Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 2809: The rest of the life

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

The Dao marks dominated by time take the initiative to manifest, and the news revealed is really amazing.

"Time dominates seniors, can you let me have the ancient **** blood?" Xiao Ye woke up a moment later and asked tentatively.

Time dominates Daojin, and has long pointed out that he will lead him to a place when the pedigree meeting is over.

There is time to dominate what is left by the body.

And after the lineage meeting, Xiao Ye deeply realized the importance of the inborn spirit lineage.

For example, after he showed the strength to suppress Raymond, Baiyun Divine Kingdom still chose Raymond, which can be seen.

"Hey, I said long ago that the creatures like the ancient gods of the chaotic world had a connection with my body."

"When you get to this place, you will know."

The sound of Daozhen dominated by time became more and more vicissitudes, and a trace of light flew out of the remaining trace of consciousness, rushing towards Xiao Ye's divine personality.


This light spot blended into the divine personality without hindrance. Xiao Ye didn't feel any change, but in the midst, he gave him guidance.

After doing all of this, the Dao marks dominated by time once again fell into silence, and it seems that no matter how hard they tried to preserve the last trace of consciousness, let Xiao Ye call, but there was no response.

"Aren't you in Birch House?"

Xiao Ye converged and carefully sensed the force of guidance and embarked on a journey.

The chaotic world is too vast, and even crossing the Birch House is extremely time-consuming, not to mention Xiao Ye is still facing the pursuit of the **** of cloud worship, and it is not known how many years it will take to reach the place where time is dominated by Daojin.


At the same time, in a distant chaotic space, a huge shield flew across the sky.

This shield, with hundreds of millions of lines of gods on it, is an extremely powerful artifact, but at this moment it has become a bearer and is supporting three god-level creatures.

Looking at the front of the shield, it is a white-haired old man riding a green cow. The dense scale armor covers the **** body. It was the angel who came to the main city of Birch House in the past to observe the ceremony.

He is taking two god-level geniuses to the **** capital of the Cloud Kingdom.

"Hey, after ten years of silence, can't you finally reveal the whereabouts?" Half-man half-dragon, burly body, strong body, a pair of dragon horns stood between the blue hairs, sparkling brilliantly, a pair of chaotic gods behind The wings stretched out and it was Raymond.

Ten years later, the trauma and loss of his duel with Xiao Ye have already recovered.

"Stirton, the descendant of the ancient **** in the chaotic world, is missing one more."

Raymond's eyes looked towards Stetton with his eyes closed, and he deliberately ridiculed, very proud.

He didn't need his own hands, only one decision was needed to cause the cloud worship kingdom to pay such attention, and even sent three high-level real gods to chase Xiao Ye, he was very proud.


"You'd better pray that worshiping the **** of cloud **** kingdom can really kill Xiao Ye Zhengfa, otherwise I can foresee that he will become your nightmare!"

Stetton opened his eyes and looked at Qing Qing Dao, but his heart was endlessly sorry.

The same descendant of the ancient god, he admired Xiao Ye very much, if the other party really fell like this, it is a pity.


At the other end, the three envoys of the higher real **** realm led the army of the gods and united with many god-level creatures of the Birch House. The news of Xiao Ye's encirclement and suppression was also constantly heard.

In the vicinity of the "Chuyun Branch City" in the Birch House, Xiao Ye showed traces, fighting with dozens of true gods who rushed to encircle and suppress the news. Eventually, they swept through the area, killed the encirclement, and went away.

In the prestigious territory of the Birch House, a median true **** who inherited the inborn spirit lineage discovered Xiao Ye, but was killed by the other party showing the chaotic species Qinglian Wonderland!

The three high-level real **** emissaries arrived, Xiao Ye was invincible, and was badly hit. She was lucky to escape, the traces were faint and difficult to trace.


For hundreds of years, the news spread throughout the Birch House, leaving the listeners without discoloration, triggering a storm.

Xiao Mingming has been listed on the Black List of the Kingdom of God, and is locked. It can be said that it is difficult to escape from the wings. Why can he repeatedly escape the envelope of the Tian Luo Di net?

For a time, the entire Birch House was in a state of turmoil, and even the other houses of worship of the Cloud Kingdom were alarmed.

Many creatures believe that Xiao Ye's luck is too much, and always escapes the most thrilling moment.

However, even if the three high-level real gods sent out, Xiao Ye could successfully escape, which can no longer be described by luck.


During these hundreds of years of escape, Xiao Ye has become more and more proficient in controlling the wonder of the chaotic species of Qinglian, and his strength is increasing at a visible speed!

At the same time, this is also like Xiao Ye, and the response to worshipping the cloud kingdom is also a kind of provocation!

Moving everywhere, if it was replaced by Raymond in the Great Escape, I am afraid it has already fallen.

In an instant, two hundred years passed.

"Mad, he disappeared again, he was almost there, and he could be killed!"

"Where is this kid hiding?"

In a chaotic space, the horror of the holy war is slowly dissipating, and the three divine figures are rushing out. The terrifying god-level will is scanning all over and over, not letting go of any corner, but there is no gain. .

This is exactly the three envoys of the true **** realm who worship the cloud kingdom, and they are clenching their teeth.

It is a shame to let Xiao Ye escape from under his eyes again and again.

However, they did not find that there were a five-story small tower and ruins floating together millions of kilometers away from them. They were not as dazzling as other artifacts, but rather ordinary and very unremarkable.

The will of the divine order swept through, as if an ordinary stone had been detected.

This is the Tower of Time, and also the basis for Xiao Ye's escape.

Unless he urges it, it will be difficult to expose the Tower of Time. This is also the change brought about by the time flow rate in the Tower of Time after coming to the world of chaos, which is equivalent to the outside world.

Within the Tower of Time, Xiao Ye's divine body has long been broken, and the blood of divine blood has flowed into a stream.

Even the floating gods are covered with many scars.

This is what he left behind in these years of escape, it can be described as nine deaths.

I don't know how long it has passed before Xiao Ye Shenge reorganized the divine body.

"The three angels of the higher real **** realm are really strong enough, unless I can cultivate the second scene of the five scenes."

"However, if there is no Fengshen Rosette, if you want to practice the second scene successfully, where is that simple?

There was a bit of wry smile on Xiao Ye's face.

Over the years, he has also tried to practice the five sceneries of supernatural powers, but only a faint impression.

"I heard that the **** of the cloud **** kingdom has sent an envoy of the higher real **** realm, but fortunately, the main town of Su Nan took me away from the main city, plus my own rush, and finally leaving Huamu. Within the territory." Xiao Ye was very calm.

He can't always sit in the tower of time all the time, and time will dominate what is left by the body, he must get it!

In this way, Xiao Ye healed his wounds silently in the Tower of Time, and even dare not reveal the will of the Divine Order. It was only after a full five years had passed that it rushed out carefully.

As expected, the **** who encircled and suppressed him had left this chaotic space and went to search elsewhere.

And Xiao Ye also seized the time and moved on.

"The place where time dominates Daojin's guidance is coming..." At this moment, the light spot integrated into the divine personality became hot.

(The third one is coming!)

(It's early in the morning, I wish you all the Mid-Autumn Festival wishes, I wish all readers and friends a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, happy family, health is most important!