Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 3727: Vain

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

For the strange ancient tree of chaotic heterogeneity, escape into the void and disappear with the strong man named Chai Yunke.

"Give up so easily?"

Seeing this, Xiao Ye breathed a sigh of relief, shaking his figure, and stunned to the ground. Shenwei's diminished, and his body dimmed.

He only used the cultivation of the ancient gods to fight against Chai Yunke’s body, he was not an opponent at all. He was completely relying on it, brought out from the real world of treasures, and the chaotic treasures that had a magical effect on healing were carried on hard, otherwise Long lost.

Now this breath is relieved and I immediately notice how bad my state is.

Not to mention that his divine body was full of holes, even the origin of the Divine Order was greatly damaged, and it was already weak to the extreme. Even a median Taoist might kill him.

At this moment, Xiao Ye could only urge the Avenue of Eternal Life to cover the whole body, and heal the wound in silence. Even the three disciples of the sky god, one after another, urged the Forbidden Great Array to leave without help.

"In addition to the empty **** group, there are even creatures from the ancient **** group who are beyond the realm of God, and noticed here!"

"You can't stay here for long, go away!"


As for those forbidden innate creatures, they are all air-conditioned, wherever they dare to stay, and urged the forbidden giants to leave.

Fang Cai, Xiao Ye and Chai Yunke's fighting in the way made many of them affected and hard to heal.

Regardless of the true strength of Xiao Ye, they are not able to contend, and they are also used as a **** by the group of air gods, which can be said to have suffered a blood loss.

"Brother Xiao Ye!"

As for the sixteen statues of Yuwei Chi and Du Dongyu, the ancient **** disciples across the Permian were all excited to rush towards Xiao Ye.

The group of air gods, even the existence of Chaodao God Realm came, and just sent out a Taoist body, pushing Xiao Ye into desperation.

In the end, Xiao Ye could still survive, making them feel like dreams.

"Brother Xiao Ye, your face is really big, even the existence of our ancient **** group and transcendental realm are all for the purpose of speaking."

Wearing a gray robe, Du Dongyu was very emotional.

He practiced several Permian periods, and his vision was naturally extraordinary. Of course, he knew that their ancient gods and tribes did indeed have the existence of a supernatural world.

For example, Hongzhi, the big disciple under the car seat, is.

And those who just spoke and retired Chai Yunke were obviously not Hongqi.

"Great face?"

Xiao Ye smiled bitterly.

Although as long as he arrives in the next Permian, he can become a true disciple of Cheyuanhou.

But he did not have any friendship with other true disciples of the ancient gods. The other party would open up to face Chai Yunke. I am afraid that the other party came to Xiao Tiantian and took action indiscriminately, breaking certain rules.

Otherwise, Chai Yunke will not retreat so simply.

"The water in the chaotic world is deep, so you must be more careful in the future."

"In recent years, my strength has grown too fast, and I have repeatedly slashed the enemy. It is impossible to be ignored." Xiao Ye secretly said.

His understanding of the five Chaos Avenues inherited by the ancient **** bloodline is not too fast, but because of the existence of Time Avenue, his strength is advancing by leaps and bounds, and naturally it is easy to cause others to think of him as a treasure.

This time, he was forced into a desperate situation by Chai Yunke. He did not hesitate to consume the Tertiary resources and did not expose the time avenue. It is a blessing to be able to survive. It does not mean that the other party will let him go.

Moreover, there is no guarantee that there will be no other forbidden creatures, and he will also notice him.

"Thank you senior!"

At this moment, Xiao Ye stumbled to his feet and thanked Void.

Although he did not know who the speaker was, it was indeed a big favor.

However, in the face of Xiao Ye's ritual, Shino was silent, but there was no response.

"Brother Xiao Ye, let's heal first!"

At this moment, Yu Wei Chi took out Taoist Divine Array from the Divine Body, and arranged the Taoist Divine Array directly on the spot, enveloping all the ancient **** disciples present.

This time, the arrival of Chai Yunke, the super-departmental superpower, although he did not directly shoot Yu Weichi and others, they were also affected and all were injured.

As for Xiao Ye, he was so weak that he could not go through the sky.

At this moment, this group of ancient **** disciples rested in the stubborn Wuxiao ban days.

Xiao Ye was also recuperating his wounds.

All the creatures in the stubborn Wuxiao Forbidden Heaven have already fallen, all dead, no life, only the Dao God Array arranged by Yu Weichi, and the gleaming divine light that circulated, brought a trace of anger.

Time passed slowly.

Strong men such as Yuwei Chi and Du Dongyu, after resting for thousands of years in the stubborn Wu Xiaotian days, have recovered to the utmost, and continue to carry out the experience, shuttle between the seven small ban days.

Xiao Ye also got out of customs a hundred years ago.

He brought it out from the real treasure world, a chaotic treasure that has a magical effect on healing, although it is exhausted.

However, the road of immortality inherited by the ancient gods was also good at healing, and he returned to the peak state. He began his experience with Yuweichi and others to prepare for the ancient gods to absorb fresh blood in the next Permian.

On the way, he went back to Galo forbidden days again, and stayed in the Three Lords for a short time to accompany his family.

Facing the threat of death, Xiao Ye cherished the time of reunion with his closest relatives.

At the same time, the seven small bans were turbulent.

The creatures above the Taoist realm are unheard of for the creatures of Xiaotiantian, but they are truly in the stubborn Wuxiaotiantian.

What horror is this news?

It even attracted many great forbidden spirits to discuss.

And this also pushed Xiao Ye to the wind and waves.

Many creatures pointed sharply that Qiuhen, the genius of the Kongshen group, failed to intercept Xiao Ye and fell, not Xiao Ye did it.

Xiao Ye does not possess such strength.

This point was confirmed by Chai Yunke, who transcended the Tao Realm, and no one questioned it.

There are even many forbidden creatures who are taking advantage of the opportunity to discredit Xiao Ye, claiming that although Xiao Ye's road to rise is brilliant and has great potential, it is too exaggerated and it is just a name.

Hearing these rumors, Xiao Ye just smiled and ignored it, followed Yu Yuchi and others.

This time, he is no longer strong, very low-key, rarely shot, unwilling to show too much, most of the time he is retreating.

With the passage of time, Xiao Ye's breath became more and more convergent, but he had a sense of mottled years, so that the fellow Yu Wei Chi and other ancient disciples were shocked.

"It is worthy of time..." Xiao Ye stood in the chaotic void, with a regretful expression on her face.

He continued to practice hard, and the time edge he learned from the time forbidden land has already been cultivated.

It's just a pity that the main force of the third stage of fighting is the creatures who are beyond the realm of God, and he has no chance to show his strength.

"We, too, have to return to the realm of the clan!" Xiao Ye's eyes flickered.

The end of the third stage of fighting will usher in the fourth stage.

That was the final impact of the alternating impact of the Permian.

It is rumored that it was the innate gods who appeared above in the fourth stage!

(The first is here!)