Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 4140: Suncheon

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

Regarding Xiao Ye's going to stay, Yikun's **** slave Rukun never interfered.

Even, Xiao Ye took the fire platform out, he did not have two words, directly separated the sea of ​​space, and let Xiao Ye leave.

Xiao Ye walked out of the palace of the true biography of Yi Kam, and appeared everywhere in the Forbidden Heaven.

Despite the sinister environment, Wanhua Daban Tian also has many unique gods that are needed to make a permanent sacrifice.

Take Xiao Ye's current state.

The viciousness of this place naturally cannot threaten him.

After 100,000 years.

Xiao Ye opened the Forbidden Great Array, and the figure rushed in and disappeared.

Soon, his figure appeared in Galo Little Forbidden Sky.

It has been nearly 100 billion years since he left that year.

These years, Galo Little Forbidden Sky has occasional storms.

However, the true legends of ancient gods such as Jin Yan, Qiong Qi, and Gu Zhao often visited Galo to protect Xiao Ye instead of Xiao Ye.

From now on.

In the small forbidden world of Galo, the super **** kingdoms, under the **** of the three main **** kingdoms, became more and more glorious, and many more powerful gods were born.

Galo's overall strength is getting stronger and stronger. In the seven small forbidden days, Galo can definitely be ranked first.

As for the three main kingdoms, the strong are endless.

Under the guidance of Jinyan and other ancient gods, the powers of the Four Great Emperors, Nangong Xingyu, Celestial Saint Emperor, and other strong men are increasing day by day.

The Xiao family also ushered in glorious years.

"In Galo, there is no breath of candlelight. It seems that Xiaobai has not returned in recent years."

Xiao Ye returned, did not show up and meet with the clan, but only observed in the dark, and then left a lot in Bingya’s residence. Leave.

This time he walked out of the Yizheng true palace, in addition to collecting the gods cast into the altar of the Yongshu altar, he also wanted to explore Xiaobai's traces.

After all, Xiaobai had no news for so many years, making him quite worried.

Xiao Ye came to the reincarnation of the suppressed atmosphere.


He concealed his breath and did not choose to meet with the true deities of the ancient gods. Instead, he walked alone around the reincarnation heaven and practiced silently.

"Brother Yuwei Chi, have they become the new true biography?"

"Because of my shot, many ancient gods have really passed on and won the chance to breathe."

"As for Wingshen God Son, the injury has been healed!"


Xiao Ye was extremely careful and did not want to break out of conflict. He even used the Tower of Time to hide traces and collected a lot of materials that were needed to make the altar for the Yongshu altar. At the same time, he heard a lot of news, and his eyes were cold.

After the death of the ancient **** god son, the mentality of the wing **** god child has changed, and even too lazy to care about, he slaughtered the old account of the wing **** true story, quiet in the years, only to march, the highest realm of innate gods.

"You give me time to grow."

"Maybe at the end of this Permian, I will personally end your glorious road!" Xiao Ye whispered softly.

After reincarnation of the Great Prohibition Day, and after wandering for hundreds of thousands of years, Xiao Ye once again crossed the Great Prohibition Day, and the footprints ran through Fumo, Nanting, and the cliff.

These three great forbidden days are equally tense because the gods and sons are side by side.

Xiao Ye didn't care about this. He still concealed his breath, calmed down, and walked in the three banned days.

As the top world, Chaos has been full of endless secrets since ancient times, and it is full of all kinds of dangerous.

What he saw, heard, and knew when he stepped into the chaotic world is only the tip of the iceberg of chaos.

Today, he is no longer a descendant of the weak ancient god.

With the opportunity to collect the material of the altar used for sacrifice, you can also travel.

This is a lonely road, only accompanied by wind and snow.

Xiao Ye is like a lonely traveler, and has not clashed with the hostile true story.

Sometimes he set foot on a wonder landform to gain insight into the secrets of this place. Sometimes he stayed in the same place for tens of thousands of years to practice spiritual practice.

He even went to the gathering place of innate spirits in the three forbidden days to compete with the innate spirits of the same realm.

At the same time, I also saw a lot of acquired creatures with strange pedigrees.

Years of reincarnation.

Ten billion years have passed.

Xiao Ye didn't make the slightest disturbance, standing in the river of the years and wearing the frost and frost, witnessing the changes in the chaotic world, the soul seemed to be washed, and the dignity of his body became more terrible.

The cliff is forbidden.

A huge ancient city stood out of thin air, with a dazzling glow.

Looking around, the ancient wood wolf forest in the ancient city has lush vegetation, and even rivers, waterfalls and magnificent scenery can be seen. It is a rare pure land.

It looks like a fortress here, with a lot of acquired creatures infested.

These creatures are either grisly in appearance or plain in temperament, but without exception, their bodies are full of fierce breath.

It is only after being baptized with blood and fire.

These are awesome repairs to the chaotic world.

The five banned days.

The cliff has neither the evil environment of Wanhua, nor the numerous innate spirits of the demon, nor the coexistence of the top innate gods and spirits.

Therefore, most of the loose repairs of the chaotic world are gathered in the big forbidden sky on the cliff.

Bulk repair, for various reasons, betrayed the original congenital spirit group, but also requires resources and treasures, so they often trade and exchange loot.

I don't know when, this ancient city named'Shuntian Mansion' has become a place where the cliffs are forbidden and repaired in the sky.

"It's been a hundred thousand years, is this guy still here?"

"Hey, not only 100,000 years, I came here 300,000 years ago, this guy is here, what a weird man!"

In Suncheon Fuchu, many bulk repairs raised their heads and looked at a peak in the city while trading.

At the top of the peak, you can see a straight figure sitting here.

It was a human man who did not release the slightest breath. His hair was scattered, his feet were bare, like sculptures, and he blended in with the surrounding scenery, motionless.

Although many loose repairs were being discussed, they quickly regained their gaze.

The man's behavior was indeed weird, and he once rushed up to find out, but without exception, all were blocked.

This strange guy has terrifying power.

Over time, no one dared to find trouble.

"Good news, everyone!"

"The true biography of the ancient gods and clan groups, Lord Xiao Ye has recently come to our cliff forbidden sky!"

"He wants to carry out the true mission of the ancient **** group, and he is willing to follow him. He can come to me to sign up. Whether the mission is successful or not, he can get a very rich reward!"

At this moment, a loud voice spread through the entire Suncheon Mansion, making this Fangtiandi suddenly quiet, and then a burst of boiling and hustle and bustle broke out.


At the same time, the weird man sitting on the top of the peak also moved his body slightly, slowly opening his eyes.

(The first is here!)