Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 303: Drive straight into

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

As the Xiangnan team and the Moxie team progressed, the number of beasts encountered along the way became more and more frequent, and the number of beasts that appeared each time increased. Even the overall strength of the two teams, they also felt strenuous.

Half a month later.

"Ma De, can these beasts be controlled by bandits?" Guo Tao scolded after killing the last beast.

According to the information they got, the robber's nest was only two thousand miles away from them.

"It's very possible." Ding Yi, who was holding a long stick, leaned over and pulled out the red stone from behind the head of the dead carcass.

They had no time to check the dead bodies of the beasts because they hurried on the road. Now they stopped and checked, and finally found out.

Those who can join the genius camp are definitely not stupid, but are very smart, and will soon be inferred.

"These stones are inscribed with runes to control the beasts from attacking us." The stones in Ding Yi's hands turned into powder and fell down.

"What now?" Guo Tao asked with a frown.

After a large number of beasts of shock, members of their team urged the identity tokens to form defensive armor. Although they have not yet helped Jiuzhu to help, each one was very lossy.

In this way, even if the robber's nest is found, it will be very detrimental to them.

"The robbers did not confront us head-on, but let the beasts attack us. Presumably, their strength is not as strong. As long as we rush through the encirclement of the beasts, we will be able to complete the mission."

"Never mind whether the Dragon Squad will catch up, immediately stop to fix two hours, adjust the state to the peak, and kill the robber's nest in one breath!" Ding Yi shouted.

"Okay, just listen to you." Guo Tao nodded.

Suddenly, the members of the two teams, sitting cross-legged, took the pill from the space ring and swallowed it, and began to silently resume their cultivation.

"Finally willing to stop and rest." Xiao Ye also stopped in the jungle about fourteen miles from them.

Team Xiang Nan and Team Mo Ye experienced a wave of fierce beasts, but he was very relaxed and unscathed.


At this moment, behind Xiao Ye suddenly came a burst of sound.

Xiao Ye's eyes flashed with a fine awn, and he turned around with the Yan knife in his hand. The blade spit out a dazzling awn, and he could attack at any time.

"It's me." A crisp female voice came, and Xiao Ye saw a green shadow flashing before him.

Coming, it is light dance.

Behind him, Kuang Dao and others followed.

"You are finally here."

A smile appeared on Xiao Ye's face. He was still worried about finding the home of the fierce beast. The members of the Dragon Hunting Squad had not yet caught up. After all, the mountain range was too large. Even if he left a mark, the Dragon Hunting Squad might be lost.

"Xiao Ye, you're fine." Xiao Ye was relieved to see Xiao Ye unscathed.

"Master Captain cares about me very much?" Xiao Ye couldn't help it.

The members of the Dragon Hunting Squad couldn’t help laughing, and Kuang Dao even said: “That’s of course, the captain is about to kill us all the way, causing us to consume a lot of Elixir, Xiao Ye, your kid can pay me."

Xiao Ye's speechless face, Kuang Dao this guy is still black as usual, no wonder he will speak in the Yan family lion.

"What time is it, and I'm still in a mood to joke." Qing Wu Jiao's body trembled, and her cheeks showed an unnatural blush.

Then Qingwu looked at Xiao Yedao: "How is the situation now? We have seen a lot of dead beasts along the way. What is going on?"

Xiao Ye's expression became solemn, and then told the whole situation.

"The bandits are likely to control the beasts?"

After listening to Xiao Ye's words, all members of the Dragon Hunting Squad took a deep breath, their expressions changed greatly, and a dignified atmosphere spread.

"Where are the Xiangnan team and the Moxie team?" Qingwu automatically ignored the threat of the beast. She now only wants to surpass the other two teams, and then complete the task.

"Captain, don't worry. The robbers can control the beasts. We can let the Xiangnan team and the Moxie team open the way for us, and the beasts will also consume their strength. When we find the robber's nest, we will not be too late." Xiao Ye smiled.

Qing Wu gave Xiao Ye a glance: "You guys are really black hearted."

But before the words were finished, Qingwu laughed at herself first, diluting the dignified atmosphere a lot.

"Haha, I like that. Who told Ding Yi and Guo Tao to pit us? I really want to see what expressions will be on their faces at that time." Mad knife's words caused a burst of laughter.


Robbers can control the beasts, of course, dangerous.

But there are dangers, it is also the Xiangnan team and the Moxie team, they just need to follow, if they find something wrong, just pull the leg and run.

Now the two teams are like their pioneers, and they can advance and retreat, attack and defend.

The members of the Dragon Hunting Squad all smirked and looked at Xiao Ye's gaze, which changed.

Xiao Ye's importance in the Dragon Squad now even surpasses the light dance.

