Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 3212: The battle of the gods begins

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

Galo is banned from heaven, and every million epochs, there will be a selection of innate gods and disciples. For example, he is the only winner in this selection.

And the time goes back to the last selection. The real state of the gods is the biggest winner, sending two disciples to the innate gods in one breath.

The real disk jumped up, suppressing Galo's little ban, and it was difficult to find opponents in the super **** kingdom.

"Something is not good..." Xiao Yan gave a bitter smile with the'good news' delivered by Ji Yan.

The real kingdom of God was destroyed by him.

In the old days, the true **** of the real disk was the means to listen to the above. From the mouth of the two geniuses who came out of the real disk, he learned that he was a disciple of the ancient god. This is fearless.

This shows that although the two geniuses came out of the real disc, they still remember the past sentiments about the real disc.

Therefore, after Xiao Ye came to the reincarnation ban, he was always vigilant about the two'first movers'.

After all, these two forerunners came before him for a million years, and the gap between the years is not so easy to equalize.

I didn't expect to meet one of them so quickly.

If they meet head-on, the other party might shoot him.

"Is the strength comparable to Elderwood?"

Xiao Ye's eyes flashed slightly, and he quickly recovered his calm. He did not explain much to Ji Yan, but talked to each other and heard many news.

For so many years, he had not relaxed at all in order to fight for the gods.

In the last two days of the five thousand years, he ended his retreat early in order to get some information in advance so that he could make more adequate preparations.

"Shen Que hasn't really been opened yet, there are so many Qibao born one after another, it seems that Shen Que is indeed a yearning!"

Xiao Ye's gaze, the behemoth that looked far into the distance, his eyes glowed.

One day later, Xiao Ye said goodbye to Ji Yan, his figure flashed, and he moved to the relief square.

"Sure enough! This little teacher, also have to participate in the battle of the gods!"

Above the relief square, there were already ten disciples of the branch under the car seat gathered. When they saw Xiao Ye, they all turned their eyes.

"Huh? The breath of this little teacher seems to be a little different from that of five thousand years..." At the moment, several disciples who were keenly aware of their eyes were all different.

The change in Xiao Ye's body was indescribable, but they didn't think much about it, and soon recovered their gaze, waiting for the opening of the gods.

Five thousand years have passed since the treasure robbing, whose strength has not changed a bit?

What's more, Xiao Ye received the love of Master Che Yuanhou and was responsible for many terrible magical powers.

However, in front of the gods about to open, Xiao Ye's attraction to them is not as strong as the initial.

Xiao Ye ignored his surrounding eyes, and he stood in the corner of the relief square to close his eyes and relax.

Whoo! Whoo!

Time passed slowly. In the world of reliefs in Cheyuanhou, successive branches of disciples rushed out and came to the relief square.

Elder Wood and others also appeared one after another.

"With me, are there only eighteen?"

Xiao Ye secretly said.

In the reincarnation area, there are 36 disciples of Che Yuanhou's branch, but now only 18 come to the relief square.

Obviously, half of them gave up the battle of gods.

Xiao Ye looked up and saw the same scene in the other fifty-five relief squares, shaking his head suddenly.

Qibao is rare, but it also requires a life to enjoy. This is a very real problem.

In these years, the fierce struggle of the disciples of the four major ethnic groups has been enough to deter many people.


At this moment, the fifty-six reliefs were all lit up and turned into fifty-six huge beams of light directed at the sky for nine days. There were fifty-six creatures from the sky.

"Oh, the **** Que hasn't really started yet, and he has scared off half of the disciples? It's really disappointing."

One of them was tall and ten feet tall. His whole body was covered with blood robes. He could not see the true appearance of the creatures, and he swooped towards the relief square in Cheyuanhou.

"Meet the descendants!"

In an instant, the eighteen branch disciples, including Xiao Ye, all saluted.

The person who came here was the descendant disciple who presided over the treasure grab on behalf of Che Yuanhou five thousand years ago.

"Now that you have made a decision, then follow me, remember not to embarrass the Master!"

This descendant disciple glanced at the audience deeply. After staying on Xiao Ye for a moment, it was no nonsense. He took the lead in flying towards the vast reincarnated sea and deliberately slowed down.

Swish swish!

In an instant, all the eighteen branch disciples rose up in the sky and followed.

Fifty-five disciples on the relief square also led volleys under the leadership of each other's descendants.

"This time, the disciples of the ancient gods who dare to participate in the battle of the gods are weak!"

Nearly a thousand disciples of ancient gods gathered together, and moved toward the behemoth with mighty power, Xiao Ye was in it, with a sigh of emotion on his face.

Why are the descendants of ancient gods rare?

He walked all the way in Galo forbidden sky, and he saw less than ten, but there are so many here.

Even the elder tree forest, placed in the entire branch, is only ranked in the nineteenth place.

However, Xiao Ye found on the road that many other disciples of ancient gods were watching him.

Xiao Ye didn't care about this, so she hurried on.

The giant, although it seemed to be close at hand, was actually very far away. It was close to thousands of disciples of ancient gods acting together. It also took a full time to fly for nearly a month before it gradually approached.

"How big is this god-que?" Xiao Ye looked down at him, his face full of shock.

The behemoth below, although still vague, like a mirage, can already capture some of its appearance.

I saw the part above the water like a roof, but even so, I don’t know how many billions of miles, and I can’t see the whole picture at all.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

"You ancient gods and tribes really take themselves as the protagonist of the chaotic world."

"Only this branch of disciples was sent this time to enter the god's que?" At this moment, I saw the Western Void Vibration, and a venerable soul gathered together, like a cloud coming from the top, the cold words spread, and suddenly gave way Full of gunpowder smell.

Looking at it, all the creatures coming out of the sky are all generations of people, like they are hidden in pure darkness, and they cannot capture the true content with the will of the divine order, but their number is extremely large, even reaching five. Thousands.

"Is it a branch disciple of the Dark God Group?"

Xiao Ye frowned.

The total number of branch disciples of the ancient **** group in the reincarnated sea is a little over two thousand, and the number of branch disciples dispatched by the dark **** group this time has reached as many as 50,000, which is too large.

It's just that the ancient gods stood on top of the innate gods and spirits. How could the disciples of the dark gods even dare to make such mockery?

"Oh, this is a bad word, the chaotic world, the ancient gods are gradually declining. This is a well-known thing. It is already very good to be able to mobilize a thousand branch disciples."

Immediately afterwards, the space in the other two directions was trembling violently, and two teams of creatures were rapidly moving.

(The first is here!)