Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 3997: Baiyue Shenguo

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

Galo was banned from the sky, because the spirits of the lower Taoist realm were repeatedly taken away, which made the super super-kingdoms already covered by a cloud.

From now on.

In the seven banned days in the chaotic world, Galo's overall strength is also considered to be among the best.

But the creatures of the lower Tao Realm, in the super kingdom of God, the lowest level is the existence of the **** general.

In the recent past, many super-god Lords have had trouble sleeping and sleeping, and the joint name issued a request for help from the Three Lords.

Because no one knows whether those powerful people who came from the sky and will appear to haunt them.

But what surprised them was.

The help they sent was like the sinking of the sea, and they ruled the three main kingdoms of Galo. There was no response to this.

This kind of scene has made many super-gods cool.

The three main kingdoms are certainly powerful, but that is only limited to the small ban, and I am afraid that they dare not compete with the strong ones.

Baiyue Shenguo.

It was Galo Little Forbidden Sky, the super **** kingdom that emerged in the New Tertiary, and its theory was far inferior to other super **** kingdoms, but its development was extremely fierce, and it was entrenched in thousands of domains and palaces. It is a true rising star.

Lord Baiyue is extremely mysterious, and no one has ever seen its true face.

Baiyue Shendu.

"Sir Lord, there are three super **** kingdoms recently, who want to fight our territory, but they are all repelled by the soldiers."

"Master God, in the selection of the innate gods and disciples who ended up not long ago, two of our geniuses in the state of the gods stood out and became disciples of Taishen and Lishen respectively. I believe that this time our gods have also received many rewards. "


In a majestic hall, fifty gods will gather to report on the recent affairs of the country.

In front of the hall.

An antique screen erected, swaying lights, reflected a blurry figure.

"Okay, if it's okay, then step back."

After the screen, there was an indifferent female voice.


At the moment, the gods in the hall were all trembling and responded quickly and respectfully.

Lord Baiyue, is a female creature!

If this spreads, it is estimated that it will set off a storm in Galo Little Forbidden Sky!

But these fifty **** generals did not dare to underestimate.

Not even they have seen the true face of Lord Baiyue, but they know the other party's horror.

To know.

In order to gain a place in Galo today, and to rise rapidly, in addition to the strength of the Divine Lord, it is absolutely necessary to have a strong background.

"Hey, fifty gods and gods of the lower realm?"

"It seems that this time the harvest is good!"

Just as these gods were about to withdraw, the lights in the hall shook up and saw two figures shrouded in dazzling light, suddenly appearing out of thin air.

The masters of these two figures are terrible. Although the breath is restrained, just standing there allows the fifty gods to sift through the bran and fall to the ground together. The divine form seems to be broken.

"Can it be them?"

Several of the gods will exclaim, and can't help but think of the recent storm of Galo Little Forbidden Sky.

Those who came from the forbidden sky and forcibly arrested the spirits of the next Dao God Realm, are they staring at their Baiyue God Kingdom this time?

"Now that you guessed it, let's catch it."

These two creatures are too lazy to talk nonsense, and sacrifice the space artifacts, they will take away all fifty gods.

"Did you lie to my head? Are you dead?"

At this moment, the screen in the hall suddenly shattered, and I saw a pretty and cute woman with a pair of tiger teeth stepping out.

"court death?"

"A spirit in the middle of the Dao God Realm, where is the confidence to talk to us like this!" The movement of the two creatures stopped and looked up, seeing through the woman's realm, they both disdain.


"Just because I am a member of the Xiao family, is this enough?" The woman said calmly, spitting out words, but it seemed like a thunder on the ground, so that the fifty gods were all ignorant.

Xiao family?

Galuo Xiaotiantian, who dare to claim to be like this, is the three main gods, the Xiao family that rises in the end of the micro!

Nowadays, it is better to say that it is the Xiao family than it is that the three main kingdoms rule the Galo.

This family, the power in the Galo forbidden days is too terrible, there are too many strong in the family, and there are a bunch of stronger ones sheltering.

Their **** of the Baiyue God Kingdom turned out to be the Xiao family!

At this moment, the fifty **** generals were all flushed with excitement.

"Mad, what a bad luck!"

Even the two big forbidden spirits have changed their expressions.

Over the years, they have repeatedly come to the small forbidden days, and they have been acting very carefully.

Because the Xiao family and the ancient **** group are very involved and extremely troublesome.

"Even grab her away!"

One of the creatures roared and found a barbed paw, which he grabbed toward the Lord Baiyue.


"I know you are here, and then you continue to watch the show, your baby niece, but the blood splashing hall."

However, Lord Baiyue didn't shy away. Instead, he grinded a pair of tiger teeth and looked playfully around.


"Menghan, you girl, even hiding your father, stand alone in the Kingdom of God."

Suddenly, a helpless sigh echoed.

In the hall, there was a spread of purple 氤氲. The creature who shot against the Lord Baiyue was suddenly struck by lightning, his body broke apart, and he was screamed into fly ash, which was completely wiped out.

"Yes... who is it!"

Suddenly, another creature shouted in fear.

His companion, also a high-ranking Taoist, has reached the third level of strength, and has practiced for several superimposed epochs.


In the eyes, a group of creatures suddenly appeared in the hall.

All of these creatures are extraordinary and have the appearance of human beings. Like the stars staring at the moon, a man with black hair and black hair is clustered in the middle.

This man is terrifying.

The breath was completely restrained, but the deep gaze swept away, so that his body was torn apart.

"You... you are the Xiao Ye of the ancient **** group?" The figure of this creature stumbled and took a few steps backward, terrified.

He was a disciple of the gods of the sky across the Permian. Before a period of the Permian, in the small forbidden sky of Shen Xing, he had seen Xiao Ye showing great power and swept away all enemies.

Now that he meets again, how can he not recognize it?

"The vision is good."

"Let's say, why are you a group of empty gods, why are you coming to the small forbidden sky to capture the spirits of the lower **** realm?

Xiao Ye looked, and the terrible divine order shrouded the other party.

From Xiao Nian's mouth, he learned that the recent accident of Jia Luo Xiao Ban Tian began his investigation, and came to the Baiyue God Kingdom created by Xiao Menghan only by accident.

"I said, I said..."

The disciple of the **** of air was pale, sweating coldly, and said quickly.

(The second one is coming!)