Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 3844: Eternal God Armor

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

Seen from the outside, this palace exudes a sacred light, even though it has been dominated by the dojo for countless years at the same time, it is still spotless, like a place where the treasures of time dominate.

Xiao Ye stepped into it, but he was a little stunned, a little disappointed.

Because in the palace, as he imagined, the treasures piled up like a mountain, it looked empty, and only a light group floated in it.

"what is this?"

Xiao Ye approached the past curiously, only to find that there was a transparent and crystal armor in the light group.

This armor is somewhat different from other **** armor in the chaotic world. It is very suitable for human races to wear in terms of style and size, but it is a complete set.

Xiao Ye felt carefully that on this armor, he found the breath of Time Avenue flowing.

"Is it a time artifact?"

Xiao Ye was quite curious, and his palm dived into the light group, grabbing towards the armor.


The moment the palm of his hand touched, the armor shuddered slightly, and a horror thought swept toward Xiao Ye's dignity.

"Eternal Divine Armor is an artifact of time that is dominated by time."

"Eternal Divine Armor, made with the power of time pulse and made of various rare gods, is not offensive, but it can attack opponents and be destroyed by time power. The level of defense depends on The promoters depend on their strength."

In an instant, Xiao Yedong learned the origin of this armor.


Xiao Ye was stunned.

This armor is the main line of time, an artifact?

Are the artifacts that dominate the veins of time also classified?

To know.

The black and white double swords he got, and the time board, there is no clear grade classification.

What is this concept of time artifact?

"However, since this armor is a defensive artifact, it will be useful to me!" Xiao Ye's spirit was uplifted.

The most terrifying thing about these chaotic wonders in the Desert Country is that the testers cannot take the initiative to counterattack and can only passively withstand the baptism of sandstorms.

This is naturally very high for the tester's defense requirements.

And now he just got a defensive artifact, which is really useful for the trials that have passed through the desert country.


At the moment, Xiao Ye tried to urge this armor on the Avenue of Eruption, but failed, just like a mortal man, trying to lift a thousand pounds of boulders.

This feeling, even when he got the time chess board, never had it.

"Is it my understanding of the Avenue of Time, is it not enough?" Xiao Ye said inwardly, shaking his head.

In the chaotic world, it is common knowledge that all powerful artifacts need matching strength to be able to urge them.

And the time artifact, there is no way to use the magical power of the controller to urge it.

At the moment, Xiao Ye can only put the eternal **** armor in front of him into the body, and then retreat to the last palace.

This palace, like the second one, also has the prohibition of time dominating the pulse, but it is different.

Because above the gate of the palace, there are also inscribed four large characters of "Temple of Time".

The gate of the Temple of Time is tightly closed and has a ban, but it can't stop Xiao Ye.

He used his time to reflect and let the supernatural powers of the ancient **** group clan soar, and after spending some time, he opened the palace gate and rushed straight in.

The scene in the last palace is very different.

Xiao Ye stepped in, and suddenly felt as if she was in a shrinking big forbidden sky. Looking around, all kinds of wonders and landscapes appeared here.

However, there are no creatures and no other forces here, and time is the eternal melody of this place.


In the palace, long rivers of time flow through it, all of which have different time velocities. They are interlaced with each other, causing countless floating shadows to be turbulent. It seems that time and space have been torn apart.

Xiao Ye just stood at the gate of the palace, and his mind roared, only feeling his thoughts, as if spending countless years in a flash.

Immediately afterwards, it was like going back in time, back to the time when I was in the real spiritual continent many years ago.

Even, Xiao Ye also felt a kind of illusion that he was allowed to run forever, but he was an eternal illusion.

These complex and difficult emotions make Xiao Ye's eyes change, and his emotions are violently fluctuating.

"very scary!"

It wasn't until a long time that Xiao Ye recovered, his face full of horror.

Needless to say.

This palace is full of the origins of Time Avenue, like the upgraded version of Time Forbidden. It is even more terrible. It has several time flow rates, which almost made him sink into it and could not break free.

It wasn't until now that he discovered that his divine body had all kinds of scars, which was very different from the impact he suffered in the time forbidden land.

It was left by the attack of several kinds of time flow rates, and the ordinary method could not be recovered at all. If he did not wake up in time, he might not have known it when he fell on the spot.

Compared with the time source contained in this palace, the three-level time avenue that he comprehends is far too big.

"I really did not guess wrong, with the help of the area where the five fairy phoenix gods recovered, I can continue to comprehend Time Avenue!"

After Xiao Ye was shocked, she was pleasantly surprised.

Over the years, his strength has been greatly increased in all aspects.

But the biggest regret is that the comprehension of the avenue of time never stops.

Because the avenue of time is supreme and cannot be passed down in lineage, the born soul wants to understand it only by means of special methods.

And this time temple, let him feel, a deeper time avenue.

This is also closely related to whether Xiao Ye can urge that eternal **** armor, but also to whether he can break through the desert country.

So he was pleasantly surprised.

After all, Time Avenue strengthens his divine origin, and the effect is too strong.

"It seems that this desert country has not been able to trap me for too long. I'm afraid even Master has not thought about it!"

At the moment, Xiao Ye stood at the gate of the palace, took out the skin of the Sith group, injected Dao Divine Power, put it on his body, sat down and realized.


Looking around, Xiao Ye released the will of the Divine Order and swept toward the Temple of Time, in a deeper time avenue of understanding.

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Ye's line of sight changed greatly, feeling like a fish, and returned to the sea.

Thousands of invisible and colorless filaments of avenue erupted from his body, slowly creeping, and the sound of the supreme avenue erupted, like a long river swaying, washing the void over and over again, bursting into a rumble, and time The wonders of the Taoist Temple echoed in symphony.

Xiao Ye's comprehension of the avenue of time is increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the number of filaments of the avenue erupting is slowly increasing.

(The second one is coming!)