Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 4066: Road to rebuilding

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

At this moment, Xiao Ye looked down and found that he had become a human child with naked eyes.

Throughout, he became a mortal!

It was like the ignorant teenager who only came into contact with martial arts in the True Spirit Continent in those days.

Placed in a chaotic world, it will instantly be restrained by space and pressed into powder.

"how can that be?"

Xiao Ye panicked.

He walked all the way from the real continent, how much hardship he had suffered, and how could he accept it?

"Damn, what a blessing for our Kake group, what is going on!"

At the same time, several other angry voices were heard from other places, as if the devil was roaring.


The same thing happened to the creatures of Kake group who entered Dongtianfu with Xiao Ye.

After all, they, like Xiao Ye, came to this cave for the first time.

"Maybe all this is an illusion!"

Xiao Ye took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down.

When Xiuwei is absent, he cannot use God-level will to explore himself. What happened in the end, but his memory is still there, and his mind is still there.

What is certain is that the eight-star ancient **** lineage definitely exists.

At the same time, the tower of time on his chest burst out, and only he could perceive the fluctuation.

"Don't panic, this is an illusion, but neither is it, you haven't really lost your cultivation behavior!"

At this moment, a majestic voice came from the sky above this ancient city.

Xiao Ye raised his eyes and saw that the high-altitude surging waves formed a dry figure.

"I am the guardian of the cave blessings of the Qake tribe, named Balata."

"You are welcome to come here!"

This dry figure looked down at Xiao Ye, and then looked at the other places with majesty.

"Guardian, should be the equivalent of a housekeeper!"

Xiao Yewen Yan flashed in his eyes, listening to his ears.

"This world of heaven and earth is actually bred by chaos, and it is transformed by the master of Kake, which is shaped and has unique rules."

"Whether it is an acquired spirit or an innate spirit, once you come in, you will be degraded to the moment you were born."

"Next, you have to rehabilitate here. If you can cultivate to the previous peak state, you can use this cave to bless the earth and practice cultivation as a fusion."

"This is stronger than any devastating effect than devouring the chaotic world."

"At that time, at least a small realm can be broken through."

The dry figure continued to explain.

"Cultivation for integration?"

Xiao Ye was shocked when she heard the words.

Stepping into this celestial blessing, they seem to have lost their cultivation behavior, but their mind and memory are still there. Having such a basis for rebuilding will inevitably lead to smooth winds and rapid recovery to the peak period, not a problem.

And this celestial blessing can even be repaired and integrated, at least let them directly break through a small realm, which is very abnormal.

He has also fought in the Chaos World for several times, and this effect is the first time he has heard of it.

"This is a blessing, it's not easy!" Xiao Ye's face was full of excitement.

If he cultivates and merges, can the eight-star ancient **** lineage immediately refine his consummation?

At the same time, the anger that erupted elsewhere in the ancient city also disappeared.

Obviously, those Kake group creatures are also calm.

"However, you must also be mentally prepared. Your hundred souls are scattered among the hundred cities and will be protected by these ancient cities on weekdays."

"The road that can be rebuilt is also dangerous. Every 100,000 years, the protective cover of the ancient city will disappear, and your natural enemies from different periods will appear and attack you for ten years."

"If you can fight back, you can get cultivation resources from them."

"If it can't bear it, it will fall!"

"At the same time, at that time, you can also choose to fight with each other, and you will be proud of your life and death. If you can't persist, you can choose to quit."

"Little guys, come on!"

After the dry figure finished, his figure flickered and disappeared.

"The Road to Rebuilding..."

Xiao Yeyi stood on the spot, clenched her fists, and her heart was surging.


At this moment, the space was shaking, a wave of will came from all over, toward this ancient city, and Xiao Ye's expression changed greatly.

These wills are only at the level of Shinto Three Realms and True Divine Realm, but for today's Xiao Ye, they are devastating, and they can kill him countless times in a random ray.

But thankfully.

He was sheltered by this ancient city, and a huge protective cover rose up, blocking those god-level wills back, but he was still shocked to lie on the ground, spouting blood.


Xiao Ye staggered, his eyes cold.

The spirits who come to this heavenly blessing will all retreat to their cultivation practice when they were born.

He was originally a mortal and has been practicing all the way to this day.

But the peers are all inborn spirits of the Kake group, and they are true gods when they are born. How can this be compared?

"Hahaha, this kid's starting point is so low!"

At the same time, in another ancient city, a young man in a robe of Liuyun was stunned, and then he turned his head and laughed.

He is the guardian of Kake, Gongyue.

He looked at Xiao Ye as uncomfortable, otherwise he wouldn't shoot directly when he saw Xiao Ye for the first time that year.

"It really is rubbish."

"I am an innate spirit, and if I rebuild, the realm will rise very quickly. After 100,000 years, I will breathe and kill him!"

Gong Yue laughed, sat in this ancient city, and rebuilt it.

This is the rule of heaven. If Xiao Ye fell here, Che Yuanhou would not say much.

"Master Cheyuan Hou, how could this boy be sent to our heavenly blessings? What is the difference between this and death!"

As for the guardians and elders in other ancient cities, they all laughed dumbly.

Even Wanjun was quite stunned.

Their starting point is the true God, and they are still born.

Xiao Ye's starting point is a mortal.

This is simply not comparable!

At the moment, they were too lazy to pay attention, and they all withdrew their divine order and began to cultivate.

"In this celestial blessing, every 100,000 years, there will be natural enemies, and it allows us to fight each other..."

At the other end, Xiao Ye was already in the ancient city, and chose a palace to sit down at will.

I have to say that this rule is too restrictive to the acquired spirits.

I really don't know how Hong Zhi was successful.

"But for me, 100,000 years, it's more than that..." Xiao Ye secretly said.


At the next moment, his figure flashed and appeared in the sixth floor of the Tower of Time.

"Sure enough, the Tower of Time, I can still use it!" Xiao Ye's face raised a smile, and began to practice.

(The second one is coming!)

(In the latter part of writing, Kavinka's hair is too powerful, and her hair is going to be shed. Today, you have to sort out the plot. You can only make two changes. Tomorrow will make up for four.)

(In addition, I owed you one more change last month, Beckham remembers, I will find some time to return it)