Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 3613: Cruel battle

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

This sentence fell like a thunder on the ground, so that the field became quiet all at once, and the needle fell audible. All the expressions of the wing **** disciples were frozen on the face, like a sculpture.

"completely annihilated?"

"It's impossible, Du Dongyu is very strong, but he can't do it alone!"

After confirming that the news was correct, these wing **** disciples were short of breath and made an incredulous growl, and their eyes were red.

They were defeated with the ancient **** disciples in the land of destiny along with the North Metallography. They have been defeated, and now the war is temporarily stopped for healing.

On the other end, such bad news spread. How can they accept it?

To know.

Which of the thirty wing **** disciples who killed East Qigu was not across the Permian.

Among them, there are even the strongest standing at the top of the third level. This lineup, not to mention arrogance, is almost the same.

As a result, all of them fell. This is a heavy loss for any group of innate gods and spirits.

After all, there are not many strong individuals accumulated by the various congenital deities and spirit groups in the cycle of the cycle of the Permian.

The same is true of their wing **** group.

In the bronze temple, there was also a long silence, and an inexplicable emotion was revealed.

next moment--


This bronze temple rose into the sky and rushed out of the land of destiny at an alarming speed.

"Hurry up!"

At the same time, the forty wing **** disciples looked at each other, looked at each other, rose up into the sky, and followed.

They have defeated the ancient **** disciples here and have defeated them. The reason for the confrontation is to delay the time.

As a result, this kind of delay is no longer necessary, and they will only be tragic.

What's more, the news that all 30 of his disciples had fallen was really terrifying. If they didn't understand it, they would be hard to feel at ease.

"How did they leave?"

"Humph, they counted fast, otherwise they would be buried in the world of destiny."


As these wing **** disciples left one after another, in the depths of Destiny's Land, there were also nine celestial bodies rising around the figure of purple divine light.

They are the disciples of the ancient gods headed by Yuweichi. The expressions are a bit stunned at the moment, and then they laugh out loud.

In the chase, these nine strong men talked to each other, and they also left their destiny.

Today, the reincarnation ban has become restless.

The news that Xiao Ye and Du Dongyu have joined forces to slash all 30 winged **** disciples across the Permian has been swept away by storms, through various communication treasures and supernatural powers.

"Bei Jinxiang, this Beijin is really shameless, regardless of identity, to start with the ordinary disciples of our ancient **** group!"

"The next time you encounter it, you must kill him!"


The nine disciples of the ancient gods had just left the land of destiny and passed by in the sky of the rebirth of the rebirth. They heard the news and were shocked.

Which of the higher Taoist gods who can cross the Permian is not a qualified person with a head and a face? Although they participated in the second stage of the fight, they still have a proud heart.

However, like the North Metallographic, they can't do it regardless of their identity, and they can't do it against the upper Dao God's killer who joined together in this Permian.

The most unexpected thing for them is that Xiao Ye has been so powerful.

"Did Brother Xiao Ye have already cultivated Chi Ming Gu Jian?"

A man resembling a human being, a resolute Yu Wei who was determined, he was born like a **** king, and he was shocked with his face, speeding up and rushing towards the direction of the East Qigu.

The battle of Destiny's Land has also come to an end, and once again in the rebirth of the banned world, a storm has been set off.

This appointment battle became a complete joke.

When all kinds of creatures mentioned the name of North Metallography, there was a hint of ridicule in the words.

Contrary to Beijin, the name Xiao Ye was soaring, spread throughout the rebirth of the forbidden sky, and was faced by the upper Taoist gods across the Permian and included in the category of enemies.

In the chaotic world, although the ancient gods are declining, the disciples under the ancient gods are too amazing.

In the past, there was the Emperor Chi, who straddled the Permian, and other powerful people, so that the northern metallographic escaped from the land of destiny, and his face was lost.

Later, there was a combination of Xiao Ye in this Permian, and he rose strongly.

Restless in the world.

The spirits of all walks of life are talking about it, and the wing **** group will never give up.

However, it is surprising.

The disciple of Beijin Equal Wing God who fled from the land of destiny was silent, and no follow-up action.

But this does not affect, the second stage of the alternate impact of the Dieki period is still continuing.

The years are in a hurry, and in a blink of an eye, years of time have passed.

Somewhere in the reincarnation ban, there is a group of over a thousand creatures, a melee is erupting.

From a glance, it can be seen that the disciples of the shadow god, the disciples of the dark god, and the disciples of the three faces are all joined together in this Permian, struggling to fight.

Among them, although they existed across the Permian, they were all turned into corpses and lie in the void.

However, these creatures were forced to join forces at the moment, and they were fighting more than one hundred **** creatures.

They are awesome disciples of the ancient gods, and they all existed together in this Permian period.

Although the number of them is only more than 100, the strength they exert is extremely terrifying. There are more than a dozen of them, who have the seven-star ancient **** blood lineage, and obviously have been tempered by the coagulation magic art. These disciples of innate gods were forced to join forces, but they were killed and retreated with heavy losses.

"After these years of fighting, Brother Sunniyang's strength has also improved rapidly."

In the distance, there are eleven figures standing side by side, just like eleven ancient deities, and also disciples of ancient gods.

One of the black-haired, black-haired human men had a smile on his face.

He is Xiao Ye.

At that time, Yu Wei Chi waited for the nine strong men, and after returning from the land of destiny, they did not rest for too long, so they joined forces and reincarnate in the ban on the sky.

"From the second stage to the present, among the major innate groups of gods and spirits, there should not be too many high-ranking gods who joined together in this Permian."

Xiao Ye sighed slightly.

The alternating impact of the Permian is terrible.

Their ancient **** disciples, if they want to get through, they can only eliminate some opponents as soon as possible, and they simply cannot tolerate any pity.

"It's just that during these years of battle, I rarely encountered disciples of Yishen."

Xiao Ye secretly said.

At that time, Bei Jinxiang returned with a feather, and absolutely included him in the must-do list. How could there be no follow-up action for so long?

"And Brother Yuwei Chi's reaction is very strange..." Xiao Ye's eyes swept to the top ten strong men around him, secretly.

Yu Wei came back from the land of destiny and learned that he had built Chi Ming Gu Jian. In addition to his gratification, there was also a little worry in Meiyu, but he refused to reveal too much.

(The first is here!)