Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 3935: The prelude to the decisive battle

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

Xiao Ye and Taishan's trip was successful, and they successfully rescued the four true gods including Jin Yan.

After a group of people rushed out of this Permian battlefield, they separated.

Today, the entire reincarnation is banned, as in the past, with turbulence everywhere.

Regarding the battle between Xiao Ye and the humpbacked old man, the true story of Nirvana God Realm in each way is unaware, and he is still in hostility and war.

Only the group of Bodhidharma gods, the true story of the lower Nirvana realm, there is a wind and a crane.

They don't have any redundant remarks, they just move frequently. Once they encounter the true legend of the ancient gods, they choose to avoid it.

Such a move is also very confusing for a true deity.

Soon, Jin Yan came out to solve the puzzle.


"Brother Xiao Ye, actually killed a statue, the true story of the next Nirvana Realm?"

This news is only limited to the ancient gods, but it is like thunder, and it is shocked in the chest of the ancient gods, making them dumbfounded.

"Brother Xiao Ye hasn't studied Taoism yet, can he kill a deity, is it related to the inborn spirit of the realm, is it related to his bloodline?"

"He hasn't explained clearly about the bloodline!"


For a time, a lot of disciples of the ancient gods passed on their minds and looked out across the sky.

However, Xiao Ye and Taishan had already left the Permian battlefield and returned to the squad, looking for a place to lurk and undergoing healing.

Now in the third stage of fighting, these ancient gods with thoughts can only do so temporarily.

"Xiao Ye, what a difference..."

In the reincarnation day, a broken chaotic void, a young man in white robe sits here, and his whole body exudes an indifferent temperament attributed to the ordinary, which is also heartfelt at this moment.

He is known as the Seven Nights of the Reincarnation of the Ancient God.

After the war ended that day, he did not join the combat team of Xiao Ye and Taishan, but chose to walk alone in the reincarnation ban for enlightenment.


Time passed slowly, and tens of thousands of years passed away at the fingertips.

The third stage has officially entered the later stage.

The major groups and groups, the fighting between the next Nirvana God Realm became more and more fierce, the strong wind and rain, and the strong men who had been silent for a long time were all dispatched.

There are many true stories that were previously infamous, and they are also strong shots and famous.

As for the mid-level and even higher-level battles between the gods of Nirvana, they are constantly emerging.

It's like a prelude to the storm.

The third stage of the decisive battle is slowly kicking off.

The rebirth of the forbidden sky, in an open territory where the wind is blowing, the sound of the shouting is shaking, and the sounds of various avenues one after another, go straight to nine days.

From a glance, it was a group of dozens of people, and the next Nirvana spirit creatures were fighting.

Nine statues in one line, the creatures with purple light all over the body, are particularly conspicuous.

They are all true stories under the car seat.

Qu Liang, Pang Qi, and Zhen Zhen are impressively listed.

Xiao Ye, with black hair and black hair, also participated in the war.

But he did not show any supernatural powers, and his own lineage, just holding a long bone knife, the erupted sword was like a big river, attacking his opponent.


A creature roared in anger.

He was surrounded by frost all over his body, and his thoughts were frozen for hundreds of millions of miles.

He was stared at by Xiao Ye.

The horrible knife that Zun Dao broke out, although it penetrated the defense, did not cause him substantial damage.

Xiao Ye didn't care, still holding Zun Dao, and attacked again and again.

"Xiao Ye!"

"I know you are very strong, but you can't make it. Use this method to humiliate me!"

This true disciple of the Ice God has repeatedly taken off, trying to escape, but will be forced back by Xiao Ye, making him roar with grief and indignation.

He has been studying Ice Shinto for seven years.

However, Xiao Ye's strength was terrible, and his foundation was so scary that in front of the other party, he had no chance of escaping, and could only continue to withstand the attack of Zun Dao.

Water droplets can still wear stones.

What's more, Xiao Ye is constantly urging Zun Dao to attack.

With the passage of time, the power of Zun Dao has become stronger and stronger.

Uh! Uh! Uh!

Under the constant attack of Xiao Ye, this ice **** really had so many holes in his body, there were knife marks everywhere, and finally he could not bear it, and exploded with a loud bang.

"carry on!"

Xiao Ye's expression was calm, and Gu Jing was not waved. He held the Zun knife again and stared at another hostile true story.

"Brother Xiao Ye is really..."

This scene made Taishan and others in the distance fierce battle shook their heads helplessly.

Xiao Ye’s current strength is difficult to find a contender unless it is also a true biography from the seat of top congenital gods.

It is too simple for Xiao Ye to kill this true legend of the ice god.

But he only used Zun Dao, and the damage caused was extremely limited.

However, these scenes have happened more than once in the past tens of thousands of years, and they are naturally used to it.

The respected sword in Xiao Ye's hands was obviously extraordinary and terrible.

In this way, Xiao Ye honed his sword.

There is no suspense in this melee.

Because it is common to even fight against this group of ancient gods, even the true biography of inferior innate gods.

Half an hour later, a corpse fell at the foot of Taishan and others, and all kinds of **** blood splashed in the void, which was extremely miserable.

Under the mortal counterattack of these hostile true stories, Taishan and others also suffered some injuries and rested in situ.


Xiao Ye also stopped, holding the Zun knife, and narrowed her eyes slightly. After releasing the transformed will of the **** order, he deduced the Zun Dao supernatural power and confirmed his feelings by fighting with him.

"It's really not easy to respect the sword magical power!" After a long time, Xiao Ye suddenly opened her eyes and sighed softly.

In order to allow him to proceed step by step and control the Zun Dao, Zun Yuan Hou Chuan's Zun Dao magic is divided into seven types.

He has already cultivated the fifth form, although the power of the outbreak is good, but it is equivalent to the ordinary lower nirvana artifact.

"The sixth form of Zundao magical power, which can only be reached by Nirvana, is absolutely terrible. If I can control and participate in the third stage of the decisive battle, I have a greater grasp!"

"Through these years of cultivation, I feel almost in control!"

Xiao Ye secretly said in his heart, his eyes were bright and clear.

He didn't have the slightest sense of pride.

During the outbreak of the third stage of the decisive battle, there are definitely many strong enemies that cannot be predicted.

Under such circumstances, he wanted to use the avenue of time, which was not realistic at all, and he naturally desperately wanted to cultivate the sixth form of Zundao.

the most important is……

God heir!

After killing the old humpbacked man, Xiao Ye felt uneasy and always felt a pair of eyes staring at herself in the dark.

"there is always a solution to a problem!"

Xiao Ye shook his head, no longer thinking.

Taishan and others also completed the rate adjustment, and Xiao Ye joined them and disappeared in this territory.

(The second one is coming!)