Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 3616: First visitors

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

As the top world-Chaos, since its inception, it contains countless secrets, even the innate gods may not be able to know everything.

At this moment, in a channel stretched by an innumerable array of lines, a group of creatures are in it, traversing one chaotic space node at a very fast speed, surrounded by a quiet and silent, occasional starlight swaying, but also fleeting.

The two of them are the disciples of the ancient **** who set off from the reincarnation ban.

Although they stood upright at the moment, they both closed their eyes slightly and were undergoing retreat without any communication.

"The distance between the different forbidden worlds in the chaotic world is really far enough!" Xiao Ye stood in it, suddenly opened his eyes, filled with emotion.

How fast is it to use the forbidden space to shuttle space?

He opened the Forbidden Great Array, and from the reincarnated Great Forbidden to Galo, it would only take ten years.

And now, thousands of years have passed since their departure.

This is an extremely long journey. If it is not strong enough, I am afraid that there will be an accident.

After all, the teleportation of the Forbidden Great Array requires the consumption of its own Taoism. The more creatures it carries, the greater the consumption.

It would be impossible to change to the higher Taoist **** who joined the Taoism.

"Nanting is forbidden, it's coming soon!"

At this moment, Yu Wei, who was in retreat, suddenly opened his eyes and growled.


Xiao Ye Wen Yan was invigorated.

Other ancient disciples also opened their eyes one after another.

As expected, at the end of the space channel, a dazzling glare suddenly appeared.


Yu Wei speeded up and took many ancient disciples and rushed past.


It has just rushed out of the space channel, and suddenly there is a big rebirth than the reincarnation, and the unconstrained space binding power is overshadowed.

"Is this Nan Ting's ban?"

The disciples of the ancient gods present will naturally not be affected in any way, all of them have their eyes widened, looking around with curiosity.

Except for Yu Weichi, who was waiting for the top ten strong men, the ancient **** disciples present here all came to Nan Ting for the first time and were naturally curious.

Xiao Ye also released the will of the divine order, and walked around to explore.

This is an endless independent world with endless wonders.

However, compared to the vast expanse of the reincarnation of the Great Forbidden Sky, Nan Ting's Great Forbidden Sky is extremely deep, just like being in the abyss.

Here is also like falling into the night, bleak everywhere, already shrouded in the evil atmosphere unique to the alternations of the Permian, and the tragic breath left behind due to the fighting is more than the rebirth of the forbidden sky.

"Nanting is banned from the sky, there are also many innate gods and spirits standing side by side!"

"Just don't know, where is Xiaobai?" Xiao Ye's eyes flickered, feeling a little excited.

His present-day will will cover a small forbidden sky, but it is impossible to see a big forbidden sky.

"Now the major banned days in the chaotic world are facing the impact of the Alternating Period. Your group of ancient **** disciples are not staying well in the reincarnation of the banned day, but they dare to come to offend our Nan Ting, what do you want to do?"

Just as this group of ancient disciples were preparing to investigate Nan Ting's forbidden sky, a beast roared suddenly.

Looking around, a strange scene appeared ahead.

There are gold and iron horses, swords, swords, swords, and murderous sky. In addition, it is ancient and towering, full of vitality, and various fierce beasts and beasts are infested. It is like a majestic wild land.

Hundreds of powerful creatures gathered on it, moving one by one to the sea, and all had amazing magical powers.

These creatures are all different in appearance, but without exception, a golden horn is born on the forehead, which is extremely hard, straight through the sky, and shines brightly.

The wild continent at their feet rose from the sky and rushed towards the group of ancient disciples.

"It is the descendant of the Golden Horn God in Nan Ting's Forbidden Heaven!"

At this moment, Yu Wei whispered late.

"Descendants of the Golden Horn God?"

Xiao Ye also narrowed his eyes.

There are naturally innate gods sitting in the forbidden days of Nan Ting, and the Golden Horn God is one of them.

The golden horn **** bloodline is not the top in the chaotic world, but all its descendants will give birth to golden horn, with great lethality and incomparably hard.

It can be said that the Golden Horn is a descendant of the Golden Horn God. They are a manifestation of the state and combat power. Their **** body is relatively weak, but the Golden Horn is so powerful that it can easily pick through the **** bodies of the same realm.


While Yuwei Chi waited for the top ten strong men, his expression was calm, and he stood with his hands down, ordinary ordinary disciples such as Pure Sunbreaker and Li Chen were extremely tacit, and they rushed up in unison.

In these years, in the battle in the reincarnation ban, these ancient **** disciples have made remarkable progress, directly leapt on the wild continent and fought **** battles.

Although those Golden Horn disciples are also very powerful, it is clear that most of them are joined in this Permian, and those crossing the Permian are very rare.

There was Xiao Ye and the top ten strong forces. This fight was not suspenseful, only a short time of breath, this wild continent was already shattered and torn apart.

"Damn, there are a lot of strong among the ancient disciples!"

"Notify the group clan and send out powerful brothers to come and suppress this group of ancient disciples!"

The disciples of the Golden Horn God all fled around and dared not brave the front.

"Enough is enough, stop chasing!"

At this moment, Yu Wei, who had been indifferently watching the battle, suddenly uttered a voice, which stopped the pursuit of the ancient **** disciples.

"Looking for candlelight is definitely not an overnight effort."

"And our speed is very fast, it is the first batch of visitors from the reincarnation."

"Since this is the case, it is natural to make good use of this, first to muddy the water here before talking."

Facing everyone's doubtful eyes, Yu Wei Chi said deeply.

"Brother Yuwei Chi's method is good."

As soon as these words came out, these ancient **** disciples groaned for a moment, and they all laughed and reacted.

Other innate gods and disciples of the Forbidden Heaven came for the candlelight, and the souls of the Nanting Great Forbidden Heaven will definitely fight back.

They already have such advantages now, so why take the risk and attract firepower?

Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!

At present, under the leadership of Yu Wei Chi, this group of ancient **** disciples are all in a hidden breath in action. At the same time, they also shot a few times and killed many Nan Ting creatures.

With the passage of time, Nan Ting was banned everywhere in the sky, and a breath of amazing supernatural power broke out.

"Some of the reincarnated creatures have infiltrated into our Nan Ting Great Ban Heaven?"

"Find them and tear them apart!"


In the midst of Nan Ting, the creatures who are participating in the second stage of the Alternation of the Almighty, one after another, are furious and add up. They are closely controlled and launched a search, which is hostile.

However, the disciples of the ancient gods were lurking, no longer dispatched, waiting patiently.

(The first is here!)