Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 3152: The Kingdom of the Gods

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

"Hahaha, the second hurdle is finally over, I am still alive!"

"Oh, think of the three candidates in our kingdom of God, but now I come to the end, but I am the only one."


Geniuses lurking everywhere in the realm of desolation raised their heads and laughed, but there was no color of joy, some were only bitter, and there were even tears in their eyes.

This selection road is too bloody, there are countless corpses, and too many talented creatures have fallen.

Among them, most people can come to the end, luck accounted for the main reason.

Nowadays, among the candidates, the strong powers stand side by side, and even the powers of the Taoist realm have fallen. If they can pass the second hurdle, they will still only become supporting roles.

It is almost impossible to become an innate **** disciple through this selection.


Taoist geniuses such as Nanmu, Shudis, Xifu, etc., were not excited, but only dignified.

The four geniuses who suddenly appeared, formed a small group, and looked around, like four mountains pressed against their hearts, making them all breathless.

This time the innate gods selected the disciples, even they were in danger.

At this moment, Xiao Ye looked.

Because he noticed that as the supervisor made the words of the gadget fall, the entire desolate world was shrouded in a force of terror, and the space was twisted into a space vortex, and these geniuses were successively transformed into places. Devour.

"Are you going to the third hurdle?" Xiao Ye said inwardly, his expression dignified.

After selecting the first two levels, I am afraid that it is only the foreshadowing of the last level. No one can say what they will face next.

Shortly thereafter, Xiao Ye was also swallowed by the vortex of space.


At the same time, in the core area of ​​Galo Little Forbidden Sky, the original silence was broken and gradually became stronger.

"The second level of selection is over!"

"I heard that the elimination rate of the second level of selection is very high, and only a thousand candidates can pass."

Under the gaze of the existence of the gods and gods of the major kingdoms, the vast chaotic cloud not far away is rolling, and a vortex of space has appeared one after another.

Looking closely, these vortexes of space, like the mouths of giant beasts, spit out genius creatures.

At this moment, these existences are all tense.

In the first two levels of the selection of innate **** disciples, they cannot watch the battle.

After so many years, what happened in the first two levels, they do not know, they can only wait quietly.

At this time, their state of mind was also destroyed, staring at the vortex emerging from the chaotic cloud.

"Were all the candidates' stone of the new Purple God Kingdom shattered, was it the entire army?"

"Haha, our **** country has a genius, passed the first two levels!"


In the vortex, every time a genius is rushed out, it can cause a lot of storms.

"Xiao Ye..."

Listening to the sound of discussion from all around, an old Taoist man with a clean look and an old Taoist glove clenched his fists, staring at those swirls violently, without letting go of any one, and winning the genius from the second level.

He is the Great Qin God Lord.

"Sure enough, it's still too reluctant."

Half of the thousand candidates have appeared, and the Great Qin Lord can no longer suppress his inner disappointment.

There were too many powerful candidates for this selection event.

He knew that Xiao Ye had little hope of passing, but he still had a hope.

"Xiao Ye, blame me, I shouldn't have sent you to run."

Daqin Divine Lord couldn't help but blame himself.

Once eliminated, the final result is death.

With the potential of Xiao Ye, it is a pity not to be an innate **** disciple, but future achievements will not be under him.

"Xiao...Xiao Ye?"

Suddenly, Master Qin looked away and saw one of the whirlpools, and a man in black robe flew out of the human body. He suddenly froze for a moment, and couldn't help being ecstatic.

"No! Xiao Ye's realm..."

"how can that be!"

At the next moment, the Great Qin Lord shivered and exclaimed in silence.

Before Xiao Ye ran for election, he didn't even reach the limit of the heaven and earth.

Not only has he successfully surpassed the second hurdle, but he has also broken through to his level? This dreamlike scene made Daqin Divine Master ignorant.

"It's the kid from the Great Qin Shenguo!"

"How did he break into the Tao Realm?"


At the same time, other superpowers of the super-god kingdoms were aware of Xiao Ye's realm, and suddenly looked horrified, and there was a loud noise.

The breakthrough of Wanchao is justified.

But Xiao Ye only came from the ordinary Kingdom of God.

There are also many gods who will meditate.

It seems that the first two hurdles of this selection, although dangerous, are definitely against chance.

"It's back to Galo forbidden sky?"

Standing on top of the chaotic cloud again, Xiao Ye was a little stunned. Looking around, he found Great Qin God Lord and nodded to him.

At this moment, not when he was reminiscing, he focused his attention on the four mysterious geniuses including Yan Yifan, who inherited the blood of the seven-star level, and Feng Qiu, who comprehend the wonders of Dadao.

He discovered that for these four mysterious geniuses, the powerful gods and gods around him didn't pay much attention.

Time passed slowly, and soon thousands of candidates appeared on the chaotic cloud.

A weird atmosphere spread. Many gods and gods will exist, many of them will be gloating, and they will look at the three real disc gods who are present.

None of these thousand candidates came from the real kingdom of God.

Even the imaginary and false way of high hopes did not appear, and was obviously eliminated.

"I really have eight candidates in the Kingdom of God, but the whole army has been wiped out?"

"Who did it, be sure to find out!"

The three real players were all trembling with anger.

In fact, they already knew about this news, because all the genius goddess of the election had shattered.

They just can’t believe it!

Regardless of the other geniuses in the candidature, how can the wind and virtual Dao be based on the realm of Taoism?

They speculated that it may be that the stone of the gods was wrong, so they waited until now with a hope, but the scene in front of them smashed all their luck.



These emotions emerged, and unless there were innate gods in the field, they would have rushed up to find out what happened.

Supervisor Hu, just sneered, glanced at the real disc gods and generals, and then five colored feathers rushed up and floated down.


Suddenly, the chaotic clouds suddenly changed, and a hundred rainbow lights rose, turned into a rainbow bridge, and extended towards the void in front.

And at the end of each rainbow bridge, it was completely shrouded in mist, and I didn't know where to go.

"Lucky little guys, through these hundred rainbow bridges, you can reach the third level."

"But each Rainbow Bridge can only send one candidate to the third level."

"Now, get started."

The loud voice of the supervising elders resounded from heaven to earth, leaving many geniuses above the chaotic cloud in silence.

They finally passed the second hurdle, but now they will be eliminated by 90% on the way to the third hurdle?

(The first is here!)