Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 4001: Right or wrong

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

For Chai Yunke, Xiao Ye is no stranger.

The dispute between him and the other party began with his genius Qiu Hen who killed the Kongshen group.

To this end, the other party also came to the small ban, and turned against him.

After that, Baiyue, who secretly instructed the Yangshen group, intercepted him. If he had time cards like Avenue of Time, he would have fallen.

However, with his strong rise, his status has been recognized by all parties, and the other party has given up. It has not been for many years, and he has had an intersection with him.


Chai Yunke, who had a great figure and an indistinguishable face, and Xiao Ye's gaze converged, and also showed a complex look.

Think about that year.

The first time he saw Xiao Ye, the other party was just a little Taoist god, and he couldn't even bear his divine power.

If it is not restricted by rules, the opponent has already died in his hands.

And now, after a period of multi-period, Xiao Ye is also expensive for Nirvana Realm, and he is at an equal height with him in terms of realm.

"Brothers, save me!"

At that moment, the True Legend of the Air God called Leng Yan, seeing the nine disciples of the True God of Sky appeared, as if to see a savior, he quickly called for help and tried to rush over.


But his figure had just moved, and Xiao Ye gave him a flick, suddenly making him mumble, as if hit by a heavy hammer, the body exploded with blood, and fell to the ground again.

"Xiao Ye, let him go!"

In this scene, the nine air gods were suddenly changed, and they all shouted.

If you can be in the realm of Taoism, you will be accepted as a true biography, which is naturally genius.

The cold inflammation in front of him is more dazzling than the autumn marks of that year. If it is damaged in the hands of Xiao Ye, it will definitely be a painful loss for their air **** group.

"Release him?"

"He was arrogantly arresting souls in the small forbidden sky for the blood sacrifice of the **** soldiers, and almost my people were robbed. How should this account be calculated?"

Xiao Ye smiled coldly, said.

"Alternating impacts of the Permian in the past, Xiao Tiantian's creatures do not know how much to fall."

"Instead of letting them die away silently, it is better to dedicate your life and shine in another way."

"So, what my younger brother Leng Yan did is nothing wrong."

A true disciple of the **** of emptiness uttered coldly. He possessed a beast, with a terrible appearance, and a frightening chill in his four pairs of pupils.

He is a fellow student of Leng Yan's fellow disciple, named'Mello'. He is very kind to the safety of Leng Yan.


Leng Yan is so brazen, mainly related to him.

Although Leng Yan has not yet transcended the Dao God Realm, the qualifications she has shown are terrible, but she is a true genius.

As a fellow brother, he naturally willing to brush up.

"These guys!"

The four real spirit emperors and Nangong Xingyu who were present were all furious.

Leng Yanming made such a big mistake, and as a result, the other party was so right.


A beam of blood bloomed.

I saw Leng Yan's head, as if the watermelon had been smashed, and even the divine body was broken into fragments and lost the sound of the remaining body, and fell down weakly.


This abrupt scene caused the entire forest of despair to fall into deathly silence, even Nangong Xingyu and others were dazed.

It was Xiao Ye.

The other party was very decisive and had directly killed Leng Yan.

"Since this is not a fault."

"Then I killed him, surely it's nothing, right?" Xiao Ye seemed to do a trivial thing, calmly.


At the moment, the nine disciples of the True God of Sky God turned their eyes into red, and their bodies were trembling slightly.

"Xiao Ye, you are already a true biography of the ancient gods. As long as you are willing to let go of Brother Leng Yan, I didn't want to know you in general, nor want to worry about the past grudges."

"It's just you..." Chai Yunke's expression was Tie Qingdao.

"You, as well as the creatures around you, will all be buried in the world today!"

Chai Yunke's words did not fall, but Milo was roaring.


At this moment, the terrifying supernatural power overwhelmed the sky for nine days, and the forest of despair shook and shook like a blast.


Milo has been teleporting, the sound of the rumble is magnificent, and the whole person has reflected the desperate forest in a translucent, with infinite divine light shining, each wield has terrible power, converging into a **** river, wanting to be Xiao Ye, as well as the Four Emperors of the True Spirit, were overwhelmed.


At this time, Xiao Ye also lifted his right fist, and as he moved forward, he usually hit forward.



The converging Shenhe River was suddenly defeated, and the light of the heavens spread, and even with the **** of the sky, it was a few steps back.


After Milo stabilized his body, he looked at Xiao Ye, who did not reveal the mountains and rivers, with a shock in his eyes.

He has been out of the realm of the Dao, and has been in the Twenty Permian for a long time before he angered and showed his tricks that have evolved from the Taoism.

But actually, the punch that Xiao Ye underestimated, was repelled!

On the other hand, Xiao Ye's body remained immobile, and the four emperors and other real spirits beside him were intact.

"This Xiao Ye, is not easy!"

At this moment, the eight true gods, including Chai Yunke, are all very different.

In recent years, there has been a lot of news about Xiao Ye, which has been introduced into the Fumo Great Forbidden Heaven, but most of them are still. Xiao Ye made a strong breakthrough to Nirvana Realm during the alternating impact of the Reincarnation of the Great Banned Heaven.

In the Neogene, there was little news about Xiao Ye.

Especially after Xiao Ye returned to the Galo forbidden days, there was no news at all.


At that moment, the **** of the sky, the true legend of Myra, made a sound in his mouth, and his figure became confused, making countless double images appearing in this space, dense and dense, difficult to distinguish the authenticity, and once again killed Xiao Ye.

"Myrow, I'm showing tens of thousands of dharma bodies!"

At this moment, the eight disciples of Chai Yunke and other eight true gods of the sky were all staring.

The descent of the air **** is naturally close to Chaos Avenue.

The tradition created by the **** of air is quite simple.

Thousands of dharma bodies are the tricks that Milo has transformed from the air **** system. Unlike other avatars, each has a part of the power of the deity. Once it is exerted, it can produce a terrible increase in strength.


But the next moment, with a trembling sound.

I saw countless ghosts in this space, as if the soap bubbles had burst.


As for Milo, she screamed and flew out, spitting blood, **** body, and a **** fist on her abdomen.

"what happened?"

At this moment, the true gods who were present were stunned.

They didn't see it at all. Xiao Ye's tricks in the Daoist tradition were still just a punch, which resolved Miro's tricks and hit the other party hard.

"You are so true, is this strength?"

"If you want to deal with me, let's go together!"

Xiao Ye shook his head, his figure rose from the sky, said indifferently.

(The third one is coming!)