Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 3568: Time to dominate the dojo again

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

In the East Qi Valley, the flesh and blood of the Yang Emperor are scattered, everything is calm, and only the devastation is left.


Xiao Ye's figure stopped, but he couldn't even hold the Zun knife in his hand, and fell down from the high altitude. He was sore and unbearable, gasping for breath.

At the last minute, he left his body and forgot to die, and bombarded Yang Huang continuously at any cost. Although he beheaded the other party, he was also seriously injured by Yang Huang.

Unless he comprehended the first-level time avenue, the divine origin was strengthened again, and it had long since fallen.

"I actually succeeded?"

Xiao Ye's face was pale, and now his head is still a little dazed.

He only realized the first level of time.

But it crossed the barriers and cut off the upper Taoist gods who had practiced two Permian periods?

If this news spreads, it will definitely be enough to subvert the whole reincarnation ban.

"Time Avenue, it's terrifying!"

Xiao Ye recovered, and his heart was ecstatic.

At the beginning, he also obtained one from time dominating the dojo, with the chaotic spirit of the first-level time avenue, but the power he exerted is far from the present.

Indirect mobilization and understanding with oneself are totally one heaven and one earth.

Immediately thereafter, Xiao Ye's eyes became vigilant, releasing the will of the Divine Order to surround him.

Now his divine will has skyrocketed a lot, not to mention covering the entire East Qi Valley, covering most of it but no longer talking.

"Nothing happened?"

Feeling calm and calm all around, Xiao Ye let out a sigh of relief and his expression became strange.

To know.

At the beginning, he urged the chaotic spirit that inherited the avenue of time, and killed the sea sage of the wing **** group. It once caused the rebirth of the forbidden sky and the exploration of innate gods in various ways.

But now, he has controlled the time avenue of level one himself, and urged the killing of Yang Huang, did not cause any movement?

"Is it because, am I in the East Qi Valley?" Xiao Ye felt a trace of enlightenment.

Innate valleys were born in Dongqi Valley. The flowers and grass here are very special and have a deep relationship with the ancient gods.

It can be said that this is a closed dangerous place, but these years have been dying and there is no vitality.

He understands the avenue of time here without being sensed by innate gods, but it is normal.

At this point of thought, Xiao Ye was relieved and rested on the spot for half a month before he got up again and put Zun Dao away.

"These ten chaotic gods were almost scrapped."

The will of Xiao Ye's Divine Order was shrouded, and he found ten chaotic spirits suppressed by the Yang Emperor, and found that each had cracks, and shook his head suddenly.

However, the third-level Zhenhao chaotic body was not a big problem, and Xiao Ye adopted it into the **** body.

"This disciple of Winged God should be the weakest among the higher Taoist gods who practiced more than one Permian.

"But he also practiced two Permian, anyway, this time he appeared in the war, he didn't carry any treasures?"

Xiao Ye launched a search in the East Qi Valley. In the flesh and blood of the Yang Emperor, he did not find too many treasures. The only few artifacts, although powerful and terrifying, were limited by blood, but he could not urge them.

"Don't these guys join the battle, they all hold the heart of death, so have they never carried treasures with them?"

Xiao Ye secretly said, but did not care.

It can be said that after realizing the avenue of time, he has no shortage of treasures.

"Exactly the teacher has orders, let us these ancient **** disciples lurk, this East Qigu, but suitable for hiding."

Xiao Ye smiled slightly, and after a simple layout in the East Qi Valley, he burst into the Tower of Time with anticipation.

The major tribes have practiced more than one superimposed Taoist **** of the Tertiary Age, and the creatures born in this superimposition can only avoid.

All he has to do now is to improve his strength.


In the seventh floor of the infinite time tower, Xiao Ye's figure appeared out of thin air.

From now on, although the time-dominated dojo is still desolate, several areas have been washed away from the dust and have been completely unsealed.

One of the behemoths is extremely conspicuous in it.

It was an ancient city, and it could be compared to the super **** kingdom of Galo.

The city wall is extremely majestic, rising high, rising into the sky, can be higher than the sky, can not see where the end is, Xiao Ye compared with it, like a ants.

"Understood the Avenue of Time, I can continue to explore!"

Xiao Ye flashed into the ancient city.

The ancient city is very special and empty. There is only a long ladder, which goes straight up, like ascending the sky. It has not entered the high sky where time dominates the dojo. The top is already submerged by clouds, and you can’t see where the end is.


Xiao Ye stepped up and moved forward.

As in the past, walking on this ladder, I slowly felt an inexplicable emotion and was infected.

The ladder is long and runs through the continents.

Soon, Xiao Ye had already crossed the first two squares, and the third square was already in sight.

"In the beginning, I stopped here..."

Xiao Ye whispered to herself, as he approached quickly, a mysterious force loomed over him.

But unlike in the past, this mysterious power enveloped Xiao Ye's whole body, causing the first-level time avenue he felt, and suddenly disappeared.


The figure of Xiao Ye was a flash, easily broke through the interception, and landed directly on the third square.


Xiao Ye was excited, standing around the square and looking around.

The third square was empty and full of glances, leaving Xiao Ye stunned.


There was nothing!

"This is impossible!"

Xiao Ye's brow furrowed and released the Divine Order will to investigate carefully, and suddenly found something.

"what is that?"

Xiao Ye's eyes flashed slightly, looking towards the central area of ​​the square.

There, there are two light **** floating, the whole body is transparent, as if they are integrated with the worlds of the world, if they are not carefully observed, it is easy to be missed.

The most important thing is that these two spheres of light are quite similar to the purple spheres of the ancient missionary tree.

"Is it..."

Xiao Ye flicked away and looked at these two **** of light, and the time avenue he realized suddenly boiled.

The two spheres of light are also vibrating and resonating, bursting into the sound of the avenue, and there are countless floating shadows floating around, as if explaining the meaning of the chaotic world.

"These two spheres of light contain magical powers that fit the avenue of time!"

Xiao Ye growled in excitement.

Although he realized the first-level time avenue, he had limited means, and at most incorporated into the ancient **** group clan Taoist supernatural power to make it mutate.

And really want to bring out the power of Time Avenue, naturally need magical powers.


At this moment, Xiao Ye's Divine Order will be released and enveloped towards one of the transparent light spheres, gaining supernatural heritage.

(The second one is coming!)