Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 3981: What purpose

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

The disciple of the Divine True Spirit was in front of him, his figure became blurred, and he was like a tide in the sea, with a very fast speed, rolling forward.

A group of disciples of the ancient gods followed, and pursued relentlessly, spanning tens of billions of miles in one breath.

"Gu Zhao, Nati, and Wei Zhengguang, they all inherited the middle class Taoism, but because of the high level, they have been studying the Taoist system for many years, so the speed is not slow."

"And my Eastern Mongolian Orthodox is not good at speed."

Xiao Ye glanced at the creatures around him, secretly in his heart.

At this time, the speed difference between the disciples of the ancient gods really appeared.

He and these three powerful men rushed to the forefront, and many of the ancient disciples of the true legend were left behind by them.

However, it is worth mentioning.

Seven Nights also followed behind them, walking with each other. Under such pursuit, they were all freehand.

The other party is very mysterious.

After stepping into this wonderful landscape, the reaction has been calm and unwavering.

"However, that is really true, the speed is really fast enough!"

Xiao Ye's eyes looked forward again, showing the ultimate speed, but he couldn't get closer. The distance from the other side was more and more surprised.

Power God, in the innate gods of the chaotic world, can only be ranked in the middle.

Therefore, the highest level of openness is middle class.

The speed of Lishen's true transmission in front was so fast that they could not get closer.

"The Lishen group has a middle-class Taoism called "Tide", which can give the trainers a terrible speed."

"This true deity of God, must have studied this kind of Taoism."

At this moment, Gu Zhao seemed to see Xiao Ye's doubts, and the voice explained.

Xiao Ye heard the words and nodded, not worried.

Their purpose is to obtain the treasures in this wonderful landscape through the true transmission of power.

Although they can't catch up with the true story of the power god, the other party can't get rid of them, as long as they continue to follow, they will definitely find something better than they are like a headless fly.

Such a relentless pursuit.

It has lasted for several months, and the desolate scene has emerged again along the way.

Even the various mythical beasts that have emerged in the past have not been seen, and the front is becoming more and more remote.

Gradually, the temperature between heaven and earth began to soar rapidly.

There was no river or forest along the way. Even if a mountain appeared occasionally, it was bare. The earth was scorched. Occasionally, flames came out and the voids were twisted.

"The True Story of Zunli, where are you going?"

The true disciples of the ancient gods who followed each other felt a hot body.

The space was distorted by the flames, which affected the spread of their god-level will, and they could not even teleport, and their hearts were even uneasy.

And the wing **** in front of the true biography, the speed is also affected, but still trying to rush forward.

Suddenly, Xiao Ye's eyes flashed.

Covered by his divine will, a vast sea of ​​fire appeared faintly ahead.

There are hundreds of millions of firelights rising in it, colorful, like clouds rolling, sometimes turning into a majestic temple, sometimes turning into a serene purgatory, like a mirage, illusion of various scenes, unpredictable.


The disciple of the True Master of God, turned into a streamer, quickly rushed into the sea of ​​flames, and disappeared.


Many true disciples of ancient gods discovered that the blaze of fire was not simple. They did not hesitate much, and they rushed in one after another.

The temperature in the sea of ​​fire is too high, and it can completely threaten the next powerful Nirvana.

The disciples of the ancient gods who rushed in felt that the body was about to melt, and they had to be forced to stretch their defenses.

At this moment, the fire was rising around, and there was a vast area. They even completely suppressed the will of the Divine Order. Where can I find out where the true power of God is?

"Everyone be careful!"

"That Zunli true disciple, I am afraid that we deliberately led us here, but I don't know, what he meant by this move."

Outstanding temperament, reminded Nati like a lion.


As soon as this remark came out, many disciples of the ancient gods suddenly expressed their expressions.

At this point, even if Nati did not remind, they found this.

However, they did not rush out.

But under the leadership of Gu Zhao, Xiao Ye and other powerful people, he slowly groped towards the depths of the sea of ​​fire.

It was hard to find the trail of Lishen's true biography and let them withdraw from it, naturally unwilling.


Not long before they went forward, suddenly the fire around them was turbulent, and dozens of figures emerged out of thin air, rushing towards them.

"Ambush in us?"

This scene was too abrupt and showed no signs, so that the disciples of the ancient gods in the field were shocked and quickly confronted.

Immediately afterwards, they found out.

The masters of these figures are not real creatures, but a kind of living body totally condensed by flames.

In terms of strength, it is only comparable to those monsters they have encountered before.

After some fighting, these dozens of figures were all shattered, turned into flames and scattered into the sea of ​​fire again.

At the moment, the group of disciples of the ancient gods became more and more careful and rushed towards the sea of ​​fire.

"Huh? Lishen true disciples, are you here?"

"I want to see what the **** they are doing!"


Suddenly, the sea of ​​turmoil became turbulent, one figure after another, looting from the far sky, rushing in one after another, noisy voices kept coming.


This scene made Gu Zhao et al.

"The true biography of Lishen also attracted other creatures?"

"What the **** are they doing!"

Xiao Ye also frowned.

In this sea of ​​fire, although the will of the divine order could not spread, he clearly realized that there were many creatures coming at this moment, coming from the reincarnation of the forbidden heaven and the innate gods and spirits.


A group of disciples of the ancient God True Passion became more and more disturbed, and they did not stay. They continued to fumble in this sea of ​​fire.


They first arrived in this sea of ​​fire, and if they can find anything here, they will naturally have an advantage.

They are at the forefront.

With the continuous deepening, there are more and more living bodies condensed by the flame.

In the fierce battle, they continued to move forward.

However, in this sea of ​​fire, there is still no trace of the true transmission of power.

However, in the depths of the sea of ​​fire, there was the outline of a behemoth that appeared faintly.

"what is that?"

Xiao Ye looked up and suddenly his heart jumped.

The behemoth is a real existence, located in the center of the sea of ​​fire, not condensed by fire.

A group of disciples of the ancient gods, all of them were uplifted and rushed past.

(The first is here!)