Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 3345: Sumiya

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

Ke Ye, as Shen Xing, is in the dark forbidden sky. In the past ten million years, as a dark horse, the super **** kingdom that has risen strongly, its territory is much larger than that of Josh **** kingdom.

The scorching sun in the gods is mostly desert, and the sand is like gold, flowing like a rich life, and the ethereal Buddha voice can be heard everywhere.

The endless light rain is falling, making the life of the whole God's country extremely rich in breath. In the original harsh environment, there are endless creatures coexisting and flourishing.

In the desert, ancient temples and temples can be seen everywhere, like a Buddhist kingdom, but Ke Yeshen’s domestic spirits are mostly brave people, forming a great contrast, like a group of demons, living in In heaven.

This is like a miracle in the chaotic world.

At this moment, Xiao Ye's figure turned into a stream of light, rushing across the territory of Ke Ye Shenguo, beside him, followed by a half-dead Kong Ming, constantly leading the way.

"Master Xiao Ye!"

"That mysterious place is located on Mount Xumi in the Kingdom of Keye. Although it is quite far away from the gods of the Kingdom of Keye, it is not easy..."

Kong Ming, circulated by the Beatles, still admonished.

"You just concentrate on leading the way, waiting for that mysterious place, if there are no accidents, it might be fine to let you go."

Xiao Ye said indifferently.


Suddenly, hope rose in Kong Ming's heart, and he quickly concentrated on leading the way again.

At this point, his only hope is to live.

"Now Josh Divine Kingdom, Mingjin has already recruited troops. The descendants of the Dharma gods of Xuan Di Si should lead the army back. They must be quick!"

There was a trace of worry in Xiao Ye's eyes.

Like Ye Xi, Ke Ye, after all these years of fighting, the remaining creatures are mostly old, weak and sick.

According to information, the God Lord of Ke Ye Shenguo is still sitting in God's homeland.

And he forcibly crossed the border of Ke Ye Shenguo, and he certainly could not escape the other's eyes and eyes.

So far, the other party has never appeared to kill.

Even, the whole Keye Shenguo did not respond to his invasion. Such a calm response was too unusual.

"Is it Lord Ke Ye, I know that I am not my opponent, so I am waiting for the disciples of the descendants of the Bodhidharma of Xuan Di Si, come to deal with me?"

Xiao Ye whispered to herself, then shook her head.

Now that I have come to the Kingdom of Ke Ye, how can I let go of that mysterious land?

The soldiers will block it, the water will cover it.

"Master Xiao Ye, the former convenience is the Mount Xumi of Ke Ye God's Kingdom!"

In just three days, Kong Ming stopped and pointed forward.

"Xumi Mountain?"

Xiao Ye narrowed his eyes slightly and looked up.

I saw a magnificent mountain peak in the desert in front, towering in the vast chaotic void, flowing the mist and mist, like an immortal Sendai.

At the top of the peak, there are many temples, magnificent and magnificent, with purple gold luster flowing on the tiles, like metal casting, and the sacred and peaceful atmosphere is diffused.

And in these temples, there is a huge Buddha body, whose height is unknown, and there are countless Buddha lights flowing in each of its pores.

In the face of these fluctuations, Xiao Ye felt like a ant looking up at the dragon and deeply felt his own smallness and insignificance.

He couldn't even resist worshipping and bowing, there was a feeling of being away from the hustle and bustle of the chaotic world ever since, and always accompanied by the ancient lanterns and ancient Buddha.

Moreover, he was close to Xumi Mountain and found that he could not maintain the state of emptiness at all.

"Xumi Mountain is very peculiar, the source is not traceable, I guess it is the root of the rise of Ke Ye Shenguo."

"Don't talk about the median Dao God Realm, I'm afraid that the High Dao God is coming, they can't make it empty, they need to walk and climb."

"And the mysterious place is at the foot of the great Buddha."

At the moment, Kong Ming said with emotion.

This is not the first time he came to Xumi Mountain, but it still caused a great impact on his heart.

"This Xumi Mountain is indeed very strange, no wonder that the mysterious land can be born."

Xiao Ye nodded, and did not hesitate to let Kong Ming lead the way and climb the mountain.

Mount Xumi is majestic, and the stone steps are already covered with moss, winding upwards and reaching the top of the mountain.

Xiao Ye and Kong Ming stepped up and looked like devout believers. There was a feeling that their hearts were washed and became extremely ethereal, as if they were isolated from the outside world, and they could not perceive the passage of time.

"You really found it here."

I don't know how long it has passed. On the Mount Sumeru, there was a **** kingdom teleportation group opened.

There was a divine pattern flashing, and in the dazzling light, a monk wearing a ragged gray robe was seen stepping out of it. He was demonstrating the heavens and the world with his one-eyed eye, and was stopped in front of Xiao Ye.

It was Xuan Di Si arrived.

"Do you think you can stop me?" Xiao Ye looked up, the wind was light and calm, not surprised.

Calculating the time, Xuan Di Si should have arrived, he has already prepared.

"Oh, you are in deep danger but you don't know."

"Are you arrogant enough to think that you can ignore me and wait, or do you expect your group of descendants to come to save you?"

Xuan Disi smiled sternly, the Shenguo teleportation array flashed behind him, and five disciples of the Dharma **** descended and stood in front of Xiao Ye.

Behind Xiao Ye, seven disciples of the dharma goddess also appeared, blocking his retreat and staring at Xiao Ye with a bad look.

Thirteen disciples of the descendants of Bodhidharma are here!


At this time, the silence near Xumi Mountain had been broken, and I saw the divine light flashing, the banner was spreading, and the swarms of souls were coming to the sky.

These, awe-inspiring army of Ke Ye God Kingdom, appeared directly like this. I didn’t know that hundreds of millions of Taoist gods were sacrificed. In the sealed world, the entire Sumeru Mountain was shrouded in.

Xiao Ye, like a turtle in a urn, not to mention rushing out, even the will of the **** order could not penetrate.


Kong Ming's residual body resembles sieve chaff, and his face is full of fear.

He had known for a long time that coming here with Xiao Ye was as much as going into the Longtan Tiger Cave, but this moment really came, and he could not stop being afraid.

In his way, once in Xuan Di Si's hands, I am afraid that even death is a luxury.

"Stacked together with endless Taoist arrays to seal the entire Xumi Mountain?"

At this moment, Xiao Ye's expression became strange.

With four chaotic ghosts, he once again recovered some time to dominate the dojo. How much has he gained?

Prior to the battle with Xuan Di Si, it can only be regarded as a small test, and he did not dare to expose too much.

Now that this group of disciples of the Dharma God acted in such a way, it made him less worried.

"The defeated men are not worthy of courage. If you want to find death, then come."

Xiao Ye waved the palm of his body and directly charged Kong Ming, who was half-dead, into the space artifact, and then looked at Xuan Disi indifferently.

(The third one is coming!)