Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 3399: Ancient God's Sigh

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

Time passed slowly.

In the mission pavilion under the seat of Cheyuan, preaching the ancient trees and the sky, the sound of the road spreads, and hundreds of millions of purple **** of light are covered with branches.

The disciples of the ancient gods in the preaching pavilion have changed two batches back and forth, but Xiao Ye's figure is still like a rock, sitting firmly on the spot.

This news could not be concealed at all, and quickly caused a wave of discussion among the disciples under the seat of Cheyuan, and there were many opinions.

To know.

Generally speaking, no matter whether you enter the missionary or ancient treasure pavilion, you can only stay for two years.

But Xiao Ye was still sitting here, and the disciples of the preaching pavilion were not expelled.

In addition, several years ago, Xiao Ye came out to fight Ding Qiyue, and even the disciples of the Penalty Pavilion were silent on this matter, which made many ancient disciples have enough associations and set off a storm.

For a time, the name Xiao Ye once again clamored, and many ancient **** disciples had a deeper awe of Xiao Ye, and felt that the other party became more mysterious.

This also made the disciples of the descendants of Cheyuan and even the descendants of other ancient gods dared not to provoke the branches of reincarnated seas at will.

Xiao Ye naturally did not know that he just entered the missionary cabinet, which caused such a big wave.

At this moment, he was silent in retreat.


His divine personality erupted into light, and the vast divine will will rise up like the ocean and rush towards the top of the preaching ancient tree. At the same time, he is also urging his own **** blood and the blood line supernatural power he feels. induction.


His divine order will be blocked just after approaching. Even the boiling divine blood is forcibly returned to silence, as if not allowed by the rules of this place.

"Is it still not working?"

There was a trace of helplessness on Xiao Ye's face.

Counting the time, he entered the Gubao Pavilion, almost four years ago.

During this time, he has been trying to obtain the inheritance of that lineage supernatural power, but failed again and again.

However, in addition to his failure, he felt his blood lineage, as if he had stabilized a lot.

Just like every induction, it is also a kind of tempering for its own bloodline. Not to mention that the potential is further released, but it also allows a lot of blood to condense. This is a completely different feeling from the hardening of the bloodline. .

Even let him vaguely feel that touching the seven-star blood power is not out of reach.

Otherwise, he gave up long ago.

"If you can't just give up, I can't believe it and can't succeed!"

After Xiao Ye silently recovered his losses, he again exploded the will of the **** order, rushing towards the sky.

In half a month, it was just a blink of an eye.

Xiao Ye's will of the divine order was blocked again, but the blood of his body was still surging, and the beams of purple light that escaped from the pores, some of them barely penetrated the invisible enclave, toward the sky. Infiltration.


Suddenly, Xiao Ye was shocked.

It was like a little star floating in the vast universe, and one of them exploded directly, shining brightly.

"Has it finally succeeded?" Xiao Ye was pleasantly surprised.

next moment--


In the dazzling light, I saw the font of the gods of the fly, turned into a sea of ​​oceans, and burst into the spirit of Xiao Ye, making him look greatly changed, and his head hurts, as if it was about to be propped up. .

This is magical heritage.

But the pain of such inheritance can be called Xiao Ye's first encounter after coming to the chaotic world.

The volume of such supernatural powers can't be compared with Chi Ming Gu Jian, but it is extremely domineering. The fonts of the gods are spreading all over his body and quickly integrated into his body.

I don’t know how long it has passed-

"Seven Star Ancient God Bloodline Supernatural Power-Ancient God's Sigh."

"In the past, I was the master of the ancient **** group, and I had a good relationship with the time master. I saw that the other party inherited the time power of chaos. I was greatly touched and improved the magic power of my ancient **** group lineage, and finally created this magic power."

At the same time, a majestic voice resounded in Xiao Ye's heart.

"Ancient God's sigh?"

"The power of this bloodline supernatural power is absolutely terrifying, and it may still be above the ancient gods!"

Suddenly, Xiao Ye's heart jumped irresistibly.

This turned out to be the master of the ancient **** group, the improved bloodline supernatural power, and the master of time, and has a deep origin!

This alone is enough to make him fascinated.

After all, he is the inheritor of time domination. This kind of bloodline supernatural power is absolutely suitable for him, and he spent four years without wasting it.

"There are many geniuses in the born spirits of the world. Through a short period of cultivation, they can stand out from the top. Such spirits are terrible, but the essence of the years is actually not as good as those of ordinary qualifications."

"Cultivating this supernatural power can condense the spirits of later generations, and the strength of the years passed through is promoted by the seven-star ancient deity lineage, and turned into the'wheel of years'."

"One million years can be a round. The more rounds of condensed years, the stronger these magical powers are."

"These magical powers are contaminated with a trace, the cause and effect of time power reaches the extreme, enough to fight the invincible hands of the Taoist realm."

That majestic voice continued to ring through the ages and present, making Xiao Ye's eyes redden.

Whether it is the top chaotic world, or the three thousand world, all respect genius.

As a result, this bloodline supernatural power did the opposite. Instead, he admired those who spent a long time in cultivation.

Xiao Ye never considered himself a genius.

From the lowest level of the real continent, he relied on his own efforts to change his life step by step.

If you count the time spent practicing in the Tower of Time and look at the boundaries of the entire group, I am afraid that there is no ancient **** disciple who is lower than his starting point and has spent longer years.

So this kind of bloodline supernatural power has an enormous advantage in his hands!

"Brother Xiao Ye, did you even get the preaching ancient tree, the best supernatural power?"

At this moment, several exclamations rang out loudly, and I saw the ancient **** disciples sitting under the same ancient preaching tree around them, and they were all awakened and looked towards Xiao Ye, all in horror.

The magical power of preaching the top of the old tree is the realm that can only be touched by the upper god, how did Xiao Ye do it?

If such achievements against the sky are passed out, I am afraid that it will be enough to boil the entire group of people!

Feeling the eyes of these ancient disciples, Xiao Ye smiled slightly and did not explain.

He was able to succeed, indeed too much luck, mainly due to the strong induction between his seven-star lineage and the sigh of the ancient god.

Therefore, at the top of the tree, he could not touch other supernatural powers.

"However, this is enough." Xiao Ye secretly said.

Realizing that Chi Ming Gu Jian is the best at this place, he was confident.

"There is still the last year, see what magical inheritance is here!" Xiao Ye silently restored the loss, and once again released the will of the Divine Order, and moved towards the other places of the ancient missionary tree.

(The third one is coming!)