Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 3505: Ancient God Summoned

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

Rebirth Day.

Twenty high-ranking Taoist gods, such as Pure Sun, and Xiao Ye, who walked out of the Battlefield of the Permian period, gathered together with more than 10,000 ancient **** disciples.

Soon, the result of the killing of all the median Taoist gods for 100,000 years was like a shocking storm that swept away, triggering an uproar and having a profound impact.

"The median Taoist **** of our Taishen group has been completely slaughtered. How is this possible?"

"The two million median Taoist gods of my shadow **** group have never survived and are all buried in the Permian battlefield."


The high-ranking gods from various ethnic groups were all appalled when they heard the news.

It is terrible to fight in the Permian battlefield.

But such a large-scale fall of the median Taoist **** is extremely rare in the history of the chaotic world.

What's more, there are some of them, who have a deep understanding of Dadao, can be called the preparatory force of the upper Dao God.

Now it has all fallen.

This will definitely affect the large groups of people to greet the subsequent alternating impact of the Permian.

Of course, there are also gloating and schadenfreude.

Because of the rumor, Luo Kui of the wing **** group, broke through to the upper Taoist realm, and should have swept all the median Taoist gods, but it fell into regret because of Xiao Ye's strong rise.

Wing God group and ancient God group have been hostile for a long time, how can it be so easy to give up?

This is also the case.

At this time, there were wing **** disciples everywhere in the reincarnation ban, as if the wind and clouds were rolling, they were quickly gathering together.

"The kid from the ancient **** group has achieved the infinitely high-ranking Taoist **** and even killed Brother Luo Kui!"

"Never let him go!"

In a dangerous place, a group of more than a dozen creatures with chaotic **** wings rose up into the sky, bursting into the world's supernatural powers, making the world tremble.

They are the upper Taoist gods of the wing **** group, and like the pure Sun, they survived from the fierce fighting.

"This son has not yet returned to the ancient **** group clan, go, follow me to intercept and kill him!"

One of the creatures shouted in anger.

His realm is extremely deep, and he has walked a long way in the upper Tao God Realm, and has the bloodline of the Seven Star Wing God. The level of refining is beyond Dacheng. Every word and word can shake the heavens and the world, and it is terrifying.

Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!

As he roared, other wing **** disciples suddenly moved, and the chaotic **** wings behind him stretched out, preparing to go away with the other party and kill Xiao Ye.

At this moment--


The world trembles, and a violent momentum rises, a chaotic mist, rolling towards this side.

In this chaotic haze, a group of creatures can be seen. They are protected by black scale armor from the head to the bottom of the foot, which is full of killing and strange breath.

This is really a congenital spirit of the chaotic world, and all of them have reached the upper realm of God.

At this moment, this group of congenital spirits is lifting a bronze temple in advance.

The bronze temple is not large, and the whole body is full of complex and difficult to understand, like tadpole-like fonts of gods, and it has a heavy sense of time and time.

If Xiao Ye is here, he will definitely recognize it.

This is exactly the bronze temple that rushed out of the star ruins.

"Hey, the ancient **** disciples who had escaped from the three "nether gods" had grown up to this point, and it was a little capable!"

"Wait, just stop."

At this moment, from this bronze temple, a cold voice came out, containing a kind of transcendental power, which immediately made the dozen or so wing **** disciples shudder, all stopped, showing their fear. Color, even the atmosphere does not dare to come out.

Because they are very clear that the master of this bronze temple is in the status of their wing **** group.

They are incomparable even though they are high-ranking gods.

"Now that the first stage of the alternating impact of the Permian era is over, the truce period is next, so don't wait for it."

"Wait until the second stage, I might go to meet for a while, this ancient disciple called Xiao Ye."

In the bronze temple, there was a voice again, so that the heavens and the world were all moving.


In this regard, Xiao Ye was naturally unaware.

They used the Forbidden Great Array, and it took only a few years to reach the ancient **** group.

"Finally home!"

Staring at the familiar eighty-five ancient **** pillars, not to mention the ancient **** disciples such as Youlan, Muze, Wu Tao, etc., the presence of the supernatural **** realm is full of joy.

The alternating impact of the Permian is really terrible.

Nearly a million of them, the Taoist God, went out together, but now only about 10,000 are left to return alive. Many brothers and brothers have fallen and are no longer visible.

The time they left this time seemed particularly long, with a sense of solitude.

"Brother Xiao Ye, thank you for your asylum in the Battlefield of the Permian Period, say goodbye!"

"Wait until the second stage is ushered in, I will wait and fight together."


At the moment, many of the median Taoist gods who walked out of the battlefield of the Xiaoji together with Xiao Ye were a pair of Xiao Ye clenching their fists to thank, and then quickly dispersed and opened, heading towards their own residence.

These 100,000 years of fighting are over.

There is still a buffer period of more than 30,000 years before the second phase is ushered in, which will definitely be more dangerous, and they are all eager to improve their strength.

The fallen creatures can no longer be seen. The living creatures naturally need to work harder.

"Brother Xiao Ye, you are now a high-end Taoist god, and I will fight side by side later."

The higher Taoist **** who walked with the pure Sunbreaker was also smiling and Xiao Ye, seeing the other as the existence of the same series.

Soon, beside Xiao Ye, there were only disciples under the seat of Che Yuan, such as Pure Sun, Youlan, etc., and they flew side by side towards their residence.

With the successive return of ancient **** disciples from all walks of life, the boundaries of the ancient desolated ancient **** group clan became more lively again.

Regarding the first stage, the news that the disciples of the same realm were fighting each other under the gates of innate gods from all walks of life also spread all over the sky.

Among them, the story of Xiao Ye's rise against the sky, the achievement of the infinitely high Taoist god, and the killing of the Quartet in the Permian battlefield were even mentioned by countless ancient disciples.

At this time, the ancient **** group can give birth to an infinitely high Taoist god, which undoubtedly seems to give people a booster, which is exciting.

Soon, the residual heat of the news was replaced by a fanatical atmosphere.

The ancient **** disciples who successfully returned alive this time are all credits to the ancient **** group.

From the infinite amount of high-level Taoist disciples to the ordinary median-level Daoist disciples, after discussing merits and rewards, they all received generous rewards distributed by Mingshu Pavilion.

Xiao Ye, who was extremely dazzling, did not get a reward from the Mingshu Pavilion, but received a summons.

Ancient God car source Hou——

Summon Xiao Ye in person!

(The first is here!)