Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 3746: Tian Hu

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

"The congenital nectar collected by Bayter is more than that!"

Xiao Ye's eyes were straight, and in those chaotic treasures, a second stone pot was found.

This is obviously the same root as the first one and belongs to a pair.

However, although there is congenital dew in this stone pot, it is not full, only one third.

Holding two stone pots, Xiao Ye's head was dazed, and he no longer knew what to say.

"Baite collected innate nectar, there must be more than one Permian, otherwise there will not be so many, no wonder he is so experienced."

"Just, what is he going to do?" Xiao Ye forcibly suppressed the horror in his heart, his eyes flashing, calming himself down.

According to Yu Wei Chi.

The spirits of the Taoist realm form the foundation of the transcendental Taoist realm, and the innate dew required is different, and is divided according to the level of blood potential.

For example, descendants of medium descent such as Lishen and Sanmian, need about fifty drops of innate dew.

And the descendants of the top wing gods, Taishen, and Bodhidharma, need 100 drops of innate dew.

It is the turn of the descendants of the ancient gods, and it is more difficult to transcend the Taoist realm, but it only requires 150 drops of innate dew.

These two stone pots are not big, but the innate nectar adds up, conservatively estimated at least about 300 drops!

That is to say, the innate nectar collected by Bayt has long been enough for the other party to build the foundation of transcendental deity.

It's just that the other party not only did not absorb the refining, all of it was preserved, and it was still being collected, obviously with other intentions.

"Maybe I can find the answer from these two stone jugs..."

Xiao Ye pondered for a moment, staring at the stone pot in his hand.

The shape and size of the stone pots are exactly the same, but the fonts of the gods engraved on the surface are different. They can be put together to form a method.


The will of Xiao Ye's Divine Order shrouded it and carried out careful speculation.

Although these divine writings are complex and difficult to understand, they are extremely mysterious, but fortunately they are not difficult and difficult to understand. After spending only a few hours, Xiao Ye has already gained something.


Under Xiao Ye's gaze, these divine writings were combined into a vast method, which appeared in his mind.


Xiao Ye's expression changed slightly.

He found that this method was not magical. He could even try to run it, but it had no effect.


At the same time, Xiao Ye's move seemed to touch something, and there was a divine light gathering in front of him, turning into a living creature.

This creature also resembles a human race, looks like a knife, looks very handsome, looks similar to Baite, but has a very different temperament, but a pair of deep eyes, like looking through the ages, just look like this Come, let Xiao Ye's legs tremble, with his current strength, all are spasticity of the body, like a mans back.

" it the brother of Bayt?" Xiao Ye looked pale as paper, and his heart was horrified.

But the other party's existence of surpassing God Realm suddenly appeared now?

"Little brother!"

"Because my brother surpassed the Dao God Realm, I also deeply realized that although our dharma descent lineage is special, the potential is still not comparable to those of the top lineages. It is too different in the foundation of breaking through the Dao God Realm. Now."

"Especially the disciples of the ancient gods, once the Taoist realm is explored, the starting point is much higher than ours."

However, this creature didn't attack Xiao Ye, but opened his mouth, and his words were full of regret and emotion.

"Is this just a video?" Xiao Ye was relieved to see this.

The brother in the other person's mouth is definitely referring to Bayt.

At the moment, Xiao Ye listened carefully.

"Because my brother deeply feels the limitation of blood lineage and is unable to change, I don’t want you to follow my old path, so I spent a lot of Permian, studying the thousands of magical powers of the inner door, and even relying on the dharma blood lineage, I learned a lot from other groups. Supernatural, finally found a way!"

At this moment, this creature is quite proud.


Xiao Ye bounced.

It's about Bayt, why collect so many innate nectars.

"The potential of the bloodline can't be changed, but if more precipitation is made in the Dao God Realm, it will create a foundation that exceeds the limit of the blood lineage.

"So for the sake of brother, I specially collected all kinds of chaotic gods and created these "Tianhu God Pots"."

"When you use innate nectar, fill up the pair of Tianhu **** pots, and then combine them as brothers and combine the magical powers of various large groups of people. The "Tianhu **** law" created by them will be absorbed and refined, which can naturally be cast. , An even stronger foundation than top congenital deities."

"Brother, this method is too far-reaching, and it is also easy to touch the anger, so don't tell the outside world, and you should not let your brother down!"

The creature said proudly, and the voice fell, and the image was over.


Xiao Ye heard the shocking expression on his face.

What kind of effect did he get just now?

It is no wonder that in these years, Bayt is still collecting innate nectar.

"Brother Bate, it's terrible!" After a long time, Xiao Ye recovered.

Supernatural powers evolved from Chaos Heavenly Dao.

Then the born soul can also create some methods.

Just like Hong Jian, Hong Qi created a blow.

The elder brother of Bate, who is above the Tao Realm, can read the magical powers of various groups, and create a method of law, naturally benefiting from the peculiarity of the dharma descent.

I'm afraid Hong Hong can't do this.

"The God of Heaven's God is the elder brother of Bayt, who has read the magical powers of various groups and created it after learning from it."

"So there is no bloodline restriction, I can also use it to practice!"

At this point, Xiao Ye's eyes lit up and his heart jumped wildly.

What would be the effect of blessing the eldest brother of Bayt, and the Heavenly Heaven Divine Law left on him?

"Haha, with my strength, I want to fill up the second Tianhu God Pot, there is no problem at all, it just takes some time."

"After all, I don't have the qualification to transcend the Taoist realm now, so I can fully wait!" Xiao Ye laughed excitedly.

This is related to his future surpassing the divine realm, so Tianhu divine law is much more precious than the Divine Wealth Treasury.


At this moment, the large formation was shaking violently, obviously there were strong men attacking from outside.

With the fall of Bayt, the Great Array of the Four Gods no longer works, and only a moment of time has been torn a gap.

"Brother Xiao Ye, you..."

I saw Yu Weichi's figure appeared out of thin air and rushed in.

When he saw Xiao Ye and the exploded withered flesh of Bayet, his mouth suddenly twitched.

Xiao Ye...

Even Bayter killed?

(The second one is coming!)