Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 3267: Sifang Yundong

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

The disciples of Lishen, Yingshen, and Tri-faced Gods failed to **** Xiao Ye and flee everywhere.

But Jiwa, who had left first, was a flashing body, stopping hundreds of millions of kilometers away.


"Jin Huan God Rat, I have no hope, but Xiao Ye, don't you want to go to the treasure hunt safely!"

"I'm going to mess up this trip, maybe there will be a chance!"

Jiwa looked behind him, his eyes flashing with viciousness.

The spirits in the reincarnated sea are all in the lower Taoist realm. Who doesn’t want to break through to the middle Taoist realm and go to the real innate deities group?

And the legendary powerful man, the treasure of his life, may help them to reach the sky in one step.


At the next moment, his blood was surging, and there was a Lishen Mansion behind him. There was a Lishen Avenue roaring, bringing up a beam of divine light, rising into the sky like a wolf smoke, and directly sinking into the high sky of the reincarnated sea.

This divine light exploded, shining like a chaotic sun, and quickly turned into a slap-sized mouse with golden hair and a pair of golden wings.

This kind of light is too fierce, but it is composed of a Lishen Avenue, and the space cannot be blocked, and it will not last for a long time.

"Look, what is that?"

"This rodent it the rumored Jin Huan Shen rat?"

"God, Jin Huan God Rat appeared again!"


All of a sudden, in the entire reincarnated sea, I don’t know how many creatures looked up at the sky. When I saw this picture, I was shocked and my eyes were red.

The news about the mysterious burial site has been spread for hundreds of millions of times throughout the reincarnation area. Many creatures, even if they haven’t seen Jin Huan’s rat, have heard this legend.

"It is rumored that as long as Jinhuan God Rat is seized, he can find the treasure that is infinitely close to the superior Taoist Realm!"

In an instant, I don't know how many creatures rose into the sky, and without hesitation, quickly rushed in that direction.

Under the overturn of such news, even the creatures that could not be closed for a long time were all alarmed.

"Jin Huan God Rat, was it exposed?"

On the surface of the reincarnated sea, a blazing divine light traversed, and a creature with blue hair scattered around it suddenly stopped, looked up at the sky, and the body was trembling gently.

He is the Taishen group, and his strength is second only to that of Yero, Yu Chenglan.

Over the years, he personally took many disciples of Taishen branch and searched for Xiao Ye in the reincarnation area, but he had no gains.

As a result, the traces of Jin Huan Shenshu appear in front of himself in this way?

Regardless of the reason.

Jin Huan God Rat was originally owned by their Taishen Group, but now they can't hide it completely.

"Brother Yu Chenglan..."

Behind Yu Chenglan, Zhen Dong stepped forward with courage.


However, he hadn't finished his words, and the space around him twisted up, causing Zhen Dong to scream miserably.

With the strength of Zhendong, Yu Chenglan couldn't bear a move, saying he was killed.

In this scene, all the disciples of the nearby Taishen branch were silent, and they dared not speak out.

"Notify Brother Yero."

"Let him shoot."

Yu Chenglan left a word indifferently, and the whole person rose into the sky and walked through the space.

"It seems that I guessed right. The Taishen group hunted Xiao Ye crazy because of the Jinhuan God Rat."

"Xiao Ye, I want to see how much you have grown in these years. With Jin Huan God Rat, if you want to survive, I am afraid it will be difficult."

Standing in the sea of ​​reincarnation, a winged **** relief came out of a spirit.

He has a great momentum, and he has a sense of looking down on the vast chaos.


His figure flickered and disappeared directly.


When the whole reincarnation area is surging.


"The breath of powerful **** bloodline is probably the ghost that Ji streamer!"

"I already knew that I should have killed him at that time!" Looking at the endless pattern behind, Xiao Ye gritted his teeth, killing the sky.

At this moment, even if he is stupid, he knows the intent of Jiwa, I am afraid that there are already many creatures, and he is coming here.

When he thought of himself, he might have to face all the creatures in the whole reincarnation area, and he felt numb for a while.

Even if he thinks highly of himself, he knows that with his current strength, this is a dead end.

According to rumors, there are still immeasurable years of practice in the reincarnation.

"Little guy, come on!"

Xiao Ye's anxious gaze looked at the Jin Huan God Rat in front of him.

After defeating the siege of the three large groups of people, Jin Huan God Rat has regained its vitality. Soon after, he has taken him to a green place.

Here, a small green grass plant is actually rooted in the sea water of the reincarnation area, spreading out, endlessly, swaying gently with the waves.

As long as the god-level will is released, it will be discovered that these grasses seem soft, but in fact they are all alien species in the chaotic world, the sharp mansions vomited, converging together and flowing into a pattern, it looks like A world without killing, even Xiao Ye's body can be easily separated.

Looking around, among the grass, you can see a dead body.

Obviously, for so many years, some reincarnated creatures strayed into this place, but they hated it, which made Xiao Ye's eyes more alert.

"That burial ground may be in this grassland."

"Unfortunately, these green grasses grew together, and they became a natural formation far beyond the lower Dao God Realm. They could easily kill the lower Dao God. It was a Jedi, and I almost died here."

"Fortunately, there is Jin Huan God Rat..." Xiao Ye secretly said.

Looking closely, Jin Huan Shen Shuo ran in front, his nose twitching constantly, changing direction constantly, and was not attacked by these green grass.

And Xiao Ye quickly changed her position.

Although this horrible array is terrifying, it has a'life path'. There is no way to distinguish it by the god-level will. Obviously only Jin Huan God Rat can distinguish it.

Xiao Ye was so careful that he was no longer threatened.

But Jin Huan’s action was too slow. When the time passed by three months, the burial ground was still invisible, and Xiao Ye was anxious.

When time had passed for another month, Xiao Ye suddenly jumped in his heart. He was keenly aware that there was a terrifying breath rising from the rear, and was quickly rushing towards this side.

"not good!"

"The creatures in the reincarnated sea are coming sooner than I expected!"

Xiao Ye's expression suddenly changed.

You know, this place is located in the reincarnated sea, where all spirits are withered.

Even the most recent branch of the congenital spirit group is extremely distant.

Can be in a few months, there are creatures coming, if not the previous force and other groups, it can only show the strength of the comers.


At the same time, Jin Huan Shen Shu also quickly moved forward, and made an excited cry.

"Found that burial ground?"

Xiao Ye's expression was overjoyed, and she quickly looked ahead.

(The third one is coming!)