Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 2985: Vast battle

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

"The peak war between Daqin and Baiyun, in the end, was the victory of Daqin. The three gods of Baiyun will all be the first to fall. Baiyun is almost a billion-strong army, and it has been criticized!"

"The first **** of the Great Qin Kingdom, Fan Jiguo, was so horrible. Unless he beheaded the first **** of Baiyun, Baiyun would not lose so fast."

"The creature named Xiao Ye also quickly grew up, and even slashed several legendary geniuses of the Great Qin God Kingdom, and had a non-negligible influence in this peak decisive battle."


The final decisive battle between Daqin and Baiyun caused unprecedented attention among many chaotic gods. When the news of the war came, it caused a sensation in nine days and ten days. After the silence of many chaotic gods, there was turmoil.

The result of this battle is far-reaching.

"It seems that this kid is about to become Daqin's new god, and in the future, he may be the second "Fan Jiguo", which really helps Daqin."

"This kind of genius, it is difficult for a chaos world to produce one in ten billion years, but it was pushed to Daqin by worshiping the cloud **** kingdom, and this kind of scourge was brewing.

There are also many powerful creatures with emotions.

Troubled times can create heroes.

And Xiao Ye's strong rise in this way, shocking nine days and ten places, undoubtedly confirmed this sentence, it seems that a future Shinto superpower is about to be born.

And Daqin's victory means that the war is over and it will usher in a quiet period, because Daqin has not stopped.

In the enchantment space, he just took a short break, and the three great generals Fan Ji, Morgan, and Dry Ruin led the rest of his men and waved their arms to the cloud!

At this moment, through the Divine Array and the Artifact, the creatures observed in countless spaces shuddered.

Daqin Shenguo is too fierce, do you want to take advantage of the situation to even out Baiyun?

Fools know that such actions definitely have the will of the Lord of the Great Qin God Kingdom.

After all, Baiyun was defeated, but the Lord of the Kingdom of Baiyun has not yet appeared. To step on Baiyun, this unshakable mountain must have the same level of numbers to move away.

But in any case, Baiyun's weakness is a foregone conclusion, and if no miracle appears, it may really be destroyed.

At the end of the long airspace, the enchantment of the kingdom of God spread, spectacular and gorgeous, with mysterious powers, like a guardian god, guarding the **** of worshiping the cloud, and maintaining stability.


But at this moment, the kingdom of God was shaken wildly, like a giant behemoth was hit, suffered an unprecedented impact, and there were spider-web-like cracks everywhere, quickly shrouded and expanding.

"Great Qin Army, here!"

This turmoil immediately caused a venerable creature to rush out of the war fortress in the long airspace, a desperate look appeared in his eyes, and the weapon in his hand was tightly grasped.

Once the enchantment of the kingdom of God was broken away, they were the last line of defense to worship the kingdom of clouds.

It is a pity that even the three gods who worshiped Yun will be killed. What will they do to stop the invasion of Daqin Tieqi?


This kind of shock only lasted for a hundred breaths, and the boundless enchantment of the kingdom of God finally broke and opened like a soap bubble.


The trumpet of the battle was humming, and thousands of horses and horses were rushing, and I saw a torrent of floods shrouded by the divine light. It was the great army of the Qin God Kingdom.

Their iron armor and clank, war Ge Shuosuo shone with cold light, and more than 4 billion troops gathered.

At the forefront are the three great generals, as well as more than two hundred gods and realm strongmen. Their cold eyes swept across the cloud-bearing spirits in the long sky.

"Tumishuo, would have ordered you to lead millions of troops and clear the long airspace!"

The blonde shawl, with a bleak look, looks like the first general of Jinwu, speaking with majesty and unspeakable coldness.

The battlefield of the Divine Kingdom is cruel.

To direct the army to Baiyun, you must have iron-blooded wrists and no woman's benevolence. Only in this way can you deter the remaining strong men in Baiyun and reduce your losses to a minimum.


Tumisuo went out and rushed up with a large army.

"Xiao Ye, you will be ordered to join the war and clear the long airspace with Tumishuo."

The Third God will dry the ruins quickly.

Today, Xiao Ye’s dragon value ranks first among legendary geniuses, and as long as he continues, there will be no suspense in becoming a new god.

Therefore, the dry ruins will naturally not be let go, giving Xiao Ye a chance to obtain the value of the dragon.


Xiao Ye quickly dispatched and took the army to kill the past.

The Emperor of the Silkworm and Ziyue Festival also attacked.

"If it weren't for the battlefield, I really wanted to kill this kid. Otherwise, until he became the new **** general, it would be difficult to have a chance."

Morgan of the three great gods, looking at Xiao Ye's back, grinding his teeth.

She Yan and Kun, who are under his door, have great potential, but they have suffered successive losses, causing his influence to fall sharply, and have a direct and indirect relationship with Xiao Ye. How can he not resent it?

"Haha, boys in the cloud, I'm waiting for you in hell!"

Crazy laughter resounded through the long air.

In the battle with Daqin, Baiyun can be said to be out of the group. Now it is defeated. The long airspace is the rear, and the natural guard is extremely empty. Even the strongest gods are few.

Under the attack of Xiao Ye and Tu Mishuo, there was no match at all. After just a few hours, the long airspace was emptied and became quiet.

"Here, there are still no more than 3,000 old friends."

"Apart from the Emperor of the Silkworm Emperor, did the worship of the God of the Clouds no longer mobilize the god-level creatures from the Three Thousand Realms? Or was it my old man who had fallen before I rushed to the battlefield?"

Xiao Ye stopped, his brow furrowed.

In any case, he had to visit the three thousand worlds in order to feel at ease.

"Baiyun God Kingdom is divided into ten domains and nine houses."

"Although their army was defeated, some of the strongest gods and gods in the prefectures and territories must be hidden. If we want to completely defeat Baiyun, we will inevitably suffer resistance."

"In order to save time, as well as to explore the truth and truth of Baiyun, I would have decided to divide the soldiers into nineteen roads and go to conquer these ten domains and nine mansions. ."

"Now start dividing tasks."

At this moment, the First God will issue a command.

After all, there are rumors that Baiyun Shenguo received the help of a living wing god, and its overall strength skyrocketed, otherwise it would not dare to fight like Daqin.

Therefore, the three great gods of Daqin will be extremely careful about this war.

"The soldiers are divided into nineteen roads and go to battle against the cloud, the ten domains and nine palaces?"

Xiao Ye was shocked when she heard the words. This was really a huge battle.

At the moment, Xiao Ye proposed to fight Muhua Mansion.

In this regard, the First God will directly agree.

After the division was completed, Xiao Ye did not hesitate, and took the emperor of the silkworm, Ziyue Festival, together with the twenty commanders, led the army, and rushed towards the direction of Muhua Mansion.

(The first is here!)