Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 321: Power surge

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

Suppressed by the star king?

Xiao Ye stunned when he heard Jiuzhu's words. Why did Starfall King do this? As if I wanted to see myself oppressed by the two evils.

Of course Jiuzhu could see Xiao Ye's doubts. He was silent for a moment before slowly saying: "You are a piece of pure jade lacking carving and grinding in the eyes of Master Xingyuwang."

"He hopes that with the help of Xiang Nan and Mo Xie, you can fully tap the potential of you. Sure enough, your strength will increase to the point where even Guo Tao defeated."

Xiao Yewen Yan's heart quivered: "It turned out that I didn't expect that Starfall King had such great expectations for me. Let me not challenge Xiang Nan and Moxie's challenge in the challenge, is it also the meaning of Starfall King?"

Jiuzhu shook his head: "Of course not, this is just my personal suggestion."

"I can only tell you that if you don't refuse the challenge of these two people, you will be defeated, but as long as you have a good performance, your future will be promising."

Xiao Ye held his breath slightly, and his heart was hot, but he was even more puzzled by Jiu Zhu's words. He had an excellent performance in the challenge. What does it have to do with his future?

Xiao Ye questioned, but Jiuzhu was reluctant to talk more, only to say that this matter is related to the secret of the star king.

"Okay." Xiao Ye nodded helplessly, and he had no intention of escaping the challenges of Xiang Nan and Mo Ye.

Xiao Ye paid a courtesy to Jiuzhu, preparing to go back to his palace to practice hard.

After all, his fourth Si Xuan Dan has just recovered. In such a state, it is quite difficult to have an excellent performance in the challenge.

The next minute and second are very precious to Xiao Ye.

"Wait." Suddenly, Jiuzhu took a porcelain bottle from the space ring and threw it to Xiao Ye.

"I went to your palace a few days ago to find you, I found this thing on the ground, and now I will return it to you." Jiuzhu said.

Xiao Ye was taken aback for a moment, and he took the porcelain bottle and was puzzled.

Was this thing found in his palace? He couldn't remember when he had the habit of throwing things away.

Under the watchfulness of Jiu Zhu, Xiao Ye pulled the stopper, and suddenly an incomparable world energy burst out of it, and the misty light was blazing fiercely, pervading the exchange hall.

Xiao Ye just breathed lightly, and felt that the four Xuan Dans in the body were shaking, as if they could not wait to swallow the treasures in the porcelain bottle.

"Three drops of Yuan Shi Jing Soul!"

When Xiao Ye saw the treasure in the porcelain bottle clearly, he took a breath.

The last time he exchanged four drops of Yuan Shi Jing Soul, they have all been used up. How could these three drops of Yuan Shi Jing Soul be his own?

Xiao Ye looked up at Jiuzhu and was about to speak, but found Jiuzhu glared at him and waved impatiently: "Hurry up!"

Xiao Ye suddenly felt a sudden, Jiu Zhu deliberately gave him three drops of Yuan Shi Jing So, but he was afraid to lose his tongue, so he made an excuse at random.

With three drops of Yuanshi Jingshen, it is not empty talk to quickly upgrade Shui Xuandan's level.

"Thank you Master Jiuzhu!" Xiao Ye said sincerely, bowed to Jiuzhu sincerely, and then turned away with a porcelain bottle.

"Xiao Ye, I hope you can meet the expectations of Master Xingyue Wang in the challenge after the assessment." Jiu Zhuning looked at Xiao Ye's back and said slowly.


Xiao Ye returned to the palace and immediately took out Yuan Shi's spirit, his face full of excitement.

"It seems that my goal is about to change." Xiao Ye's heart burst into a crazy idea.

Before obtaining the three drops of Yuanshi Essence, even if the Tower of Time can extend the distance from the assessment to three hundred days, and with the sufficient supply of Zhongpin Yuanshi, he can raise Shui Xuan Dan to four at most. Turn to the early levels of Xuanwu.

After all, it is not a simple matter for Xuanwu Realm to improve and cultivate.

At that time four Xuandan Qi Qi broke out, his strength is still difficult to compete with any of Xiang Nan and Mo Xie.

"But it's different now. With three drops of Yuan Shi Jing So, you can save me a lot of hard work and make Shui Xuan Dan's level more. Maybe I can beat Xiang Nan or Mo Xie not necessarily!" Xiao Ye's eyes Jingmang flashes.

If anyone is here and hears Xiao Ye, he will definitely think that Xiao Ye is crazy.

The three monsters have special physiques, the potential to defeat enemies across the border is terrifying, and coupled with their advanced training, it is very difficult for ordinary genius camp members to take three moves in their hands, and Xiao Ye dare to defeat them by arrogant words. ?

This idea is crazy.

But Xiao Ye knows that this idea is likely to become a reality. The four Xuanbao tactics he cultivated completely compensated for his lack of special physique.

"My Xiao Ye is about to create a miracle and beat the Son of Heaven with his ordinary body, beyond the realm!" Xiao Ye was full of strong self-confidence and began to take Yuan Shi Jing Soul.


A drop of Yuanshi spirit enters the body, like the blazing sun, radiating a terrifying and incomparable spirit of heaven and earth.

