opposition and forced his own blood to prolong his life.

This is a heroic character. He had given him too much help. He couldn't bear to let the other party fall away.

The invasion of the years is really terrible, and no creature can escape.

There are more and more deceased old people in the Tower of Time, and those who can really accompany him in the end of the Fa era are simply gone.

On this day, he also rushed towards the boundless 3,000, and the trace was difficult to find, and no one knew his whereabouts.

Some people say that the end times are too horrible. Even the existence of Xiao Ye is difficult to resist the invasion of time. Perhaps Shou Yuan is about to end, so he chose to avoid the world.

Others said that Xiao Ye wanted to find a way out in the age of the last law.

Another few years passed, and finally this day—


Suddenly, a kind of supreme Dao Guo deterred all realms, caused the world to change, and the world was subverted.

An atmosphere of great catastrophe, which was only seen in the age of the last law, enveloped the entire universe, making the nine heavens and the earth shake.

The blazing causal reincarnation of thunder and light emerged in an instant, and I don’t know where it started, and where it finally ended. It was the trembling of the body, and just the breath of the catastrophe came to the point that they could not stand upright, and their faces were horrified.

In the age of the last law, they can seduce such a catastrophe, except Xiao Ye of the human race, they can't think of anyone else.

What level Xiao Ye is going to step into, they have no intention of paying attention, because the three thousand worlds in the age of the last law can't stand such twists and turns, they are likely to fall.

"What a shady leaf!"

"So many years of dormancy, the accumulation of strength, and finally the forcible transformation of God."

"With his Daoguo and this body, it doesn't need the ancestors to harvest the golden age like that, it is enough."

In the mysterious temple, there is a strange awn in the eyes of the sweeping old man. "It's just a pity that it's different from the past, difficult, difficult, difficult!"

(The third one is coming, continue to write the fourth one!)