"I really don't know what freak you are, your martial arts true detection, the martial arts warriors can't find it." Qing Wu muttered, and then sat down next to Xiao Ye.

The other members of the Dragon Hunting Squad sat down one by one, waiting for Xiao Ye's order.

Xiao Ye unleashes the true meaning of fusion martial arts and monitors the actions of Team Xiang Nan and Team Mo Xie.

"Hey, are you really from the endless sea? The warrior that came out of that place, but it can be fancy by the star king, is really strange." Qing Wu asked, beauty eyes stayed on Xiao Ye's face, with curiosity in his eyes.

Xiao Ye frowned as she heard the words, and a flash of light flashed through her dark pupil.

"Don't the warriors in the endless seas be bad?" Xiao Ye asked coldly.

The warriors in the endless sea have a very low status in the true spirit continent, so every time Xiao Ye heard these words, he was very uncomfortable.

Xiao Ye suddenly changed her face, making Qingwu dissatisfied and said: "It is a fact that the warriors in the endless sea are of low qualification..."

But before her words were finished, Xiao Ye was interrupted coldly: "This is indeed the truth, but it won't take long for me to change this fact!"

Dancing lightly for a moment, he turned his head to look and found that Xiao Yezheng was staring at her, her eyes were as blazing sun, full of strong self-confidence, like a peerless strongman, exuding endless sharpness.

At this moment, Qingwu Fangxin suddenly jumped up unnaturally, and his eyes were facing each other. Even Qingwu couldn't bear Xiao Ye's gaze, and first looked away.

"Huh, you guys, dare to talk to Miss Ben like this, but I still want to introduce you to the Emperor Realm..." Qingwu snorted lightly, turned her head away, and ignored Xiao Ye.

Of course, Xiao Ye didn't know what Qingwu was thinking. At this moment, he was watching the two teams with all his attention.

Time passed silently.

After two hours-

"They started to go!" Xiao Ye stood up and flew out quickly.

Hearing this sentence, the members of the Dragon Hunting Team quickly stood up one by one and rushed out with Xiao Ye.

"I'm so mad, I'm the captain!" Qing Wu stomped her feet angrily, and followed with angrily.

Under Xiao Ye's leadership, a group of people from the Dragon Hunting Team flew through the dense forest. Their range of martial arts was only released within five miles. If they were too close, they would be discovered. Of course, they must obey Xiao Ye's orders.

Compared with Xiao Ye's fusion of martial arts, they are no different from blind people.

It didn't take long for Xiangnan and Moxie to encounter another wave of beast interception.

Ding Yi and Guo Tao took the lead, broke out their peak strength, withstood most of the pressure, and killed a **** road. The two team members rushed past quickly, while the fierce beasts rushed in blood, while advancing quickly, not with the fierce Beast too much entanglement.

"It seems that they should not be far from the robber's nest." Xiao Ye's eyes were sharp, he speculated in his heart.

This is the case.

Eight hundred miles away from the two squads, it is a deep canyon, blocked by countless tall trees, like a fierce beast hidden in the dark, choking others.

On the sides of the canyon, dense caves were cut.

If you look closely, you can see that the abdomen of the entire mountain wall has been hollowed out, forming a huge cave space, which is connected to the dense cave.

At this moment, there was some fire rising inside the mountain belly, illuminating everything.

In the cave space, there is a man with long hair and a red robe.

A strange totem is depicted at the center of his eyebrows, Gao Ran sits on the gilt throne, his eyes slightly closed, and his body is surrounded by a rich grief.

"Sir, the young men came here." Suddenly, a warrior dressed in animal skin came in and respectfully knelt on one knee.

The man in the red robe opened his eyes when he heard the words, a flash of anger flashed in his pupils, and his hair was windless and automatic.

"Has sent fierce beasts to warn them, but dare to come?"

"The star king is so deceiving, so use me to hone his genius camp members, is this humiliating me?"

Speaking of the star king, he felt weak for a while. The other party is a super strong Wang Wujing, who can kill him with one finger.

If he kills members of the genius camp, he might even attract the star king, and the majesty of Wang Wujing cannot be offended!

Therefore, the Star King is simply bullying him.

The red robe man was more and more angry, and his body could not help shaking.

"Adult, what should I do? Are we going to withdraw?" The warrior below hesitated for a moment and asked, looking up.


The words fell, and a terrifying applause swept through, blasting the warrior, smashing it heavily on the mountain wall, and spitting out a blood.

"Retreat? My illustrious and powerful martial arts will bow to a bunch of young people who are not stinky? My plan is absolutely not to be missed!" The red robe man said angrily.

"Star King won't make me feel better, and I won't make him happy! Order down, kill!"