Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 3356: Mie area

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

In the direction of Xumi Mountain, Xiao Ye and Kuang Pei have fought together.

"Sisters, let us not get closer anymore, just hide the breath and just watch the play."

Seeing this scene, Ao Jue waved his palm, and Xiaoyinyin urged the Ruyi Shenzhou to step back, preparing to stay away from Mount Xumi.

Nine other disciples of the ancient **** descended with Ao Jue.

Xiao Ye rose too fast.

Until now, they have not been able to accept the fact that the other party was killed by the thirteen disciples of the Bodhidharma, including Xuan Desi.

Coupled with Xiao Ye, he possessed the bloodline of the seven-star ancient **** with unlimited potential.

In time, it is definitely the second pure sun.

The rise of unorthodox disciples in this series is not a good thing for descendants.

If the other party is now in the hands of Mad Pei, how can they help if they naturally agree.


However, at this moment, the world was suddenly trembling, and a storm-like momentum hit hundreds of millions of miles, sweeping towards these ten ancient **** descendants.


This scene shocked Ao Jue and others.

They looked up and saw that Xiao Ye had been flung out by Kuang Pei Zhen, and the other party turned over, and he was using his strength to show off the ancient gods and escape from here.

"Brother Ao Jue, thank you for coming a long way from Josh God's Kingdom."

"This crazy bae is indeed not simple, but if we shoot together, we can definitely kill it."

Haven't waited for Ao Jue and others to react, Xiao Ye's words have spread, resounding in this world.


"Mad, this kid's heart is too dark, this is to blame it!"


At this moment, the ten disciples of the ancient gods all reacted and scolded.

Help you?

We can’t wait, will you be killed by Mad Pei?

It is a pity that they came to watch the war after crossing the kingdom of Ke Ye Shen Kingdom, not far from Xumi Mountain.

Now whereabouts are exposed, coupled with Xiao Ye's remarks, there is a sense of inexplicability.

"Ao Jue, the ancient **** group?"

"Unfortunately, the existence of your rank number is useless no matter how many you come!"

Sure enough, Kuang Pei, who was chasing Xiao Ye directly, had already stared at Ao Jue and others, and the triple road domain was suddenly stretched out, coming toward here.


Suddenly, the Ruyi Shenzhou at the foot of Ao Jue and others trembles, their speed decreases sharply, and they are suppressed by terror. They cannot escape at all.

Immediately after--

Swish swish!

A total of thirty chaotic spirits flew out of Kuang Pei's body, killing Ao Jue and other ten disciples of ancient **** descendants.


Ao Jue and others almost vomited blood, but they could only be forced to face the battle.

These thirty Chaos Souls, clearly possessed the six-star Bodhidharma lineage, were urged by Kuang Pei, and showed great strength.

And Ao Jue and others were shrouded in the threefold domain, and they were greatly affected. In an instant, three less powerful descendants were killed on the spot.

Among them, the most powerful Ao Jue, despite being able to withstand the triple dominance, could still be affected, and was besieged by thirty chaotic gods in turn. He was suddenly hit hard and his purple blood spewed out.

In the final analysis, he is no match for the strong man of this rank.

"Brother Ao Jue, you... are really weak enough!"

Xiao Ye was also influenced by the Threefold Dao Realm, and even the speed of casting the ancient gods escaped sharply, but he did not care, but shook his head with emotion.

Xiao Ye possesses the bloodline of the seven-star ancient god, how sensitive is his senses?

When Ao Jue and others approached Mount Xumi, he had already discovered it.

How can he not understand Ao Jue's malicious thoughts?

Therefore, he did not do anything at all, and kept on doing it, deliberately showing weakness, attracting the mad Pei to rush towards the edge, and enrolling these descendant disciples in it would be considered a little punishment.

At this moment, Ao Jue and other disciples were all black in front of their eyes, wishing they could swallow each other.

Xiao Ye brought disasters to the east, causing them to suffer the indiscriminate disaster.

In the end, still mocking them for being too weak?

It's so deceiving!

"Where can you escape now?"

Mad Pei approached, staring at Xiao Ye coldly, with a trace of alertness in his eyes.

Obviously, Xiao Ye showed the four poles of divine light at that time, which made him have a particularly fresh memory, and he was afraid to carelessly.

"Crazy Pei."

"Aren't you curious, why is that Wandao Cave dried up so quickly?"

Shrouded in the threefold domain, Xiao Ye seemed to be struggling, and his body was far away, but the words were extremely calm, and he slowly turned to look at Kuang Pei.


Xiao Ye's words made Kuang Pei breathe.

This is indeed a difficult puzzle, he has not yet wanted to understand.

Seeing this, Xiao Ye smiled slightly and explained it with action.

In Kuang Pei's unbelievable eyes, the sound of Dao Ming burst into his body.

I saw the four chaotic avenues of return to the source, deprivation, demon, and god, and rose straight into the sky for nine days.

Among them, the strip of deprivation and the spirit of demons actually crossed the threshold of the second level. The silk of the avenue was as many as 500 roots. Together with the return to the source avenue, the avenue was opened up, like a new world was opened, and the chaos was turbulent.


In an instant, the whole world seemed to collapse, and the triple road area opened by Kuang Pei was suddenly rushed away.

And Xiao Ye's bent body was also straightened, standing tall and loose, covered with light and shattered the sky.

"Triple Daoyu, he could actually exhibit the Triple Daoyu!"

"This... how is this possible!"

Such a violent Daoist impact made Ao Jue and others, all of them bloodless, suffered a heavy blow, and their hearts were agitated and completely stunned.

Xiao Ye's strength is certainly amazing, but he also realized a kind of chaotic avenue to the second level.

It took only ten years or so before the other party changed shape and reached such a high level?

It is almost impossible without the accumulation of tens of millions of years.

This is contrary to common sense.

"Wandaodong is exhausted, really because of you..."

As for the mad Pei, it was like petrification, and the pupils contracted violently.

Xiao Ye's achievements can only be attributed to Wandaodong.

It's just that Wan Daodong goes against the sky, and Xiao Ye's practice time is limited.

In ten years, if you want to drain Wandaodong, it is simply impossible, not allowed by the rules.

No matter how incredible Ren Renpei is, the truth is in front of him.

"not good!"

At the next moment, Kuang Pei recovered, and Hanmao stood upright, feeling awkward.

Ten years ago, Xiao Ye entered Wandaodong Shao and exerted four poles of divine light to shock him, let alone now?

"I didn't want to cause trouble. This time I came to Shen Xing Xiao Ban Tian, ​​it was only for the mission of the group, not even for you."

"But if you still don't take it, then you can't blame me!"

Sure enough, Xiao Ye's icy voice came, faintly bringing up a wave of supernatural powers.

With the help of the Tower of Time, Xiao Ye wasted all his life on the Wandao Cave. Where is the result of his cultivation compared to other median Taoists?

(The second one is coming!)

(Only two changes are made today, and four changes are made tomorrow!)