Xiao Ye suppresses the other three Xuan Dan and puts all his energy on the promotion of Shui Xuan Dan.

In the middle of Xuanwu...

In the late Xuanwu...

The early period of two-turn Xuanwu...

After Shui Xuan Dan swallowed the energy of Yuan Shi Jing Soul, he rose up as if sitting on a rocket until all three drops of Yuan Shi Jing Soul had been consumed. He Shui Xuan Dan had reached the middle of the four-turn Xuanwu.

Moreover, with the help of the Tower of Time, the outside world has only passed three days. Such a speed has to be said to be amazing.

The reason is that Xiao Ye opened the third floor of the Tower of Time, absorbing the energy of heaven and earth at a rate comparable to that of the 30-knowledge genius. The essence of Erlai Yuanshi is the essence of Zhongpin Yuanshi, which is very easy to absorb.

Then Xiao Ye took out Zhongpin Yuanshi to practice, and the speed suddenly dropped.

"Xuan Dan gets harder and harder to get to the back, and my Yuanshi spirits are also exhausted." Xiao Ye felt sorry for her, and then abandoned the miscellaneous thoughts and continued to practice.

Time flies, the last seven days have passed, and the day of assessment has arrived.

In the early morning of this day, the members of the Genius Camp walked out of their palaces and rushed to the central square of the Genius Camp. Today’s assessment and challenge will be held here.

Some people are confident, others are worried and worried about whether they can stay in the genius camp smoothly.

It didn’t take long for the genius camp’s central square to be filled with members of the genius camp. They were divided into three teams. By comparison, the members of the dragon hunt team were all energetic.

In the last bandit mission, they gained a lot of contribution points and exchanged a lot of treasures in the exchange hall. Therefore, cultivation has made great progress and does not need to worry about being eliminated in the assessment.

In addition to the members of the genius camp, there are two men in the central square. In addition to Jiuzhu carrying a long sword, there is also a snow-white, tall and middle-aged man.

"I didn't expect even Master Fu to come." The genius camp members present stared at the snow-white man with fiery eyes.

"I heard that Master Fu has a good relationship with Xiang Nan and others. Presumably, he heard that Xiang Nan and others would take part in the assessment, so he came here in person," someone said.

Master Fu in their mouth, the full name of Fu Xuedao, like Jiuzhu, is a strong in the virtual martial realm, and also follows the star king, and is powerful.

Suddenly, the crowd in the central square rioted and looked away into the distance, his eyes full of dignity.

I saw that there were two young men with different temperaments coming together, one with cold eyes and one with impermanence. These two young men were like two big mountains, pressing on everyone's heart, making them breathless.

Xiang Nan and Mo Xie among the three great evils of the Genius Camp, they really came to participate in the assessment.

As soon as they appeared, Guo Tao and Ding Yi were excited.

"Master Fu, Master Jiuzhu!" Xiang Nan and Mo Xie ignored the ordinary members of the genius camp and went straight to Jiuzhu and Fu Xuedao.

As the sons of the heavens, they do not need to pay a big gift even when facing the strong in the virtual martial arts.

"Yes, I hope to see the demeanor of the Son of Heaven this time." Fu Xuedao nodded, nodding at the two with a smile.

"That's nature." Xiang Nan's eyes were cold and silent, but Mo Xie laughed, and there was a chill in the depths of his eyes.

Fu Xuedao smiled slightly, and then looked at the Jiuzhu Road beside him: "Jiuzhu, the boy you are optimistic about, it seems that he has not come yet. Is it because he heard the news of the two big evils participating in the assessment, so he is going to avoid it? ?"

"If so, it really disappoints me."

Jiu Zhu frowned slightly, although Fu Xuedao followed him like the Star King, but the two had been out of alignment. Obviously, this time the other party was satire at Xiao Ye.

"Relax, Xiao Ye is not that kind of person." Jiu Zhu said lightly.

The crazy knife in the field heard Jiuzhu and Fu Xuedao, and the words full of gunpowder smelled anxiously: "Why hasn't Xiao Ye yet appeared? Did he forget that today is the day of assessment?"

Now that even the two great evils have appeared, Xiao Ye is almost gone.

At this moment, in a palace not far from the central square, Xiao Ye's body trembled, and suddenly opened his eyes, as if a peerless beast woke up, a terrifying breath.

"Shui Xuandan finally broke through to the early stage of the six-turn Xuanwu!" Xiao Ye stood up, his eyes were bright, his black hair danced violently, and there was a spirit of war against him.

He did not appear in the central square in time because the breakthrough moment was now finally successful.

Now Shui Xuandan's level has also been raised, making him full of strong confidence.

Even Xiao Ye did not know that his four Xuandan powers broke out together, and to what extent his own strength would be reached, because his strength has exceeded his expectations.

The four Xuandan recovery, this is not a simple power increase, his Balong Town Sky Boxing, the power will also increase again.

"The Son of Heaven is the king of the same realm, and the potential for fighting across the realm is huge. Today, Xiao Ye wants to have a good understanding and see who is stronger!"

Xiao Ye whispered to herself, and then took a step, her figure had disappeared into the palace, and it was amazingly fast.