Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 3211: A message

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

The flow of the years and rivers is still rapid in the banned sky of the chaotic world.

For the four branches of the congenital spirit group in the reincarnated sea, five thousand years is definitely not a long one.

It was only half a year before 5,000 years. In the depths of the sky dome in the reincarnated sea, there was an early divine light splitting, entangled with the five-color Shenxia, ​​flowing out of the essence of chaos, terrifying, and even gathering thunder and lightning in all directions on its own, opened a minefield.

At this moment, in the reincarnated sea, I don't know how many disciples of the branch of the innate **** were awakened, and they looked at the minefield far away.

In that minefield, they clearly noticed that a strong volatility was rising, as if Qibao was born.

But the strange thing is that on this day, only some disciples from the four branches of the ancient gods, wing gods, dark gods, and ice gods in the entire reincarnated sea area could not help but go to this minefield for investigation.

As long as the disciples who understand the reincarnation of the sea, naturally understand that this is the prelude of the gods will appear!

The innate gods who are high above have already formulated rules. In this battle of gods, only the disciples of the four large groups of ethnic groups can go. How can the other disciples of the branch of the clan dare to get involved?

On this day, a fierce duel took place in this sea of ​​thunder and lightning, which lasted for more than a few months.

Five hundred years later, there was a chaotic light again, if the sky clouds crashed into the reincarnation sea area, let an island rise in the deep sea.

This island was born from the chaotic thunder and light, sacred, and there is a mythical beast on it.

It does not know how many years it has lived, and it has grown white fluff all over the body, which caused the ancient sky to shake, and there are many cracks on its carrying giant armor, but it is natural.

In the chaotic world, tortoise shells could have been predicted to be auspicious and unbelievable, and this basaltic armor is more like a kind of supreme supernatural power. Once the news spread, it led to the chasing of disciples of the four innate gods.

After that, in the past three hundred years, one stone tablet after another has risen from the sea and rises to the sky, comparable to the relief of innate gods, tall and majestic, dense and dense, with a lot of text engraved. I don’t know what time it belongs to. .


The miracles in the reincarnation area are repeated, and the frequency of Qibao’s present life is becoming more and more dense, making the reincarnation area extremely unstable, and there are choppy scenes everywhere.

With these treasures as the center, the surrounding seawater is impregnated with various colors of blood.

The discord of the gods hasn't really started yet, and some disciples of innate gods have fallen!

In the face of the disciples of other groups, it is possible to kill. This is also the tacit consent of the innate gods. It is also a kind of tempering to speak entirely by ability.

For example, the purpose of the **** Que is this.

The four groups of ancient gods, wing gods, dark gods, and ice gods have been enveloped by a dignified atmosphere.

No need to think about it, the trip of the gods will surely be an unimaginable and fierce collision. It can be said that the strong powers will rise up together, and maybe it will break apart.

If you don’t have enough strength, you have to go, maybe you have to fill your desires with your life.

In the reincarnated waters, fifty-six ancient **** reliefs stood up.

Unlike the past, the fifty-six reliefs are no longer silent, and many of the branch disciples no longer retreat. They all came out, standing in the sky or sitting on the relief square.

Looking closely, many of them even lost their looks, as if they had experienced fighting and fighting, and they still had bruises on their bodies.

Only half of the five-thousand-year period has passed. There are many treasures in the reincarnation area. Many of the disciples of the ancient **** group have been attracted to go, and they have been fighting with other disciples of innate gods.

Today, five thousand years passed by, and it has really come to an end, with only the last two days left.

These branch disciples simply stopped retreating, but waited here.

On the relief of Che Yuanhou, Ji Yan, the head of the dragon, stood on it, and he looked far ahead.

At the end of the line of sight, there is a behemoth that occupies the reincarnated sea, and its location is very special, just right in the center of the four groups of ancient gods, wing gods, dark gods, and ice gods.

This behemoth, which is just about to open, has appeared a few days ago.

It's just that most of the gods are still sunk in the reincarnated sea, and the part that rises to the surface is vague, like a mirage.

"It's really cruel."

Just staring at the behemoth, Ji Yan was a throbbing heart, and blood was rushing, as if inexplicably summoned, but he did not dare to take risks.

Over the years, he also had the courage to go and witnessed the birth of Qibao once, and such tragic pictures made him immortal forever.

"But Xiao Ye, the younger brother, is really determined."

"In the past five thousand years, the reincarnation area has been noisy, and he didn't show up once."

Ji Yan's gaze looked at the world inside the relief of Cheyuanhou.

In recent years, the entire branch of the ancient **** group has not yet appeared, except for Xiao Ye, which is also the brothers who rank top in strength.


At this moment, he was stunned, because in his sight, a man in a black robe flew out, not who is Xiao Ye?

"Brother Xiao Ye, you are finally out!" Ji Yan quickly greeted him.

"Brother Ji Yan?"

Xiao Ye was speechless.

Why can he meet Ji Yan every time he goes out of customs? The other party seems to have never practiced at all, and is more attentive to the information on reincarnation.

However, if you think about it, this is normal.

As new disciples like them, how can they be integrated if they do not have as much understanding of the reincarnation as possible?

"Brother Ji Yan, depending on your appearance, there seems to be something to tell me?" Xiao Ye smiled slightly and greeted him.

For Ji Yan, he has a good impression.

"Little Brother, I'm afraid you don't know how fierce the fighting has been among the disciples of the four major ethnic groups..."

Ji Yan opened the conversation box and talked endlessly.


Xiao Ye heard the words and frowned.

Before the **** que was officially opened, did some disciples fall?

"Brother Xiao Ye, if I remember correctly, should you come from Galo Little Forbidden Heaven?"

Suddenly, Ji Yan's expression became strange.

"Not bad." Xiao Ye nodded.

"Then tell you good news, a terrible genius appeared in the branch of the ice **** group."

"The ice **** bloodline is originally weaker than the ancient **** bloodline, but his strength is comparable to that of Brother Gumulin, and he will also participate in the battle of gods."

"And he, like you, also came from Galo Little Forbidden Heaven, but it came a million years earlier than you. In response to this sentiment, after entering the gods, maybe the other party can take care of you."

Ji Yan suddenly laughed, and the words he uttered made Xiao Ye brow.

The same is from the small ban of Galo, which is a million years earlier than him?

Summarize this information...

"Not good! Could it be a genius from the real kingdom of God?" Xiao Ye's expression slightly changed.

(The third one is coming!)