Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 373: Demon God Constitution

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!


Never had anger!

Xiao Ye killed Jin Pengzi in front of his face, and took away his virtual weapon, which hit his face naked!

The eyes of Jun Shitian were full of terrifying murderous intentions, and the whole person burst into a dazzling light, illuminating the whole world, and setting off a violent breath, so that the young people who were fighting for their seats were forced to stop. Far away from it.

Kaka Kaka!

The central continent was trembling tremendously, and the ground at the foot of Jun Shitian was splitting into huge cracks and spreading in all directions. If it were not for the existence of a guardian array on the continent, it must have been torn apart.

As for the fifty seats, which are made of supreme treasures, the whole body of light circulates and can withstand the impact of the virtual martial arts.

Everyone was trembling, Jun Shitian's peak strength was too strong, like a mountain that could not be climbed, so they could only look up high.

Xiao Ye's eyes narrowed, and a black robe hunted in the wind. He had to admit that this was a terrible opponent. He felt that the strength of the opponent was still above the Nangong Xingyu.

Of course, in the two days since the ranking battle started, he has also made some advances in the knife and cross killing. If he really fights, he will not be afraid of the other party.

Just when everyone almost thought that the two were about to fight, a cold hum was like a heavy hammer, slamming into everyone's heart.

"Wait until the second round of the ranking battle, even if you fight with your life, the old man will not control, but now stop for the old man!"

Wang Wu was furious and lay dead for thousands of miles. Cultivating to reach this state, raising his hands and throwing his feet had a terrifying power. No matter how evil you are in the virtual martial realm, you must bow your head in front of the powerful Wang Wu realm.

The screams of the emissaries of the dynasty, and an invincible will, heavily bombarded on his soul, made his head veiled, and even if pale, he could not help but take a few steps backwards, unable to lift a trace of war for a long time.

Xiao Ye was horrified. What kind of horror Wang Wujing was, he could disperse his war intentions with just one sentence, and he could not help but kneel down.

Jun Shitian also looked bad. He glanced at Xiao Ye coldly, and then sat back without a word.

Xiao Ye looked at the emissaries of the dynasty with a fearful look, and then, in full view, he went to the fortieth seat and sat down.

Many young Tianjiao were speechless again.

Brother, your strength is so strong, even came to take the seat after us?

"Huh?" Xiao Ye, who was sitting on the seat, suddenly felt cold all over, feeling a horrible murderous intention locking him firmly.

He looked around and saw a middle-aged man with golden light all over his body, carrying his hands on his back, looking at him coldly, and the terrifying power made the void tremble.

"King Jinpeng!" Xiao Ye's heart jumped.

Jin Pengguo’s five arrogants who participated in the war, four of them died in his hands, and King Jinpeng will naturally have a killing intent on him.

"A super-powerful person in Wang Wujing, he will never fall down to deal with me? Not to mention there are emperors of the dynasty, King Jinpeng will certainly not mess up." Xiao Ye secretly said, and then withdrew his eyes, guessing in his heart. The relationship between Jun Shitian and Jin Pengzi.

A turmoil ended with the fall of Jin Pengzi. The first round of the ranking battle continued. I saw a young man rushed to the rest of the unmanned seat and launched a more fierce and splendid fight, special constitution and rules The power of Xuan Ao was unfolding, which made people dazzled and hungry.

The most disappointing thing is that Nangong Xingyu did not fight Jun Shitian in the first round, but sat directly in the second seat. Presumably, the peak match between the two will start in the second round. .

Over time, the fifty seats gradually belonged.

It is worth mentioning that Qian Kunguo's short-haired young man Cao Wen, his strength in the first round was shocking.

It turned out that this person's strength has already surpassed Jin Pengzi. He not only realized the mystery of the law, but also a son of heaven, cultivated to reach the level of the virtual martial arts, under the strength of the triple power, pushed all the way, strong metamorphosis, directly occupied The third seat is eye-catching.

As for Mo Xie, he didn't grab a seat.

On the central continent's square, fifty seats stood upright, sitting on them were fifty extraordinary young men, who represented the pinnacle of the entire young generation of Dongzhou, and would be eligible to receive the reward of the gods and dynasties.

Of course, the final ranking still needs to be determined after the second round.

"Next, the remaining people came to compete for 450 places. As long as they could get one place, they could participate in the battle of the dynasty." The emissaries of the dynasty waved their hands, and the earth burst, and huge platforms broke out of the ground.

After the emissaries introduced the rules, a scuffle began.

They came to the Broken Heaven Realm and reached the central continent after difficulties. The purpose is very simple, that is, in order to obtain the qualification to participate in the battle of the dynasty, no one is willing to be eliminated, and one by one is going to defeat the opponent.

