Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 4115: Treasures of the Tertiary Age

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

"Did you break into the higher Nirvana realm as soon as possible?"

Looking at Lu Kun's disappearing back, Xiao Ye's expression was strange.

After the born spirit breaks through the nirvana realm, if you want to improve, chaotic treasures are naturally indispensable.

But this is not enough.

It also takes a lot of time to settle, not to mention others, just the training of Taoism, there is no way to do it overnight.

But Lukun's expectation of him is so high, is it because he has seen some of his secrets, or is he too confident in the resources of the palace of Shinan Ika?

"Forget it!"

At the moment, Xiao Ye shook his head, full of anticipation, and walked on the first floor of the Shining Palace of Yi Kam.


At this moment, an excited cry came from Xiao Ye's body, and he saw that the Jin Huan God Rat turned into a golden light and flew out, eager to rush to the distance.

"This little guy!"

Seeing this, Xiao Ye suddenly smiled bitterly.

At that time, he went to Dongtianfudi of the Kake group and worked hard for most of the Permian. Jin Huan Shenshu also held back for a long time, and he could not enter the real treasure hunt of the ancient **** group.

So, for so many years, the other party is in a state of transformation into four pupils.

Jin Huan Shenshu was also injured in a battle against the former Huo Huo and others.

Now that he has come to such places as Shinkanji Palace, the other party can't wait.

Xiao Ye did not stop, let the other party search treasure here.

The farther the Jinhuan God Rat walks on his way back to his ancestors, the greater his help will be in the future.

Compared to the true treasure world of the ancient gods and tribes, the first floor of the Yizheng true palace is not as magnificent and majestic, but also very extraordinary.

Shortly before traveling, Xiao Ye found hundreds of nirvana artifacts in a mess of rock, both inferior and median, and his refining techniques were extremely extraordinary.

Then, in the lush woods, he saw a plume of thick, mountain-like, condensing cloud-like air currents, like a dragon, entwining the branches, which is the mother gas of Nirvana.

The forest trees withered and the yellow leaves fell, forming a fertile soil. Various extremely rare Permian treasures came out of the soil and were all mature.

"This is really the palace of Icy, too exaggerated!"

Xiao Ye searched, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

He is no longer a rookie who first entered the **** order. The true legendary realm of the ancient **** group is all free to come and go, and his vision is also very high.

But here, he was shocked.

There are too many treasures in the first floor of the Shining Palace of Ikama!

With Nirvana's motherhood alone, he simply searched and found no less than a hundred strands.

As for the Ziji God Ganoderma lucidum and so on, the unique healing treasure of the ancient **** group is like the Chinese cabbage on the roadside.

It can be said without hesitation.

The treasures in the first floor of the Yizheng true biography palace can be fully supported. All the true stories of the entire ancient **** group are consumed by hundreds and thousands of Permian.

Nowadays, he is exclusively enjoyed by him. He seeks treasure here without time limit or any difficulties and obstacles.

"I can't run out of the Treasures here!"

"If there is a chance in the future, it can be used by the Xiao family!"

A light radiated from Xiao Ye's eyes.

From now on.

The Xiao family has completely got rid of the plight caused by the lack of ancient **** blood.

However, no matter how strong the Xiao family is, they eventually only succumbed to the Galo forbidden sky, and had no access to the Permian resources.

The loot he brought back after the battle alone was destined not to go too far.

The emergence of the Yichuan Zhenzhuan Palace solved this dilemma.

He is the heir to the ancient **** imprint of Yi Kam, and he has control over the Paleogene treasures here.

With the treasures here, he is fully confident that the Xiao family will be built into a chaotic tiger and wolf master!

Of course, this is something later.

After all, the Xiao family has a limited blood level and can only stop at the Tao God Realm.

"It seems that here, I can repair the sixth-level Zhenhao chaotic body. The treasures I need now have found millions of them."

Another hundred years passed, Xiao Ye stopped, his face filled with emotion.

The Zhenhao chaotic body in the late fifth stage can even barely confront the median nirvana.

For the sixth level, Xiao Ye is naturally looking forward to it.

After all, the content of the middle part of Zhenhao Chaos Body, he has long remembered it, contains the practice to the sixth level.

Only six levels, the difficulty has increased a lot.

It needs to be collected and there are ten million kinds of chaotic treasures.

He originally believed that there were not even a dozen or so times of the Permian period that could not be repaired at all.

I never imagined that it was such a big surprise to the real palace of Yi Kam.


Xiao Ye continued to move forward, suddenly froze.

In front, a stream appeared.

Beside the stream, there is an old tree shaking its branches and leaves rising up. Each leaf is not the same. Some are crystal clear and shining, as if it contains everything in chaos and is extremely brilliant.

"This is the Vientiane Tree!"

Xiao Ye's eyes were hot.

In the chaotic world, Vientiane trees are quite rare, because the growing environment is very harsh.

I could see a large piece of Vientiane tree at one time, and Xiao Ye had seen it in the Gubao Pavilion.

But at that time, there were only dozens of plants, but there were over a hundred plants here, and at the top of each plant, there was a chaotic fruit.

The most important thing is that beside these Vientiane trees, there are also inexplicable flowers of ice blue, which are gently swaying, and there are countless chaotic wonders around it, which is the fairy phoenix flower.

"The three kinds of treasures that dominate the dojo during the recovery time, I encountered the first two again at once?" Xiao Ye was very excited and rushed up quickly.

"Three hundred and twenty chaotic ghost fruits, thirty fairy phoenix flowers!"

After some inspection, Xiao Ye was full of joy.

For the first time since he stepped into the big forbidden days, it is the first time that he has achieved such a big gain in the recovery time dominating the treasures of the dojo.

With this, time can definitely dominate the dojo and recover to an unprecedented height.

"I feel that the Paleogene treasures I have encountered in the first floor of the Shining Palace of Ikama in these years are not too advanced here..."

Put away these treasures, Xiao Ye stood up, his eyes flickered.

The treasures here are of course enough for him to be in the middle of the nirvana.

But he wanted to break through to the higher Nirvana Realm, but still not.

Because the Eastern Mongolian Orthodox has a fatal flaw, he must start from the bloodline level if he wants to improve his understanding of Chaos Avenue.

And as he refined the blood of the eight-star ancient gods, the divine personality can indeed continue to absorb the blood of the gods of the ancient gods.

But the speed is extremely slow.

Without dozens of Permian, it is impossible for his lineage to reach the nine-star level!

"There must be treasures here that will help me speed up the absorption of the blood of the Divine Origin!" Xiao Ye recalled the faint breath, the eyes full of longing, and the longing color of his face when he first felt here.


At the moment, his figure flashed and disappeared directly in place.

(The third one is coming!)