Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 3456: Out of the Star Market

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

Xiao Ye has come into contact with the time force of the chaotic world more than once, and is naturally no stranger.

Xiao Ye tried several times and found that not only could he not set foot on the third square, but he couldn't even continue to move forward on this heavenly ladder.

It is not that he has insufficient strength, but that he lacks certain conditions.

"Do you need to understand the power of time before you can continue to search this ancient city?" Xiao Ye resigned.

The power of chaotic world time is too broad and profound, and the requirements for comprehension are extremely high.

The time master said at the beginning that Xiao Ye had to break through to the higher Taoist realm to make it possible.

The ancient city that dominates the dojo has been unsealed for so many years. It is indeed not easy to go deeper.

"Yes, anyway, these years, I have harvested enough, and I will try again later."

Xiao Ye quickly adjusted his mind and was not disappointed.

The tens of thousands of years in this ancient city have been comparable to the hard work of his tens of thousands of eras under normal circumstances.

He broke the limit of the median Taoist realm, and all five kinds of chaotic avenues inherited by the ancient **** blood are understood. This is a good start.

He already possessed the qualification to achieve the infinitely high God.

The biggest sky cut across the past.

Next, what he has to do is to settle in the middle of years.


Xiao Ye went down the stairs and returned to the first square, urging the Dark Demon Seal, using a space artifact to enter the Ten Thousand Dark Demon Beasts into it.

After doing all this, Xiao Ye walked out of this mysterious ancient city and returned to the time dominating the dojo.

"The velocity of time in the seventh floor of the Tower of Time is equivalent to the outside world, which means that I have been in the Star Market for about 40,000 years."

"I don't know what happened to the outside world..."

Xiao Ye thought that he had regained his life from Galore and returned to the Great Forbidden Heaven. The kind of evil breath he felt was breeding, and he felt a bit heavy.


His figure flickered and left the time to dominate the dojo.


The star ruins in the reincarnation of the forbidden sky are still as usual, with fragments of chaotic stars everywhere.

Even floating among them, the super continents collapsed somehow and turned into pieces of ruins, sleeping together with the corpses of the disciples of the innate gods and spirits who died here.

Although tens of thousands of years have passed, there is still a breath of fierce fighting, and the years cannot be broken away.

Looking around, there are three creatures covered with black scale armor, blocking the location leading to the exit of the Star Market, and fog can be seen around the body.

They are the congenital spirits under the master of the bronze temple, and have reached the supernatural state.

Since Xiao Ye hid in the Tower of Time, they couldn't find it, and they simply blocked the exit.

As a congenital spirit, the spiritual wisdom is only higher than that of the subsequent natural spirit.


At this moment, a piece of star light suddenly lit up in a piece of stars in the ruins of the star market. Although it was very inconspicuous, it still attracted the attention of the three innate creatures. Looking forward.

I saw the undetectable glimmer of light, and a black-haired man walked out of the air.


In an instant, the space in the star ruins became turbulent, and a burst of killing gas exploded and swept toward this side.

I saw the three congenital spirits that were originally blocked at the exit of the Xingxu, and they emitted complex and strange sounds in their mouths. They flashed and rushed towards this side, and the speed was amazingly fast.

"These guys are really unwilling to die. They haven't retreated for so many years!"

Xiao Ye saw this expression change.

When he left the Tower of Time, he was already on alert. At this moment, he dare not carelessly, retreating in a rapid teleport, while waving his palm.


Suddenly, a space artifact flew out of it, and within it was the darkness of the source, and only twenty giants flew out of it.

These behemoths are all majestic, comparable to the body of the ancient gods, they can't see a trace of their appearance, but they are full of a kind of original darkness, so that the surrounding space is slightly twisted, and even the light can't escape.

It was Xiao Ye who was brought out from time to dominate the dojo.

"Stop them for me!"

On the godhead at Xiao Ye's eyebrows, a special mark emanated a faint dark red light and spread towards all sides.



I saw that the twenty dark demon beasts roared together, stopped in front of Xiao Ye with a tall body, and greeted the three innate creatures that had been killed.


The fierce fighting immediately unfolded, and the entire space of the star ruins seemed to be boiling boiling water, and there were cracks everywhere.

Although the three congenital spirits were powerful and had already established themselves in the upper realm of God, they were temporarily stopped by twenty dark demon beasts.

And Xiao Ye seized the opportunity of this moment, bypassing the land of fierce battle, and madly moved away from the Star Market.

"It seems that these dark demon beasts cannot survive..."

Feeling the tragic roar behind him, Xiao Ye felt heavy and sighed.

The Dark Demon Beast is still one level lower than the three innate creatures, but it is temporarily stopped by the numerical advantage.

As long as the time is long, it will definitely die.

As for killing the three congenital spirits, even if they can succeed, 10,000 dark demon beasts will definitely suffer most of the casualties.

Xiao Ye was reluctant.

The impact of the alternating period of the Permian is imminent. These dark demon beasts are still very useful. It is too wasteful to die in the Star Market.

However, Xiao Ye still underestimated the terrible nature of the three innate creatures. Only after half an hour had passed, the other party had already caught up.

He can only continue to use Dark Demon Beast to intercept.

In this way, he fleeed side by side, abandoned almost a hundred heads of dark demon beasts, almost penetrated most of the star ruins, and Xiao Ye saw the exit.


Xiao Ye flashed into the vast reincarnation of the forbidden sky.

"It's finally out!"

Xiao Ye was excited.

"I'm afraid that the three innate creatures will be able to chase them out in a short time. I still have to leave as soon as possible."

Xiao Ye glanced at the Star Market behind him, faintly seeing the familiar haze scrolling, and immediately taking out the Ruyi Shenzhou, showing the ultimate speed and swept away in the direction of the ancient **** group.

The rebirth of the rebirth of heaven is so vast, as long as he leaves the ruins of the star market and quickly escapes, it is difficult for him to let the three congenital spirits become more powerful.


This fast rush for several days, and finally got rid of the three innate creatures, but Xiao Ye did not have the slightest rejoicing, the god-level will was released, his expression gradually dimmed, and his heart was shaking.

"I've been stuck in the Xingxu for years, has the impact of the alternating Permian period already arrived..."

(The third one is coming!)