Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 3051: Secret World Pass

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

Time is like a gap between Baiju, and in a blink of an eye, another thousand years have passed away.

In the past thousand years, the Great Qin Kingdom has no threat from the enemy. Because of the expansion of the territory, the vitality of the damage is constantly being replenished, and it is no longer withering away, and it has really started its glorious start.

More and more god-level creatures have emerged from the first-class world and become part of the great Qin Divine Kingdom army.

Among them, geniuses who inherited the lineage of the innate gods and spirits also appeared like mushrooms and were recruited by the Great Qin Shenguo.

In the Great Qin God Capital, the strong are gathered, and there are new three levels of **** geniuses of bronze, silver and gold.

There are even two legendary geniuses born.

The number of god-level geniuses at four levels has once again broken through as much as two thousand!

This is a sign to climb again!

Those who have already stood at the peak of the Great Qin Kingdom are also attracting attention.

Regardless of other **** generals, Xiao Ye's movements were extremely noticeable.

Because in the millennium, Xiao Ye walked out of the Muhua Mansion, walking alone in the vast chaos, more and more magical powers were cultivated, and he almost stepped through the 20 domains and 19 palaces of the Great Qin Divine Kingdom.

During this period, he went deep into many hidden ruins, like what he was looking for, and also fought with mysterious creatures, which caused a shocking wave.

The power displayed has become even more terrifying, which has terrified countless creatures.

Is Xiao Ye verifying himself through this method?

At that time, Xiao Ye replaced Tumi to become a **** general, but he did not get the favor of the Lord of the Kingdom of God, and raised his state to the upper heaven.

This is regarded as a huge regret by many creatures.

Does it mean that Xiao Ye has to rely on himself to forcibly break into this state?

And this is obviously a long and bumpy road.

On this day, in the vast territory of the Great Qin Divine Kingdom, a place exploded loudly, erupting hundreds of millions of divine lights, shaking the vast chaos, trembling in all directions.

"General Xiao Ye, went to the Secret World Pass!"

A shocking news, like the growth of wings, swept the entire Great Qin Kingdom, the listeners were all trembling.

The chaotic world is shrouded in Chaos Heavenly Dao, and strange and strange creatures are emerging one after another, full of legends and secrets.

For example, after the Great Qin Divine Kingdom annexed and worshiped the Cloud Territory, it discovered a place called the Secret World Pass.

It was an ancient battlefield, traversing a country and a territory, and it was rumored that two innate gods had fought here.

Therefore, as soon as this place was discovered, it shook the entire Great Qin Kingdom, and many creatures swarmed in and wanted to explore it.

But even though the battle has ended for a million years or more, the secret world of God is still under the coercion of the horrible innate gods, like a natural barrier, so that God will stop the creatures under it.

From now on, in the present Great Qin Divine Kingdom, only the first deity successfully traversed Fan Jiguan.

With Xiao Ye's strength, there is no problem in trying to break in, but the possibility of crossing is almost equal to zero.

"My third Qin God of the Great Qin Kingdom, Lord Kuxu, also appeared at the entrance of the Secret World Pass, and broke into it together with Xiao Ye God!"

Soon, another more powerful news spread, immediately let the vast kingdom of God completely boiled.

The Kuxu had been to the Secret World God for a long time, but it did not cross like Fan Jiguan, and ended in failure several times.

Now it's time to try again at this time, apparently excited by Xiao Ye.

The two great gods will break into the mysterious world together, and such scenes are just blood-thrilling to think about.

"Xiao Ye God General and Kuxu God General have a very good relationship, it is impossible for them to fight, but they can use this method to compete!"

Countless creatures are hotly discussing, and can't sit still, and then go to the secret world gate to try to witness this rare event.

The entrance to the Secret World Pass is in the ‘Gourmet Region’, but the exit is within the ‘Xinfeng Mansion’.

Most of the creatures who came to watch the battle came to the gluttonous domain, and only a small part came to the territory of Xinfeng Prefecture.

It was a land of nothingness, and only endless bursts of divine light could be seen, and there were illusions of divine mountains one after another, and endless electric awns lingering around, and there was a golden looming looming.

As for the sights farther away, it is impossible to see through, and it can't be rushed through. There is a terrifying atmosphere here that has been banned.


Among them, a violent big collision came out, and there was a horrible wave of divine power impacting on this vast dangerous land.

Here, naturally is the exit of the secret world.

Although there are only a few of the creatures arriving here, they are already crowded at the exit.

Xiao Ye and Kuxu have already broken in. They can't see the situation in the outside world at all, nor do they know when they can break out.

But the creatures that came over were extremely patient, sitting on the threshold while discussing, and many of them even cultivated on the spot.

But no one thought that this class would be two hundred years.

Although there were constant shouts of killing in it, there were never creatures who actually came over.

"Did Xiao Ye God, and Kuxu God fail?"

"Ah, I went to gluttonous territory before I knew it!"


At the gate, many creatures couldn't sit still, shaking their heads with emotion, many people lost their patience, and suddenly got up and prepared to go away.


"It seems that someone came out!"

At this very moment, a person with acute senses suddenly looked at the position of the gate, staring at him violently, spitting out the words, so that the noise in the field disappeared and there was silence.

Sure enough, heavy footsteps spread at the gate, and I saw a very terrifying creature, and he stumbled out of the footsteps.

He has the appearance and body of a human being, has a silver hair, is long at the waist, and can be judged by the light. The face is carved like marble, the edges and corners are sharp, and the snow is like jade.

"Sure enough, it's the **** of dry ruins. I didn't expect him to be able to pass the secret world."

"With this god, my Daqin can expect in the future!"


In an instant, the creature at the gate cheered loudly.

Being able to pass the secret world pass itself represents a supreme achievement. Apart from the Great Qin God Master, the Great Qin God Kingdom can only be achieved by Fan Jiguo.

As for Xiao Ye...

Although the reputation has risen in recent years, the heritage is too weak. In their view, compared with the third **** general, it is still much worse.

However, in the face of the cheers of many creatures, the dry ruins had no joy, but instead looked pale at the secret world behind him, with a bitter smile.

"Brother Xiao Ye, I can't keep up with you!"

This voice, like a self-talk, came to silence the gate again, and all the creatures were ignorant.

Immediately afterwards, footsteps heard from the gate, and I saw a man in a black robe and walked out slowly.

(The second one is here. Continue to write the third one!)