Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 3859: Evil body

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

Galuo Xiaotiantian fell into deathly silence, extremely depressed.

Only the sound of the divine chain shaking, and Econ's snarling right and left suddenly echoed under the siege of the ten-headed beast.

Xiao Ye's method is terrible.

Before he appeared, he forced a strong man like Ekon into a desperate situation. Looking at the entire chaotic world, he could not find it at all. Any Dao God Realm creature can contend.

Even, throughout the entire process, the Econian and Xiao Ye people have never hurt the slightest.

At this moment, when I saw Xiao Ye's deity, I rose from the purple continent and banned Galo from the sky. Who wouldn't be afraid of a posture to do it?

"Xiao Ye!"

"Until now, you have only used all kinds of external forces to succeed."

"I don't believe it. Your deity can really be strong enough to sweep all our souls!"

"What's more, your deity is involved in the war, can you still protect Galo with distractions?"

A creature snarled.

He is a descendant of Lishen. He has the breath of refining innate dew, and he has realized the three chaotic avenues inherited by the Lishen blood lineage.

At this moment, he saw that Econ was besieged by the ten horror monsters, but he also made the ten head monsters too free to help Xiao Ye defend the enemy, and his eyes suddenly changed.


Xiao Ye looked up.

He is no stranger to this descendant of Power God, and he is also a true biography of the God Realm.

At that time, in the Sith group, the other party appeared, and was almost killed by Bai Rong, named Hillman.

"I heard from my senior brother that this time the five major banned days interfered with Galo's banned day. If you want to get rid of my people, you have your share!"

Xiao Ye's eyes became cold.

Seeming to feel Xiao Ye's hostility, Hillman has acted decisively and is already performing magical powers.

In an instant—


A terrifying breath filled him, and a black figure stepped out from him.

The appearance of this figure is exactly the same as Hillman's, like his avatar, but the temperament is completely different, and there is no breath of the power of the blood of the gods. Six breaths were deterred by the breath.

It seems that there is a most terrifying and evil **** and demon, reversing time and space from the distant Permian, and appearing in this world.

"This is the evil body of the Lishen Group!"

"I didn't expect Hillman to have this kind of taboo magic!"


At this moment, some of the extraordinary forbidden innate creatures were moved and shocked.

Power God, in the ninety-nine and eighty kind of innate gods, can only be ranked in the middle, but its descendants, in terms of divine power, are much deeper than those of the same realm.

The evil body is a taboo magical power among the group of power gods.

This supernatural power is comparable to the Zhenhao chaotic body. It is very special. The only way to practice is to continuously condense the evil forces in the chaotic world.

Once repaired, it is extremely powerful.

And this evil body in front of it has condensed one hundred kinds of evil forces, which is a sign of Dacheng. I am afraid it is stronger than the Zhenhao chaotic body in the later stage of level 4.

"Brother Xiao Ye, be careful..." Yu Wei, who was watching the battle from a distance, also quickly reminded him.


"Over the past ten million years, Econ has had a lot of opportunities, and its strength has grown by leaps and bounds, and I am not bad at Hillman!"

At this moment, Hillman grinned, and with his urging, the evil body in front of him suddenly moved.

In an instant, a hundred dark lights lingering around the evil body, and attacked at the same time towards Xiao Ye. It seemed that there was a terror of yin swept across this piece of Tianyu, like a sharp long knife scratching the body surface. Many souls are painful.

"Maybe there is a chance to kill Xiao Ye!"

Although this evil body is annoying, but it allows hopes to the innate spirits of all walks of life, they breed some war intentions in their hearts, and they are silently urging super magical powers, ready to take action at any time.

"Evil body?"

In Xiao Ye's eyes, two brilliant gods looted out of the sky, like two lightning flashes across the sky.


The next moment, Xiao Ye stepped out.

At this moment, his figure seemed very simple, with a sense of returning to the original, without the slightest reveal of the world's vitality, like a mortal man, the right fist lifted up greeted him.

His spirit is rising to the top.

In the body of the god, it seems that a big dragon has been born, which is dominated by the will of the divine order, and penetrates his supernatural power of the Dao.

Needless to say.

This is a red blow, a seemingly simple action, but it contains the principle of truth, but it is the ultimate attack that reduces complexity to simplicity.

Although there is only one move, the requirements are also extremely high. It is necessary to fully mobilize the spirits of the Taoist realm before the four elements can be exhibited, which is a solid reflection of their own realm.

For example, in the last alternating strike of the Dieki period, Xiao Ye's strength continued to break through, but Hong Qi's blow was difficult to display.

In the past tens of millions of years, Xiao Ye has been continually precipitating and examining his own shortcomings. The foundation is already very stable and can be used again.


I saw Xiao Ye's right fist, hit a hundred dark lights.

There is no earth-shattering momentum, like Xiao Ye's simple punching, but it seems that time and space have a moment of solidification.

Immediately afterwards, the one hundred black lights were smashed, and even with the evil body snorted, followed by the whole explosion, dissipating into countless light spots.


"how can that be!"

The grin on Simman's face froze, and then his face was panic-stricken.

Just a blow...

It took him so much pains to cultivate Dacheng's evil body, but he was bombarded by Xiao Ye?

What is this strength!

"If you don't come to Galo, I want to find you liquidation, and it will take some means."

"Now you just come to the door, how can I let it go?"

Then, an indifferent voice came.

I saw Xiao Ye, who had already moved in abruptly, lifted his right fist again, and hit him in front of his door. The four elements of Taoism in his gods were mobilized, as if there was a big dragon roaring.

It's still a red blow.


Although Hillman tried hard to resist, but there was no suspense, the body was directly shattered, and the divine personality also exploded.

The other end.

Econ, besieged by ten heads of horror beasts, also his roar gradually lowered, apparently no longer.

"God, this is too strong..."

Seeing this scene, those big forbidden innate spirits were set in place, their bodies were deeply weak, and their calves were cramping.

Where is Xiao Ye in front of him, like the spirits of Taoism?

The other party's decision to kill, obviously did not intend to let go of the creatures who had targeted the three main kingdoms of the gods.

However, to their surprise, Xiao Ye stopped and looked deep into the sky with deep eyes.

"Since it's here, why not show up?"


As soon as this statement came out, the ancient **** disciples such as Yuwei Chi and Du Dongyu all changed their expressions slightly.

Was the existence of the Super-Apotheosis God Realm arrived?

(The first is here!)