Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 3166: Sui God Lord

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

Kill the real disk god!

Looking at the countless kingdoms of Galuo Xiaotiantian, few creatures dare to say such words.

But this time from Xiao Ye, the five true disc gods will be extremely dignified, and they will look behind Xiao Ye.

There, there are four figures of the creatures, slowly emerging, all of them are crammed, and the whole body is surrounded by the divine light, at first glance is an extraordinary generation.

"Three of them have reached the Tao Realm, and one of them has the bloodline, I am afraid that they have reached the seven-star level!"

All of a sudden, the true gods were attracted by their hearts, and their expressions were horrified.

A genius from an ordinary kingdom of God, how long has it been before entering the realm of Dao, even with such energy, can he make such a terrible creature?

"not good!"

"It's them!"

"Even if they didn't kill Xiao Ye, they should be opposed to it. How are they getting together now?"

On top of the colorful chariots, the **** general named Weizhen, his pupils contracted violently, and if he was struck by lightning, he could not tremble.

The selection of the innate gods, which ended not long ago, is one of the three gods of the True God State who will go to watch the battle.

How can't I recognize the four mysterious geniuses in front of me?

Feng Zun and Yan Yifan's own strength was too horrible. At that time, in the Hongqiao dispute, they overwhelmed the other candidates and could not enter the third hurdle, so Xiao Ye broke into the room.

However, in his view, Xiao Ye must be a dead end, and the selection result is completely predictable.

the most important is……

These four mysterious geniuses are likely to become disciples of innate gods!

Such an identity, even came to help Xiao Ye?

But reality has not allowed him to think more, because the four mysterious geniuses first appeared, and they were directed towards them.

"Brother Xiao, now that you have come to this point, why don't you help you kill the real player?"

Feng Zun, a **** of holiness and thinness, took the lead, and a hundred silks of masculine avenues emerged, gathered together, and turned into a torrent of avenues, and followed him towards the impact of a true disk god.

His voice didn't fall, and the chariot where the **** would sit down, and the mythical beast that pulled the chariot, all exploded.

"Galuo Xiaotiantian's super **** kingdom is not very good. Can the gods be strong?"

The whole body is covered with thorny red hair, and the messy grass like Yan Yifan is also dispatched. He also chose a **** to kill.

It's just that he is more direct and urges Xeon Invincible to spread.

Two other mysterious geniuses.

One, like Xiao Ye, has a two-path physique, and the other has a very high understanding of the avenue, which is not far from the first level, and he is also attacking a true disk god.

"What exactly is going on?"

Victoria's Evil was furious.

The emergence of these four mysterious geniuses completely disrupted their plans and confronted them with a real challenge, but they all had the upper hand.

If among these four mysterious geniuses, there are really congenital gods and disciples, and there is a loss, they can’t afford the real god.

"Only you are left."

"Then let me come."

At the same time, a cold voice resounded, and I saw Xiao Ye walking in the air, the whole body was lit up, the two roads of deprivation and return to the source rose at the same time, and the dual power of the Tao spread at once, like a storm Generally came towards him.


The emperor frightened and furious, rising twelve threads of silk around him, and was forced to face the battle.

Not to mention the four mysterious geniuses, Xiao Ye was very difficult to deal with, and he was caught in a hard fight, even if he wanted to withdraw.

The five real players will be intercepted.

The four Taoist formations that rose in the void became a killing machine, and the blazing light was swept away, like a large net shrouded down, which can be called a destructive and screaming army of tens of billions of reals. In the continuous shrinking, the blood of the gods was scattered in the territory of Great Qin, making the radius of 10 billion miles into a place of death.

Many leaders roared with grief and indignation, trying to escape, but like moths fighting the fire, they were still dying.

Whoo! Whoo!

Billions of kilometers away, two figures emerged one after the other, it was the Great Qin God and Fan Jiguo.


In this dream-like scene, Fan Jiguan's expression was dull.

Super Real Kingdom, Xingshi came from all walks of life, dispatched a large army of such a lineup, the result has just broken into the territory of the Great Qin, will it hurt the soldiers?

This is going to spread out, and you have to shock your eyes!

"Divine Lord, hearing that the four mysterious geniuses are likely to become congenital **** disciples, Xiao Ye could even make friends with them?"

Fan Jiguan shook his stunned head and asked in a low voice.

"You ask me, who do I ask?"

The Great Qin God Lord is also bitterly smiling.

He had planned to fight as hard as he could to fight the real army, but now it was not his turn at all, and the Great Qin God Kingdom crisis collapsed.

"In the third level, what happened, Xiao Ye, really lost the election?"

Lord Qin whispered to himself, and there was a speculation in his heart.

This thought only surfaced, making him full of blood and blood, his face flushed.

"God Lord, the real disk **** will be in danger!"

At this moment, Fan Jiguan exclaimed.


As his words fell, I saw a divine personality of the true **** who was beaten by Feng Zun.

Feng Zun's comprehension of the avenue is too high, and he can easily overpower the super **** of the country.


Immediately afterwards, the true disk **** who fought against Yan Yifan was also invincible and was torn apart by him.

His divinity did not escape, and Yan Yifan squeezed it.

After dozens of breaths, the other two real players were also on the spot.

Only Xiao Ye was still fighting fiercely with the evil, and the terrible fluctuations shook the chaos.

However, the servant was not willing to fight.

Seeing the four real disk gods, they were killed one after another, and they were frightened. Under the distraction, they were also shattered by Xiao Ye's deprivation of the big handprint.


His dim body instantly dimmed, as if Shen Yun was deprived of a part, he vomited blood and flew out.

"Xiao Ye!"

"You kill me the real disk genius first, and then the layout pits me to kill the real disk god, and my real disk **** master will inevitably put you down!"

Seeing that Xiao Ye seized the opportunity and sublimated his strength, another series of three deprivations of big fingerprints came and he shouted resistance.

But this is futile.

Along with a scream, the divine body and the divine spirit split apart, and finally turned into a ball of powder flying between the world.

"Real God?"

"He dare to come, and I will send him back to the west to reunite with you."

Xiao Ye said coldly, and then flashed into the real army, but the words he uttered did not disperse for a long time, so that the great Qin God and Fan Jituo in the distance were twitching the corners of their mouths, completely petrified.

Xiao Ye made friends with the four mysterious geniuses and successfully sniped the five great generals of the real **** of the real world.

But dare to look at the real god? Only the four mysterious gods can't do it.

What other cards do he have?

(The third one is coming!)