Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 3502: Chaotic time

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

"I didn't expect that our innate gods and disciples entered the Battlefield of the Tertiary Age together, and the final winner turned out to be Xiao Ye!"

"Haha, we lost!"


Many of the surviving creatures from the Permian battlefield laughed sadly.

They have all targeted the ancient disciples, and now Xiao Ye rises against the sky and slaughter the disciples of wing gods so that they can see their own future.

This massacre against the disciples of Wing God lasted for a full ten days, and this finally came to silence.

Only hundreds of thousands of incomplete corpses remained, floating in the withered blood-red universe.

Under the shroud of Xiao Ye's dignity, as many as 10,000 ancient disciples attacked, with almost no loss.

"Brother Zuomen, I will avenge you!"

"Since then, there are no more creatures in the Battlefield of the Permian, which can threaten us!"


The eyes of the ancient disciples were all tears in their eyes, so excited that they couldn't restrain themselves, and they almost shouted like a vent.

The fighting between the Permian battlefields is too cruel.

In the past tens of thousands of years, their ancient disciples have been targeted, lost too much, and possessed too much martyrdom.

The original hundreds of thousands of disciples have dropped to about 10,000.

With the rise of Luo Kui, a disciple of Yishen, they once thought that the whole army would be wiped out on the battlefield and become an insignificant wave in the alternating waves of the Permian.

Fortunately, with Xiao Ye, they survived the disaster and even wiped out the disciples of Yishen.

"Brother Xiao Ye!"

At this moment, Feng Ruoye and Mo Cha and other anti-celestial middle-level Taoist gods flew in the direction of Xiao Ye, all were respectfully saluting.

Once a breakthrough, Xiao Ye's status has been completely different from them, not to mention the achievement of the other party, or the infinitely high God.

Who dares to be disrespectful?

"There are hundreds of thousands of souls left in the Battlefield of the Permian, and the most are the disciples of Taishen and Bodhidharma. What should I do next?"

Mocha asked at the moment.

The median Taoist **** who was reincarnated in the Forbidden Heaven entered the Permian battlefield together for the purpose of fighting.

Only by actively eliminating more opponents, oneself and brothers in the same discipline, can one survive under the impact of the alternation of the Dieki period.

So in this place, there is no need for mercy.

Now that the spirits of the ancient gods are soaring, there is no reason to stop there.

"There are still some time left for the 100,000 years of fighting in the Permian battlefield. Then you can continue to fight."

"I won't bother."

Xiao Ye heard the words and calmly expressed his attitude.

"Leave it to us?"

As soon as the words came out, Feng Ruoye and Mo Cha looked at each other, then nodded one after another.


At the height of Xiao Ye today, to deal with the souls of the Battlefield of the Die Ji, it is simply bullying people, it is self-proclaiming identity.

It is natural for them to be handed over to them. If you encounter an unsolvable opponent, you can ask Xiao Ye to go out.

For them, it is also a hone.

At the moment, Xiao Ye confessed, and then personally shot, repairing the injuries of Mu Ze, You Lan, Han Dong and others, and then ran away.

Under the leadership of Mocha and others, these more than 10,000 disciples of the ancient gods rested in situ and recovered their injuries. Then they re-started and went to other places where the surviving souls of the Permian battlefield were cruelly conquered.

Although there are many surviving disciples of Taishen and Bodhidharma, there are a lot of anti-heaven-level median gods, but they have already scared away their fighting intentions, and even have the guts to fight back.

Under the encirclement and suppression of these ancient disciples, it was quickly defeated and blood flowed for thousands of miles.

Although Xiao Ye did not participate in the expedition, the deterrent effect it brought was really terrifying.

For a time, fighting in the Battlefield of the Permian started again, but the situation was one-sided and there were no twists and turns at all.

The Permian battlefield was dying, and the ancient gods and tribes really became the masters of the battlefield.

In response, Xiao Ye occasionally released the will of the **** order to investigate, and after discovering that there were no obstacles in front of the disciples of the ancient gods, he sat in the depths of the Dieki battlefield for retreat.

When he first came to the higher Taoist realm, he also needed to stabilize the realm and realize the realization.


Looking around, the universe where Xiao Ye is located is submerged by the chaotic light, and it fluctuates, as if resonating with Xiao Ye.

His body exudes chaotic light, becoming confused, like a chaotic mist, beating gently, and bursts of roaring sounds from the road within nine days.

This is just his understanding, not cultivation.

When the pointer of time passes over five hundred years.

The battle of the Permian battlefield slowly ended with the victory of the ancient **** disciples. Looking at the vast battlefield, it was almost impossible to see other innate **** disciples.


And Xiao Ye opened his eyes at this moment.

"Achievement of innumerable high-level Dao God, my divine origin has indeed strengthened about twenty times, but this is just the beginning."

"This realm is too vast, far from being comparable to the lower and middle Taoist realms."

Xiao Ye got up and whispered to herself, her body flashing a ray of light.

These years of retreat have made him understand the mystery of the infinitely high God.

For example, his divine body is made of five chaotic avenues, which are extremely difficult to destroy.

With this pair of divine bodies, even the supernatural powers, to evolve supernatural powers, the power will skyrocket and have the ability to turn decay into magic.

Its potential is even more terrible, and it can be used as a basis for continuous strengthening to carry the chaotic avenues of level 4, level 5, and even level 7.

However, to achieve this step, it is too difficult, too difficult, and the time of a Permian is simply not enough.

"I don't know if there are any five kinds of Chaos Avenue among the disciples of ancient gods today, who have all realized the seventh-level higher god!"

Xiao Ye whispered to herself.

He and many disciples of the ancient gods can safely pass through the Battle of the Permian for 100,000 years, but this is only the first stage.

There is a second stage, a third stage, and a third stage.

What's more, it is rumored that among the large groups of people, there are strong men who practiced more than one Permian.

He must improve his strength again!


At the next moment, Xiao Ye stepped through the universe, rushed in search of a ruin.


In this ruin, Xiao Ye took out the Tower of Time and rushed in.

The seventh floor of the Tower of Time is time dominated the dojo, vast and desolate, only a few areas are blooming and are being sealed.


Xiao Ye's figure was directly teleported to the pavilion that was first recovered.

This gazebo stands as usual, surrounded by a green lake, where lotus leaves can be seen gently swaying, as if it can wash the mind and make the soul feel more peaceful.

The ground of the pavilion is centered on a futon, and countless rainbow lights are interweaving, lingering on the atmosphere of the avenue, which is extremely profound.

"Time dominates seniors, I am finally qualified to touch the power of time in the chaotic world!"

Xiao Ye's eyes glowed.

At the next moment, his figure flashed, his steps straddled, sitting directly on the futon, the will of the divine order was released, and he began to try to understand.

(The first is here!)