Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 3400: Wheel of years

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

There are too many supernatural powers in the missionary pavilion. Even super rare supernatural powers in the chaotic world are endless here.

Of course, it is much more difficult and time-consuming to obtain the supernatural supernatural powers than to obtain ordinary supernatural supernatural powers.

Therefore, it is undoubtedly very difficult to choose the magic power that suits you.

This is still true even for Xiao Ye.

Xiao Ye, who had only one year left in the mission, also quickly disappeared.

"Finally succeeded..."

Realizing that his time in the missionary cabinet had come to an end, Xiao Ye opened his eyes and raised a smile on his face.

In the last year, he read a lot of magical powers, and finally chose only one super magical power—

Divine Origin Dafa!

This is a super Taoist supernatural power that fits the four chaotic avenues of return to the source, deprivation, spirit and magic, but it is different from the four poles of the main attack.

The defense of Shenyuan Dafa Lord is a supernatural supernatural power with abnormal guardian power.

Reaching the extreme, in the face of the shock of the gods and creatures of all ranks, all can stand still.

"Common Taoist supernatural powers, I can split and evolve from the Chiming Ancient Book, and there is no need to waste time."

"Now I have a kind of seven-star ancient **** blood supernatural power, a kind of defense super supernatural power supernatural power, this trip can be described as a complete virtue."

Xiao Ye stood up and looked up at the top of the preaching ancient tree.

There are too many terrible magical powers on the ancient preaching trees, especially the top of the tree. It is not as simple as the super Taoist supernatural powers. It is definitely no less than the Chiming Ancient Book, and even stronger.

It is a pity that apart from the sigh of the ancient god, he could not touch any more, and it was nothing at all in the missionary cabinet for five years.

"Try again next time."

Xiao Ye flickered and left the mission.

"This guy finally left."

"He actually stayed in the mission room for five years, and he has gained a lot!"

Looking at the direction where Xiao Ye's back disappeared, the ancient **** disciples sitting under the tree opened their eyes one after another, their faces full of shock.

The strength that Xiao Ye has shown before is already amazing enough. This time in the missionary cabinet, he has such a harvest again, which is even more awesome.


The purple mountains beneath the ancient pillars of Cheyuanhou seemed to be more and more depressed, and the ancient disciples who remained here became scarcer.

After leaving the missionary hall, Xiao Ye did not rush to retreat, but walked around in the purple mountains.

He found that the reincarnation branch had never been targeted by descendant disciples, because most of the descendant disciples had already left.

Even Muze left the group clan again and went to perform the group clan mission.

The disciples of the weathered collar Youlan and other branches went to the empty building.

Only Han Dong, Yao Guang and Ben Ge are the three strong ones, because of their low strength, they still stay in the boundary of the group.

Xiao Ye left a lot of high-level chaotic stones and Taoist artifacts to these three, and did not stay too long, drifting away.

"Brother Xiao Ye!"

A bald ancient **** disciple stopped Xiao Ye.

He is unremarkable, and his face is honest, and he is Wu Tao who is destined to go with him.

"I know you must have successfully recaptured that mysterious beast bone, and I am really happy for you."

"We should have more ancient gods and tribes. You are a powerful man with unlimited potential."

Wu Tao grinned.

He will also leave the boundary of the group.

The mission he was going to perform this time was extremely dangerous. Several powerful ancient disciples had been buried. The mission fell on his head. He did not resist at all, and he readily accepted.

He didn't know whether he could return this time, so he walked in the purple mountains and wanted to see the magnificent scenery in the boundary of the group.

When he met Xiao Ye this time, he said goodbye, and soon urged the wishful Shenzhou to fly towards the nearest space, like a warrior running to the battlefield.

A light wind blew, and Xiao Ye felt a trace of cold, and his heart was blocked for a while.

"I don't know how many of these ancient **** disciples could eventually return to the realm of the clan safely."

Xiao Ye looked away at the eighty-five ancient **** pillars and sighed in a low voice.

The impact of the alternation of the Permian period was too great. Even if he wanted to shelter this group of ancient disciples who had a good relationship, he seemed to be helpless.

In fact, he can do it, very limited.


Xiao Ye's figure flickered, heading towards the direction of the Sun Palace.

The Sun Palace after the war with Ding Qiyue has been remodeled. The buildings in the palace are in groups, and the Dao Shen Formation is everywhere. Once urged, it can isolate the entire Sun Palace, which is much higher than his previous residence. .

Xiao Ye randomly selected a partial hall into it, and used the second-level Zhenhao chaotic body and chaotic spirit to protect the dharma, but he rushed into the tower of time.

After beheading the sacred wing **** group Haisheng, and instigating the reincarnation of the forbidden gods, he has determined that the seal left by the time master has been so powerful that the innate gods cannot find it.

Therefore, in the realm of the clan, he used the tower of time to practice, and he didn't have such great concerns.

"Pending me to develop these two kinds of supernatural powers, coupled with the level of the seven-star ancient **** bloodline of the small adult level, it should be enough to completely run through the median Tao Realm!"

Xiao Ye secretly said in his heart, sitting cross-legged, using the divine will, and began to cultivate the sigh of the ancient god.

It has to be said that the bloodline of the seven-star ancient gods at the Xiaocheng level is indeed terrible. Not only did Xiao Ye's strength soar, but also he had an incomparable advantage in comprehension of blood lineage supernatural powers, which was much faster than the entry of the ancient **** Wandou method.

In the fifth floor of the Tower of Time, after only a thousand years of time, the purple sea of ​​gods turned into purple god's blood fluctuates and emits a strange wave.

The purple crystals all over it burst out with dazzling light.

at the same time--


The roar in Xiao Ye's mind continued, and the cultivation started from the True Spirit Continent.

Even the scenes he cultivated in the Tower of Time are truly in front of him, forming a vast river of years, spanning some years, these pictures can not be wiped out.

This is like taking the path of martial arts again, leaving Xiao Ye with a mixture of emotions and emotions.


There is excitement.

There is also time to feel sorry for the years.


These emotions were surging one after another, and Xiao Yeqing couldn't help making a heavy sigh.


Suddenly, his blood was boiling and rolling, and these pictures were all turbulent, penetrated and pushed by his sigh, and began to breed the breath of years.

At this moment, Xiao Ye's divine body seemed to become a tree, drawing strength from the years spent in the True Spirit Continent, the Three Thousand Realms, the Chaos World, and even the Tower of Time, and was by his seven-star ancient god. Promoted by blood lineage, it began to appear annual rings.

This is a wheel of years.

(The first is here!)