Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 4013: Age of God

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

Reincarnation Day, the second heir of the **** spirit has appeared in history!

"Faster than we expected!"

At this moment, the faces of the ancient **** disciples guarding the Shenzi Mountain are all tense.

To know.

Today, the rebirth of the Great Prohibition, in addition to their ancient **** group, there are also seven innate **** group, and they have successfully created **** heirs.

Now there is a heir of a god, who has appeared a step ahead, and the influence is too great. They will protect them and increase the variables.

After all, no one knows that apart from being hostile to the disciples of innate gods and coming to destroy the God Mountain, whether the heirs of the new gods will also act.

That kind of existence, in addition to its noble status, strength can not be justified by common sense.

However, thankfully.

After the extremely violent wave climbed to the peak, it quickly converged, hidden in the chaos, and even did not take action to pay off and create resistance to the hostile innate **** disciples.

It is speculated that the heirs of the new-world spirits should not be suitable for immediate and aggressive efforts.

This made many ancient disciples relieved.

But their hearts are still in the air.

Because the wave erupting from Shenzi Mountain is too strong, there is no way to hide it. Like the lights in the night, it is too easy to be found.

For example, in recent years, they have clearly noticed that there are many traces of creatures in the vicinity, but only to deter their ancient disciples and gather together, but they have not started.

No one knows when this stalemate will be broken.

In the following 100,000 years, the reincarnation ban was getting chaotic.

Immediately after the birth of the second goddess, there were also violent fluctuations in the other three directions of the rebirth day.

Some groups of hostile innate gods and spirits have powerful true disciples. They went to stop these **** sons from appearing in the world, and had a war with the guardians. They wanted to interfere, but the results were minimal.

The heirs of the gods are born and cannot be stopped at all.

The age of the **** child in the chaotic world is gradually becoming a reality.

The third, fourth, and fifth **** descendants are also present in succession, and the wave of terror erupted is boundless, sweeping the entire reincarnation.

In the same way, these new-world spirit heirs soon concealed their tracks one after another.

Time passed slowly.

"Something is not good!" At a certain moment, Xiao Ye stood up and looked towards the distant sky.

Up to now, there are only the last two places left in the reincarnation day, the place where the heirs of the gods are bred.

Shenzi Mountain beside him is one of them.

In recent years, although the fluctuations in Shenzi Mountain are getting bigger and bigger, but the ancient **** child heir has no signs of this world.


At this moment, another burst of noise came.

The whole reincarnation was forbidden, the thunder suddenly thundered, the chaos was surging, and the thunder and lightning were flying.

Seeing a certain direction, a dazzling divine light was resounding.

The ancient **** disciples who were already familiar with these kinds of fluctuations were all tense.

Another heir of a **** is born!

It's just that these fluctuations are far ahead of the previous ones, because this is the heir of the top congenital spirit!

"not good!"

Xiao Ye looked away, his heart trembling.

From afar, in a certain direction in the West, the rules of the avenues are lined up, causing terrible changes. There is a thunder and lightning, which is gathering wildly.

Just in a blink of an eye, it turned into a pair of chaotic **** wings that covered the sky and stretched out, as if breaking through the immortal imprisonment, and I don't know how many territories have been enveloped and how many wonderful landscapes have shattered.


Seeing this scene, all the ancient **** disciples in the field looked a little ugly.

Of the eight gods and heirs created in this Permian, seven have been born, and now only the God Mountain next to them will gather, and will gather the eyes of all reincarnations and all creatures.

How huge is this pressure?

What's more, it is the heir of the wing god!

The Wing God and the Ancient God are dead rivals in the chaotic world.

Tens of millions of years ago, Xiao Ye even chopped off the other party, the strongest in the true biography of Nirvana God Realm, Xi Li.

Over the years, the disciples of the Wing God have not attacked the God Mountain, but they are protecting the dharma of their group clan.

Now heir of Wing God is successful.

Not to mention whether the heirs of the wing **** will attack, I am afraid that other wing **** disciples will not let them go.

"It is very likely that a war will break out and be on alert!"

At this moment, a low roar rang out.

I saw dark skin, a red man dressed as a woodman stood up, holding a rusty axe, his eyes became sharper, and he was an ancient disciple who ordered the true story.

Uh! Uh! Uh!

In the blink of an eye, the true story of Nirvana in the upper, middle, and lower positions around Hong Qi, all flashing in form, forming a circle, spreading a terrible breath all over him, encircling the Shenzi Mountain.

As for the ancient **** disciples of the Taoist realm, led by Yuwei Chi and Du Dongyu, they formed a team and waited in strict formation.

Time passes by one minute and one second.

The atmosphere near Shenzi Mountain became more and more heavy, and it was suffocating because it was so full of people everywhere.

as predicted.

There are already many powerful creatures coming from all over the place, and the figures are infested nearby, all staring at Shenzi Mountain.

Among them, there is both the true biography of Taishen and the true biography of Bodhidharma.

They repeatedly tried to destroy the Divine Son Mountain, but they were all repulsed by Hong Zhi, who led the true story of Nirvana God Realm. The war broke out, and many ancient disciples of Taoist Realm died on the spot.

After being hesitated, the true story of the repulsed hostility did not retreat, but lingered nearby, as if waiting for the right time.

Hundreds of years later.

"Wing God Group, it really came!"

Hong Qian suddenly flashed a cold glance in his eyes, looking forward.


At this time, Xiao Ye was also beating.

He is of eight-star ancient **** blood, and his senses are very sharp. He clearly noticed that in the distant void, there is a breath of blood that makes him feel more familiar, and he is rolling in this direction.


At the next moment, there was a long beep of the gods, making the Chaos Void tremble.

I saw a group of mighty creatures, stepping on flying artifacts, appeared within the scope of Xiao Ye's Divine Order will.

This group of creatures have different appearances, but they all have distinctive characteristics of the descendants of the wing gods. Each one looks like the scorching sun in the dark night, the divine light is magnificent, and the divine power that erupted from the air makes Xiao Ye tremble.

It’s really Wing God!

In addition to the lower nirvana, the middle and even the upper nirvana levels are really sent out!

"The war is about to start..." Xiao Ye clenched his fists, his full and crystal-clear flesh lit up, and his fighting spirit was strong.

(The third one is coming!)