Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 4159: Yin Shen Bei

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

The land of gods and demons is the same as Linqiong Mountains.

It has been very old since the birth of the Great Forbidden Cliff.

The origin of this name is no longer traceable. It is regarded as one of the most dangerous places on the cliff. It is said that there is great terror.

Since ancient times, there have been a lot of rumors about the land of gods and demons, but even the native spirits on the cliffs are difficult to make clear, let alone outsiders.

Because the super **** beast candlelight fell into the land of gods and demons, many powerful acquired creatures have already stepped into this place one after another.

A vast glacial land, a tall figure came down from the sky.

"Is this the land of gods and demons?"

Xiao Ye raised his eyes and looked around, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

He has stayed in the cliff forbidden days for many years, and he knows a little about the land of gods and demons.

Generally speaking, the land of the gods and demons is a vast territory.

Divided into'Yangdi' and'Yindi', the sub-table represents the gods and demons in the name.

The irreversible characteristics of Yin and Yang, which are diametrically opposed, cleverly contain and complement each other, which constitutes the whole land of gods and demons.

Here, whether it is communication or will exploration, will be greatly affected.

And where he is now, it is a dark place.

The temperature here is so low that even god-level creatures can be frozen.

However, the powerful Nirvana is not affected.


At this moment, Xiao Ye suddenly felt a tingling pain. He looked down and suddenly changed his face.

I saw that the skin on his right arm ruptured, and a blood stain appeared, like he was injured by a sharp weapon.

"what happened?"

Xiao Ye's sharp eyes glanced around, the four fields were vast, where is the shadow of life?

Soon, he discovered something.

In the shady ground, there was a gusty wind, seemingly soft, but it formed a little undetectable cyclone, which swelled thousands of times in one breath, even puncturing his skin.

"This is somewhat similar to a magical attack. If the next Nirvana comes in, it will be killed silently." Xiao Ye was amazed, but the blood of the gods circulated, and the whole body was purple, and all the scars disappeared.

Immediately thereafter, Xiao Ye rose into the air and flew towards the front.

"The land of the gods and demons can't see the whole picture alone. I wonder if the upper nirvana who ran to this place has found the candlelight?"

As Xiao Ye looked around, she secretly said.

Although he left as soon as he got the news, after all, he was still a little later than the upper class nirvana.

He has no idea of ​​the situation in the land of gods and demons.

Even, relying on the token of true transmission, he could not understand where the upper **** Nirvana of the ancient **** group is located.

Moreover, as he approached the land of divinity and spirit, he clearly noticed that a lot of divinity was raging, but when he rushed in, he could not feel it.

The vastness of the shade is boundless, and there is a white color everywhere. The silence and cold are the main melody here.

In the blink of an eye, two years have passed.

Xiao Ye searched and found no other creatures, but found some footprints.


Suddenly, Xiao Ye stopped and looked up ahead.

In front of it, there is a remnant monument. I don’t know how many years it has stood. The surface of the monument is pitted. It seems to have formed after corrosion, but it seems to form a mysterious pattern. It is very wonderful.

"what is this?"

Xiao Ye was slightly stunned.

The wind in the shade is not easy, and the long-term invasion has few things that can survive.

At the moment, Xiao Ye's interest increased greatly, and he walked towards the remnant.


Unexpectedly, he was just approaching, and the debris automatically exploded with suction, making it staggered and about to be rolled away.

"This monument is not simple!" Xiao Ye was startled.

This remnant, resembling an artifact, can be exploded without being urged by people. Such terrible suction.


I saw Xiao Ye's purple light flowing through the body, and immediately fixed his body, and at the same time raised the palm of his hand to pull up the debris.

"This turned out to be a treasure!"

Xiao Ye looked carefully, and suddenly his eyes were different.

This remnant seems to be rough, and can withstand the wind and the wind for many years. It seems to be forged. The potholes on the surface contain the road to the inside.

Inside the remnant is even more immense, horrible, and even looks like a dungeon, almost involving him.

"Senior, this is the shadow of the devil's land, and the naturally-formed stone monument is comparable to the higher nirvana."

"This treasure has no pedigree restrictions, it belongs to an unowned thing. I would like to ask my seniors to urge it to help me get out of trouble. There will be a reward afterwards!

In the dungeon, there was an excited and terrifying voice, and there was a median nirvana, trapped inside.

"Yin Shen Tablet?"

Xiao Ye murmured for a moment and urged Nirvana to move towards the residual monument.

as predicted.

The debris was urged smoothly, trembling slightly, and there was a glimmer of light.


"My "Kanyu" was trapped by this Yin Shen monument because of his carelessness."

"This is a rare treasure. If I can get it, I will have another way to fight the enemy!"

Immediately afterwards, a creature with chaotic **** wings spread its wings for nine days, then swooped down, exuding a madman's breath.

In the Yinshen Tablet, he has already felt that the promoter is also the median Nirvana.

And he is a descendant of top congenital gods and spirits, and he has no fear of the same state.


But at the next moment, when he saw the face of the creature in front of him, if he was struck by lightning, he stopped stiffly, his face full of panic.

"I rescued you, would you still be against me?" Xiao Yening looked at Kan Yu in front of his eyes, recognizing that the other party was a descendant of Yishen, and a smiley expression appeared on his face.

The central nirvana of the wing **** group was killed by him to wither, leaving less than ten statues, and the strength is not so strong.

For example, Kan Yu in front of him probably cultivated about 700 Permian.

"It was Xiao Ye who rescued me from trouble. He came!"

Kan Yu was so scared that he had no one to look at. He had already rushed to the sky dome, and at the same time took out his own true token, and wanted to be summoned.


However, at this moment, an overwhelming purple light roared, making his mouth vomiting blood, blood dripping all over his body, and smashing it **** the ground.

Before he could get up, a large hand had reached down and grabbed him, unable to escape.

"Xiao Ye, please be merciful!"

Feeling the breath of death, Kan Yu shouted in horror.

"Let me be merciful, too."

"Tell me, did the nirvana gods of all major groups find the candlelight?"

Xiao Ye came into the air and said coldly.

Finally, he encountered a deity, and he stepped into the land of the gods and demons first, so of course he had to take the opportunity to ask for information.

"I said, I said!"

"Not long ago, Brother Di Renye of our wing **** group, indeed locked the position of the candlelight, he was in the sun of the devil's land..."

Kan Yu dare not hide, he quickly said.

(The second one is coming!)