Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 2987: Different now and now

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

The years are most ruthless.

Even in the top chaotic world, long rivers and rivers will take away many things, not to mention the first-level world.

Although the Three Thousand Great Realms exist in the body of a fallen ancient god, the passage of time for more than 100,000 years has also undergone major changes.

In the vast universe starry sky, above a desolate star, a tall creature with gray hair and black hair all over the body is plowing.

His body clearly showed divine power, but he was willing to turn into an ordinary creature, and he died at sunset and rose at sunrise.

If Xiao Ye is here, he will surely recognize that this creature is the old sweeper who used to be the **** in the past, and is also the plane guardian of the 3,000 world.

After more than 100,000 years, the old sweeper no longer lives in the temple, but also puts down the broom in his hand, so he lives alone on this star, close to nature, and flowers and plants.

"Time flies so fast, in a flash, it's more than ten thousand years..."

The old man sweeping the ground glanced at the setting sun, with nostalgia on his face, left the work in his hand, and walked to a stone house not far away.


At this moment, he suddenly had a figure, as if sensing something, looking in a certain direction.

There, it was awe-inspiring direction of the Three Thousand Realms.

Just now, he noticed a trace of fluctuations from the gods.

"The **** land that I am in charge of has already dried up, and it is no longer possible to give birth to the god-level creation!"

The sweeping old man rose into the sky, quickly rushed out of this star, and placed himself in the vast universe.


At this moment, the fluctuations felt by the sweeping old man suddenly soared up like a terrifying storm, breaking out directly from the gods and earth, and raging among the three thousand worlds.

"It is from the chaotic world that creatures broke into the three thousand worlds!"

"Is it the worship of the cloud **** kingdom, and finally there is another **** sent? And, this **** is very strong!"

The sweeping old man shivered and his face was shocked.

Under the shroud of his divine order, the divine power revealed by the coming person was too strong, completely above this piece of heaven and earth, giving him an endless sense of insignificance.

The sweeping old man quickly lowered his head.

"Haha, three thousand worlds, I am finally back!"

Immediately afterwards, a loud laughter resounded, and the worlds were shaking, and the stars fell and exploded.

" he?"

Under the watchful eye of the sweeping old man, a middle-aged man with a human appearance suddenly moved in. His face was majestic. Although he converged his dignity, all his hands and feet flowed out with a glorious immortality.

"The emperor of the silkworm!"

The sweeping old man's face was shocked.

In the past, when the Emperor Celestial Emperor stepped into the rank of God and turned into a true God, he saw it with his own eyes. Afterwards, the Emperor Celestial Emperor was taken away by worshiping the Cloud Kingdom and formed an army to go to the battlefield.

In less than ten thousand years, the other party returned unharmed.

You know, he is the guardian of the three thousand worlds. It is easy to leave the first-class world, and it is difficult to return.

"Holy Emperor..."

The sweeping old man hesitated for a moment, but still lowered his posture and greeted him.

The Three Thousand Great Realm is no longer the original, and his plane guardian is really nothing.

However, the Emperor of the Silkworm, only looked at the old man who swept the floor, and then looked behind him.

"Sweep the old man?"

"It's been a long time!"

There was a gentle voice coming, but it fell in the ears of the sweeping old man, but it seemed to thunder.

I saw a young man with black hair and black hair who walked into the air without realizing the slightest power. Behind him was a slender man who was curious to watch everything in the three thousand worlds.

"Xiao! Ye!"

"You... you are back!"

The old man's pupils contracted violently, completely ignorant.

Although more than a hundred thousand years have passed, Xiao Ye has given him an impression that is too profound to be indelible for life.

In terms of seniority, Xiao Ye is far inferior to the ancestors of the Three Thousand Realms, but his great achievements are the first in the world of the Thousand Thousand Realms.

Xiao Ye broke many of the rules and iron laws of the Three Thousand Realms, which is also a real meaning, pushing the Three Thousand Realms to the height of the **** level.

After an interval of more than 100,000 years, Xiao Ye actually returned with the emperor of the silkworm.

"Old man sweeping the floor, see you again, don't you plan to invite my old friend to have two drinks?"

At the moment, Xiao Ye smiled and looked at the sweeping old man.

Returning to the Three Thousand Worlds, Xiao Ye was in a good mood.

The most important thing is to return here, his divine order will be enveloped, and immediately discovered that Xiaobai, the Four Emperors of the True Spirit, Bingya and others are still here!

This made him ecstatic.

At the same time, Xiao Ye also discovered that the Three Thousand Great Realms had not been the same as before, and gave birth to the breath of many god-level strongmen.

Xiao Ye did not rush to find relatives, but found the sweeping old man.

Baiyun Qingli waged a war against Daqin, dispatched god-level creatures in countless first-class worlds to form a large army, and there was no reason to let go of the three thousand worlds.

This can be seen from the encounter of the Emperor Celestial Sage.

What's more, this is his hometown, which is concerned by the **** of cloud worship, and Raymond can even threaten him with difficulty, why not start with his old man?

The sweeping old man, the plane guardian of the three thousand worlds, must know what happened in these years.

Without clearing this up, Xiao Ye couldn't rest easy.

"Sir, Mr. Xiao Ye can see it. How dare old age refuse to refuse, it is just that old age does collect a few bottles of fine wine. I only hope that Mr. Xiao Ye will not abandon the cold house too shabby."

The old sweeping man smiled bitterly and guided Xiao Ye to fall on the desolate ancient star, walked into the stone house, took out the five-tan wine and placed it on the stone table, inviting Xiao Ye, the emperor of the silkworm and Ziyue to sit down.

"It's still the wine of my hometown, it's more flavorful!"

Xiao Yetan pointed to wine tasting, his face full of emotion.

"Although the fine wine in my hometown is good, it has changed its taste. Lord Xiao Ye still don't greedy a cup, just leave after drinking."

The sweeping old man said deeply.

"Why?" Xiao Ye looked up.

"The time of more than 100,000 years has changed too much, eliminated too much, and created too much. Today's three thousand worlds, the martial arts of Changlong, the blooming of all flowers, and the evil spirits are rampant."

"There are dozens of respects for the newly-emerging God-level strongmen."

"Even my plane guardian can only be reduced to the embarrassment of recuperating here."

"Master Xiao Ye, your name is in the Three Thousand Worlds. I'm afraid not many people remember it."

The sweeping old man said with emotion.

"Historical changes, changes in years, all go well, count the trendy people, and look at the present, this is normal."

"So, will Xiao Ye be leaving? Ridiculous."

Xiao Ye did not dispute, said calmly.

"Master Xiao Ye, if I say that there is a large army of cloud worshipers hidden in the 3,000 world?"

The sweeping old man was silent for a long time before he whispered.

(The third one is coming!)