Tianjiao in the top 50 is to seize the time to adjust the state, so as to meet the next peak collision.

This melee battle lasted for three hours before it ended. The loser was sent out by the emissaries of the dynasty, leaving 450 people standing on the ring, with a tired smile on his face.

For them, being able to stay is a victory.

Mo Ye, who Xiao Ye noticed a little, stayed, and it seems that the ranking is not low.

After the 500 places to participate in the battle of the dynasty came out, everyone's eyes turned to the fifty young people sitting on the seats. They were as blazing as the sun. Their names will soon move the entire Dongzhou, let Recited by the world.

Next is the highly anticipated second round of ranking battle. This is the pinnacle of the Dongzhou youth generation and will be unparalleled.

"Ranking battle..." Xiao Ye slowly clenched his fists, his eyes shot out of the sky, and his black hair was windless and automatic.

Needless to say, only the higher the impact of the ranking, the richer the reward of the Tenjin Dynasty, and the greater the advantage it will occupy in the future battle of the dynasty, in order to be selected by the Holy Land of Zhongzhou.

This is a complementary relationship, he does not allow himself to take the wrong step, otherwise what would he take with Bingya?

Don’t forget that his potential opponent is probably the iron-blooded emperor standing on the pinnacle of the True Spirit Continent, not to mention that he is taking an unprecedented road and definitely needs a lot of cultivation resources.

To shock, then shock first!

"In the second round of the ranking battle, there are no rules, you can shoot at will, and compete for the other party's seat." The emperor of the dynasty said here, and the tone was paused before continuing. "Try not to take human life. A genius can appear in the **** of heaven. It’s easy, the husband doesn’t want you to fight with your life."

The emperor of the dynasty said, and also glanced at Jun Shitian and Xiao Ye, obviously this sentence was given to them.

In fact, in the previous kingdom battles, it was rare to fight by life. After all, everyone was cultivated by the major kingdoms. Killing the opponent is equivalent to angering a strong Wang Wujing. This is very unwise. , No one wants to do it.

But this time is different. Jin Pengzi has been killed by Xiao Ye. People with a clear eye know that Jun Shitian will not let Xiao Ye go. The grudge between the two can only be cleaned with blood.

At the moment, Jun Shitian stood up slowly from the seat, a majestic power rose into the sky, and his long hair fluttered like a demon **** standing between the heavens and the earth, and the cold mans between the eyes shot towards Xiao Ye.

"Master Messenger, this time it is estimated that you will be disappointed." Xiao Ye secretly said, also stood up from the seat, four Xuandan Qi Qi broke out in his body, the power of terror swept Jiuhuang, although he was only half-empty Wu, but has a breath no weaker than anyone.

There was a hint of strange color in the eyes of the emperor of the dynasty: "This little Ye Xiao is really not simple, but he can come to this step from the endless sea, and he has such a strong force in the half-step virtual martial realm. He must have a great chance. ."

"Just don't know if this little guy got the killing rule of that guy."


Fifty powerful arrogants roared together, their eyes blazing fiercely, their unmatched fighting intentions shattered the sky, and the terrifying mighty eruption made the whole continent tremble.


At this time, someone shot first, only to see him take a step forward, carrying a huge hole in the sky behind him, crossing the void, raising a big palm with his hand, covering the heavens and everything, toward the third ranked Cao Wen cracked down.

This person, like Cao Wen, had hidden Xiu Wei before.

Others also picked opponents and launched attacks one after another.

"Xiao Ye, I'll take your life. Even if you have a virtual weapon in your hand, you will definitely die." Jun Shitian stood up from the sky, and suddenly stood a huge magic shadow behind him. , Exudes immense power.

Jun Shitian stretched his special physical strength to the limit.

At this moment, the whole world was dark, and boundless demonic energy swept through all directions, covering the sky and covering the sun, and turning the entire continent into the night.

This method of reversing day and night is shocking.

"Jun Shitian, you are too proud, who is the one who lives and dies, is not what you say!" Xiao Ye's dark pupils were fierce and full of black hair, and an invincible will went straight to the sky, broken Void.

The young people who watched the battle couldn't help but get excited. The two of them are super generations, and their duel must be very exciting.

"Huh, I really don't know life and death, then I will let you know today, my peak strength, the young generation in Dongzhou, no one can compete with me, even if you don't have that qualification."

"Devil God's physique, slaughter!"

Jun Shitian roared loudly, and the magical energy emitted from the body surface was even more terrifying, like the black smoke covering the sky dome. At the same time, the black demon **** behind him was raised hundreds of feet again, like a mountain, so that everyone would breathe Not angry.