Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 3435: Galo's Change

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

Xiao Ye returned to Galo, the information he heard was not comprehensive, and now he is listening carefully.

Before 100,000 years ago, there were indeed many innate gods and disciples who came across the sky and appeared in Galo.

But the reason is that the alternation of the Permian is about to come, which has a great impact and spread to the entire chaotic world.

The five big forbidden days, the space stability is extremely high, and the lower Taoist gods will be extremely suppressed when they enter it.

However, the space in the small banned sky is much worse.

Under these influences, the space of Galo Little Forbidden Sky expanded and many areas collapsed.

In addition to the destruction of the first-level world in the cracks of space, special spaces have emerged.

These special spaces resemble a first-class world, but there are no acquired spirits in it. Perhaps it is because of the impact of the alternate period of the Permian, or it may have experienced the precipitation of the years, and even a lot of rare gods have grown.

Formerly submerged by the long river and closed up, it has now surfaced, which has attracted many innate gods and disciples.

In order to collect these gods, a fierce battle took place, causing the situation today.

"So it turns out."

Xiao Ye heard that, but secretly relieved.

Jia Luo Xiao Ban Tian was so chaotic, he once thought that the top **** beast that was reincarnated through the fruits of his present life was exposed.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

Even, from Cangwu's only words and phrases, it is speculated that the other party is not aware of this candle-lit beast.

"The Great Qin Kingdom related to you, and the Pusha Kingdom, have gradually stood on the top of Galo in recent years. It is regarded as the most superlative Kingdom of Galo. The most top-level existence is naturally the first to be affected. At the moment of crisis, the two great kingdoms of alliance, but still did not escape the disaster of extinction, even Fan Jiguan died in battle..."

Cangwu's body disappeared, and his figure became a person's height. While healing, he spoke to Xiao Yexu.

At first, because of Xiao Ye, he also made good relations with these two great kingdoms. When he saw that these two great kingdoms were robbed, he was unable to help each other, and he was in a complicated mood.


Speaking of which, Cangwu's tone paused. "You don't have to worry about it. At the moment of crisis, there is a super strong who has taken care of each other to protect your clan and most of the strong people of the two great kingdoms. , Away from the battlefield."

"They should now live in the Galo forbidden sky, but they don't know where they are."

Cang Wu continued.

"Super strong?"

Xiao Ye's heart jumped at Wenyan.

He was relieved to learn that his clan had escaped, but who is this super strong?

"Could it be Wu Tao them?" Xiao Ye thought of it and shook his head.

Wu Tao and five other ancient disciples only left half a year earlier than him, and they did not know the origins of the Great Qin Shenguo and him.

What's more, according to Cangwu's words, he speculated that the super powerhouse was like a meteor flashing and could not get a glimpse of the true content. The strength he displayed was extremely horrible.

"Who is that strong man?" Xiao Ye speculated secretly, but had no clue.

Among the strong men he had made during the rebirth, he couldn't match him.

"It's nothing!"

"Find the clan first, and then talk." Xiao Ye shook his head, no longer thinking.

His own clan is safe, and it has always been a good thing, but it does not mean that the clan is completely safe.

The super-strong who took refuge may not necessarily be friends.

After all, he was reincarnated in the forbidden world, and he also made a lot of enemies. Maybe there were disciples of innate gods and spirits who found out his clan and came to seek revenge.

"Xiao Ye, there are many innate gods and disciples in Galo now. You are going to find your clan, it is better to keep a low profile, so as not to trouble your upper body..."

Seeing this, Cangwu quickly reminded.

He saw with his own eyes that the era of Gallo was ushering in, and the strength that Xiao Ye only showed was amazing, but after all, he was alone and his fists were hard to reach.


"Although there are so many Taoist gods in the middle of the banned world, who will be Brother Xiao Ye's opponent?"

At this moment, a dull laughter came suddenly.

I saw a distant, empty-faced bald creature with an unassuming appearance and a thick face, coming towards the sky here.

"Brother Wu Tao, you are here too!"

Xiao Ye looked up and smiled.

He had just ordered the order and contacted the five ancient **** disciples who had come one step ahead and came to Galo to carry out the group mission. Wu Tao and others quickly arrived.

"Brother Xiao Ye, when I got the news, I couldn't believe it."

"In this mid-level group mission, Mingshu Pavilion's disciples, even sent you here, it's simply overkill!"

Wu Tao was very excited to see Xiao Ye and grinned.

He and Xiao Ye formed a deep friendship with the task of the former destiny.

"Brother Xiao Ye!"

The four behind him, the descendants of Che Yuanhou, but at this moment all salute Xiao Ye's fists, extremely respectful.

"What height has Xiao Ye reached now?"

Cang Wu was stunned for a long time, and his pupils were contracting violently.

These five ancient **** disciples are all unfathomable, but he can see that, with words and deeds, they are full of respect for Xiao Ye.

"It turns out that Brother Xiao Ye's clan was in this Galo forbidden sky, and is he still gone?"

Wu Tao frowned slightly when he understood Xiao Ye's intention.

"It's okay, anyway, such talents as Da Luo Shen Jing, we have no clue for the time being. Let's help together and find out the family of Brother Xiao Ye."

"Brothers, how do you feel?"

Wu Tao said.


"no problem."


As soon as this remark came out, the four ancient **** disciples all said quickly, very simply.


Xiao Ye is equivalent to the superior Taoist God Realm, coupled with his strong relationship with the pure Sun, even if they do not want to associate with Xiao Ye, they do not want to offend.

What's more, searching for some creatures in Galo's Little Forbidden Sky will not take much time.

"So, thank you brothers."

Xiao Ye was slightly surprised, but did not refuse, and thanked with a fist.

Today, Galo has a lot of mysterious breath in the sky, which interferes with the will of the **** order, which really increases the difficulty of searching.

When Wu Tao helped them search, they could naturally shorten the time greatly.

After all, at this time, if you find the clan earlier, the clan will be more secure.

When Xiao Ye showed the portraits of the tribes and the old people of the Three Thousand Realms, the six ancient **** disciples immediately dispersed and conducted a rug-like search for Galo.

It is worth mentioning that.

Lord Cangwu, after repairing the injury, also volunteered to join the search team.

Xiao Yegu walked on the road, searching for the news of the clan in the forbidden sky of Galo, constantly searching.

And at the same time.

The five disciples of the three gods who chased Cangwu fell, also in the Galo forbidden sky, causing a storm.

(The third one is coming!)