Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 3836: Hundreds of thousands of years of chaos

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

After several confirmations, almost no one questioned the fact that Xiao Ye had fallen.

This news even spread to other big bans, which caused a lot of sighs.

If Xiao Ye does not fall, no one will doubt that the subsequent rise of the other party will have an extremely profound impact.

Time flies, hundreds of thousands of years have passed in an instant.

Xiao Ye, a name that was once dazzling like a comet, gradually faded away after the rebirth of the Great Forbidden World, and few people mentioned it.

Only occasionally, there are disciples of the true legend of the ancient gods, who appear near the trial area of ​​the true legend, sigh in the sky, and remember the outstanding disciples of the ancient **** group.

Many of them didn't have time to meet Xiao Ye, but they all heard about Xiao Ye's deeds, and the other party fell, and the whole ancient **** group was very shocked.

According to rumors, after that time, Qu Liang returned to the ancient **** group and asked the ancient **** car source Hou, but what he got was only a silent response.

It seems that Che Yuanhou also blamed himself.

I personally temporarily sealed the trial area of ​​the ancient **** group, in this way, to comfort Xiao Ye's soul.

Everything is so reasonable and reasonable.

The blood and hatred and grudges surrounding Xiao Ye in the past also disappeared.

The stars are disillusioned, the tide rises and falls, and the elapsed time is irretrievably irretrievable. It is immortal in time and can only live in people's memories.

However, it seemed to be stimulated by the fall of Xiao Ye. The ancient **** disciples across the Permian, such as Yuwei Chi, Du Dongyu, and Withering Silence, all went crazy to practice.

They even broke through one after another, and their strength stepped into the fifth level of the upper Taoist God, making up for the regret of this lack of combat power.

Especially Yu Weichi, relying on the blood coagulation magic arts taught by Xiao Ye, also tempered his own seven-star ancient **** blood line to perfection, and his strength is even more terrible.

Perhaps it is because the fall of the ancient **** Qin Jue did bring great benefits to the ancient **** group. In the next hundreds of thousands of years, several branches of the ancient **** group appeared, with seven stars. Disciple of bloodline level.

Even the pure Sun and Lichen, who passed through a Permian, all advanced by leaps and bounds.

At the same time, a powerful branch disciple named Qiye also appeared in the ancient **** group. He was extremely mysterious and powerful. He walked out of the group and performed several missions. His demonstrated strength was very stunning and shocked the world.


The ancient **** group clan even had a sense of renewed dazzling light.

On the contrary, the other inborn gods and spirits groups, in the alternating impact of the last Permian, almost lost their existence across the Permian.

In the face of such prosperity of the ancient **** group, they are also plotting to develop.

A span of the Permian is very long.

But a glance at the history of chaos is also coming soon.

It was a catastrophe that required engulfing the lives of countless creatures.

Inherent gods and spirits, if they do not want to be affected, they must cultivate strong disciples.

The rebirth of the Great Prohibition Day ushered in a rare period of calm, and all the major innate groups of gods and spirits are developing in accordance with the established trajectory.

In this regard, Xiao Ye had no idea.

With Che Yuanhou's own action, he closed the trial area of ​​the ancient gods' true biography, and he was completely trapped.

Chaos wonders, desert country.

Xiao Ye no longer stayed still, but rushed in.


The wind like a knife was raging, the dust storm was rolled up in the sky, and the grains of golden sand were all shrunk countless times and swept toward the tall figure of Xiao Ye.

"The body of the ancient god!"

"Tianque God Pattern!"

Xiao Ye's figure was rapidly rising, covered with purple light, the purple air was steaming, and eleven dense purple **** patterns lit up one after another, facing the sandstorm fiercely.


The horrible explosion sounded in an instant, and I saw that all the eleven purple godmarks were shattered, and the golden sand rushed towards his huge body.

However, he did not panic.


At this moment, a continent with four directions, flying out of the **** body, directly enveloped this sandstorm.

From the outside world, there is no insight into the situation in this continent, and all the breath in it is perfectly hidden.



Six kinds of Chaos Avenue broke out on Xiao Ye's body, and at the same time, his fists were lifted, so that all the Chaos must be destroyed, and the God of the Avenue surging and roaring, pushing away in all directions, even making the sandstorm tremble.

It's a pity that the sandstorm is not affected and is pushed forward.

At the next moment, Xiao Ye's fist changed, as if entering a special state, exuding the supreme divine power, as if to change the rules of this place.

In an instant--


Xiao Ye seemed to step on the river over the years and smashed the space barrier, disappearing in the field instantly, leaving only a seven-story stone tower, which was submerged by the whistling sandstorm.

Immediately afterwards, all fluctuations disappeared invisible.

"so close!"

In the sixth floor of the Tower of Time, Xiao Ye's figure appeared, with a bitter smile on his face.

These years of hard work, not to mention the power of time magic boxing, at least he is in control of the number, relying on these magical powers, and stepping into the field of controlling time.

Manipulating the time is indeed too much against the sky, can let him cross the realm, striking the other side.

But it was impossible to meet the trial of the desert country, because here, he could only passively withstand the attack, and he could only use it to escape.

"Fortunately, the Tower of Time can withstand the sandstorms here." Xiao Ye secretly said.

At the beginning, he went through the moon and the sky and chose to continue the trial, not entirely out of arrogance, the main reason is that there is a tower of time in hand.

Once in danger, he can hide in.

Therefore, in these years, he dared to continue to wander into the desert country and hone himself in this way.


At this moment, from Xiao Ye's body, a dry film flew out, flowing the light of the road, lifelike.

As Xiao Ye infused with the divine power, this film suddenly enveloped him, making his temperament and appearance greatly changed.

This is the Sith film, which can greatly increase his affinity for Chaos Avenue, and has a magical effect on understanding Chaos Avenue.

"Don't I want to go beyond the desert country, do I have to be beyond the realm of God?" Xiao Yepan sat down in a Sith film and frowned.

After repeated attempts, he has deeply realized that the desert country is terrible.

Wanting to pass this kind of trial, Dao God Realm can't do it at all. If it weren't for the Tower of Time, he had already fallen countless times.

But even if he understood the five chaos avenues to level 7, he was unwilling to absorb the innate dew and build the foundation of the transcendental realm.

Because of Tian Hu's magical law, the temptation to him is too great.

"Forget it, if I am not wrong, in tens of thousands of years, I will be qualified to enter the real world."

"Master Zun once said that even if I was in the trial area, I could go in."

"Before this, let's understand this thing first..."

Xiao Ye waved his palm, and suddenly four dark black stone statues appeared out of thin air.

This is what he got from the deepest part of the time forbidden land, which carries a huge content of time magic.

(The second one is coming!)