Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 379: Fight against thunder

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

At the bottom of the True Dragon Pool, Xiao Ye opened his eyes, and two splendid gods burst out of his eyes, like two heavenly swords rushing into the sky, all blocked by the seal left by the star king under.

"Finally woke up..."

Xiao Ye whispered to herself, her skin was like jade, her black hair was like ink, she sat cross-legged at the bottom of the pool, exuding a terrifying breath, and there was a precious light flowing in her body.

Noting the fiery sky behind him, Xiao Ye was not surprised.

In fact, he regained consciousness very early, and he knew everything that happened outside, only now that he had gained control of the body.

Xiao Ye reached out and touched the mark of the eyebrows that contained the law of third-level killing, and his eyes flashed: "Senior King Po, I owe you a great grace."

He can get rid of the anti-bite of the law of killing, and the reason is that this imprint contains the last trace of energy left by the King of Breaking Heaven, helping him at the most critical moment.


At this time, the thunder cloud above the real dragon pool was tumbling violently because Xiao Ye opened a hole in the sky, and gathered quickly, turning into a larger thunder sea than before, and the thick thunder was flashing, and it was possible to split it at any time. .

"I want to open the sky, this seal is destined to not completely isolate my breath, I have to seize the time." Xiao Ye eyes narrowed, and immediately started the secret technique of opening the sky.

Xiao Ye sat cross-legged and radiated all over his body. After absorbing the energy of the True Spirit Pool, Tu Xuandan flew towards the second hole of the sky.

It didn’t take long for the second hole to emerge completely, exuding a yellowish-yellow glow, with a breath of energy, running through the sky, and a force of terror swept through it.

This is the power of Dongtian, which is more than ten times stronger than the strength of Xuanwu. Xiao Ye can use it at will, and absorbs and refines the essence of Shifang, and the power will almost not be exhausted.

"It's a virtual martial realm!" Xiao Ye felt very happy, thanks to the real dragon pool, otherwise he could not open the sky so smoothly.

At this time, because of the opening of the earth cave, Xiao Ye's breath leaked out again, attracting a python-like sky thunder, like the awn of the world, containing terrifying energy, and fiercely split into the real dragon pool.

In order not to cause Tianlei's rebound, the star-falling king can only seal off Xiao Ye's breath, and has no defense effect. It is easily smashed by Tianlei, leaving Xiao Ye completely exposed before Tianlei.

"Hum, it's good!" Xiao Ye felt the skyrocketing power and was full of powerful self-confidence. He was carrying two caves full of radiant light and stood up from the pool. His body was steady like Taishan, facing the splitting sky. Punch out.


The two forces of the sky were mobilized, gathered on Xiao Ye's fist, and then surging out, evaporating everything, directly exploding this sky thunder, turning into countless small electric awns and dissipating in the void.

"What a powerful force!" Xiao Ye looked excited.

If it is placed before the breakthrough, even if he can block the sky, he must be seriously injured unless he uses the law of killing.

"Once I open up all the four caves, what will my strength reach?" Xiao Ye's eyes were bright and clear.

Opening up four holes in the sky, this is a precedent that has never been seen in the True Spirit Continent, and even the female emperor can’t speculate what will happen, so Xiao Ye still needs to find out for himself.

At the moment, looking forward to continue to open up.


The vast Leihai continued to tumbling and brewing, and soon after, with a tremendous loud noise, two thick thunders crossed the void, with unmatched power, and swooped in the direction of Xiao Ye.

"Thunder Tribulation one after another, the power is getting stronger and stronger." In front of Tianwei, Xiao Ye did not dare to carelessly, while struggling to open the third hole sky, while fighting against Thunder Tribulation.

Fortunately, his current strength is extraordinary. On the basis of strength, he is much stronger than other virtual martial arts warriors, and it is not a problem to deal with the early thunder.

At this time, the sky city had become a mess, a large number of maidens, guards, servants, and ran out of the palace, looking at the thunder cloud rolling in the sky with horror.

Just now, they saw with their own eyes that Starfall King was chased out of Wangcheng by a large area of ​​Leihai.

In their eyes, the invincible star king also wants to cross the robbery? What a joke!

Who is it now?

Above a huge square in the city of sky, Jiuzhu and Fu Xuedao glanced at each other, and saw the shock in the other's eyes, a thought that made them unbelievable, echoed in their hearts.

Xiao Ye woke up because he was in a robbery, and Starfall King was also bombarded by thunder robbery to help Xiao Ye.

"This kid is too far from the sky. Before Wang Wu comes, he can attract thunder..." Jiuzhu and Fu Xuedao smiled bitterly at each other, and even the star-falling king couldn't understand the problem, and they didn't even understand it.


At this time, thunderous noises were heard again in the thunder cloud, and seven thunders roared down together, illuminating the entire king city, and the unparalleled prestige could make the sky city tremble violently. I am afraid that the city of the sky will be turned into ruins.

"Seven Thunders Triggered..." Jiuzhu and Fu Xuedao shrank their pupils, their faces shocked.

Fu Xuedao murmured: "I remember that the threshold for Wang Wulei's robbery is only twenty? It's incredible, what the **** did Xiao Ye do."

Jiuzhu nodded stunnedly, then woke up and quickly said: "This is an amazing thing. Lord Xingyu certainly doesn't want the news spread. We must block the news as soon as possible so as not to cause trouble."

"Yes!" Fu Xuedao said, "Fortunately, there are not many people who know that Xiao Ye is in the robbery, so I will block the news."

Having finished speaking, Fu Xuedao rose up into the air and turned into a rainbow and left the square.


At this time, eight thick thunders broke through the dark clouds, carrying Huanghuang Tianwei and pressing it down suddenly, bringing a terrible sense of oppression and making Jiuzhu's expression stiff: "Eight thunders have been robbed."


The real dragon pond is located in a forbidden place, but now it has completely turned into a ruin. The ground is potholes, and many places have been penetrated by thunder. You can see the king city below.


While the Eight Thunder Triggers fell down, they merged with each other, which increased their power, and countless small lightnings were rolling, covering the whole real dragon pool, like a small thunder sea, blocking the void and suppressing Xiao Ye.

"Get away from me!"

Xiao Ye stands among the ruins, with a black flurry of dancing, and the eyes of Zhan Zhan staring directly at the Leihai Sea. The three mouths exude a magnificent hole, forming a circle, surrounding him in the middle, and the power of terror sweeps around in all directions, like a **** recovering .

Because of the disturbance of Thunder Tribulation, the speed at which he opened up the sky was greatly reduced, but he still developed three.


Facing the repression of the Eight Dao Tribulation, Xiao Ye did not retreat, but took the initiative to greet him. Three holes in the sky propped up a vast world of power in the Lei Hai, and violently collided with the Thunder Tribulation. The terror wave rushed in all directions and was shaken. The whole sky city.

Xiao Ye was using thunder calamity to temper his own cultivation. Even his combat skills were not exerted. His hands or palms or fists exploded the electric mansions around him, which was very domineering.

While resisting the thunderstorm, Xiao Ye has been paying careful attention to the surroundings, so as not to discover his secrets.

This time, it lasted for hundreds of years before the Eight Dao Tribulation dissipated, Xiao Ye landed, his robe was broken, many places were burnt, and the light of Sankoudongtian also weakened a lot .

The Eight Dao Tribulation has made him feel very difficult, and his body has already appeared injured.

"Nima, why didn't the Thunder Tribulation leave?" Looking at it, it was still rolling, brewing the next round of Thunder Tribulation Thunder Clouds, and Xiao Ye's direct curse.

Is it necessary to be struck by thunder to open four holes?

"Every time after the Thunder Tribulation, there is probably a blank time for the incense sticks. I have to seize the time and open up the last water hole, otherwise I will be in danger."

Xiao Ye sat down cross-legged again, trying to open the fourth hole.

The passage of time, one minute and one second, slowly rises behind him a sea of ​​turbulent waves, and the sky is about to manifest. Suddenly, the world is shaking, and the bright rays of light wrap up Xiao Ye.

The scene of the gathering of the four caves is too horrible, and there is a strong resistance in the underworld. While preventing the manifestation of the fourth cave, the process of opening up suddenly stalemate.

"At this moment, even if the sky is to be stopped, Xiao Ye will open up the fourth hole!"

"Give me!"

Xiao Ye shouted, mobilized all the forces, and launched an impact towards the fourth hole, to eliminate all resistance.

But at this moment, after a thunderous cloud on the sky, nine thunders came together, like a large upside-down galaxy, very dense, tearing the void, pouring down towards Xiao Ye, not giving him the slightest time .

"Huh, do you want me to give up? Impossible!" Xiao Ye's eyes were full of firmness, standing up, three holes in the sky opened a field of strength, and rushed up.

You have to know that the number of Thunder Tribulation has reached twenty, and some of the powerful Wang Wujing will drink hatred, so it is called Wang Tribulation. Nine Dao Tribulation attracted by Xiao Ye is enough to smash most of the powerful martial artists.

This thunderstorm is much more terrifying than the last one, which makes people feel terrified.

Nine thick thunders, like nine peerless soldiers, exuding majestic Tianwei, want to wipe out Xiao Ye in this world.

Although Xiao Ye opened up three caves, the true cultivation practice can only be regarded as a virtual martial art. In the face of such disasters, the use of the law of killing is useless, because Thunder Tribulation was born of heaven and earth, and Xiao Ye was quickly split. The skin was fleshy, the muscles and bones were broken, blood was flying, and the body was black.

"Humph, Xiao Ye has never bowed his head, even if you are Thunder Tribulation, open it to me!" Xiao Ye's black hair dances wildly, his face full of arrogance, even opening a fourth hole in Thunder Tribulation.

Too tragic, if it were not for Xiao Yexiu's breakthrough into the virtual martial realm, coupled with the existence of three caves, don't break it long ago.


In the end, the surging water cave sky broke through all the resistance, and it was difficult to reveal it, juxtaposed with the other three cave sky, surrounded by Xiao Ye, exuding immortality.