Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 4210: Steal

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

"It's such an injustice, and I'm really willing to take out the motherhood of the goddess of nirvana!"

Relying on the increasing fame of Hongyuan God Wall, he has been able to find a lot of treasures in the city without killing these years, which is extremely easy.

But there are too few souls that can really rely on the Great Deity Wall and gain something.

"Remember, you only have three hours."

"After three hours, I will put away the wishful stone wall."

The owner of Hongyuan Shenbi issued a reminder to Xiao Ye, and then kept silent.

"Mad, a true legend of an ancient god, dared to run to the killless city!"

"When this place is, I'm not afraid of death!"

The **** of empty air standing behind the old man, looking at Xiao Ye's back, all looked pale.

Although it is said that the two major groups of the sky **** and the ancient **** are in different banned days, the intersection is not much.

But in the recent Permian, the relationship between them has been very tense.

All this is entirely due to Xiao Ye.

The other party rose strongly in the chaos. When he was in the lower nirvana realm, he swept across the group of air gods and passed the realm together.

After breaking through to the nirvana realm, it also killed a lot of air gods.

He even rushed to the dojo where the **** of air **** practiced, took away the treasures, and damaged the face of **** god of air god.

Therefore, they are naturally hostile to the descendants of the ancient gods.

"Let's leave first!"

The old man with white hair and fish scales all over his body whispered, and he left first.

A glance at the other gods of the real world glanced and disappeared into the crowd.

Xiao Ye had already faced up and took out a hundred strands of Nirvana. Under the eyes of everyone, they could not find an excuse for their trouble.

However, based on their knowledge of the old man, the other party would never give up.

at the same time.

Xiao Ye had already sat down cross-legged in front of the Great God Wall.

The jade jade of Baizhang is as smooth as a mirror, with complex **** patterns woven on it, as if it is connected to the Chaos Heavenly Dao, which can reflect everything in the heavens.


In the blink of an eye, Xiao Ye only felt a mysterious breath, enveloped towards him, like a cold cold, permeable, permeating towards him, spreading to all limbs.

In front of the Great Hope Wall, his divine will, nirvana, and the Taoist tradition he studied were all reflected, and there was nothing to escape.

"Chaotic beings, all have surpluses and disadvantages!"

In the midst, a grand voice echoed in Xiao Ye's mind, like a beam of light, shining in his heart, letting him see the chaotic heavenly path and nurturing magical scenes.

"What kind of treasure is this Great Wall of God?"

Suddenly, Xiao Ye was shocked.

In the chaotic world, endless creatures embark on the path of cultivation, but no matter how hard they try, from a certain level, they will always have their own shortcomings, and there will be no real fulfillment.

Even the innate gods above are no exception.

Because of its strength, there are weaknesses after all.

And under the reflection of this great wish wall, his own shortcomings appeared in his mind one by one.

It seems that the wish of the Divine Wall, to evolve a certain method in this way, can complement his shortcomings.


In particular, under the influence of the mysterious breath, Xiao Ye's body, like a trickle of blood, quickly rushed up.

"Can this wish wall really help me bring the power of my bloodline to the extreme?" Xiao Ye was very excited.

It is the first time he has seen the treasures that can affect his lineage after the nine-star ancient **** bloodline has been refined and consummated. Otherwise, why would he be willing to take out the brethren of the goddess of gods and gamble?

But the six Taoisms that Xiao Ye is studying are now only the order of Taoism, and he has reached the highest level of training. He hopes that the Divine Wall will affect the other five Taoisms, and he does not care.

He let go of his mind and body, and let the Great Wall of God wish to influence his bloodline.

But unfortunately.

In these years, there are too many creatures close to the Great Wall of God, but the luck is excellent. It is always only a small part, and most of them are nothing.

Xiao Ye is obviously in this category.

The mysterious and unpredictable breath faded like a tide after sloshing inside Xiao Ye's body.


Xiao Ye's expression changed greatly.

He clearly realized that the mysterious breath released by the Great God Wall could affect his lineage. It seems that there is a certain method that will emerge, but the result has faded?

All this said quickly, but actually more than two hours have passed.

Like Xiao Ye, the creatures sitting in front of the wall of Hongyuan God have already had seven standing up one after another, leaving with disappointed faces.


"It's him who controls in secret!"

At the next moment, Xiao Ye's eyes turned to the side, and the owner of the Great Hope Wall looked away, and quickly reacted.

Other creatures found no clues.

It can refine the bloodline of the nine-star ancient god, which gives him far more insight than others.

"It's not that easy to pit me!"

Xiao Ye's expression was ruthless, and he growled, and could not care about the others, and began to urge his own blood.


In the blink of an eye, the gate of an infinite collection of gods was opened, and the terrifying power spewed out quickly condensed in the square, reflecting the chaotic wonders one after another, Van, Spirit, Holy, God The ghost image of the large-scale creatures emerged in turn.

"Okay... such a terrible bloodline power!"

"Who is he?"


The whole killless city trembles, as if the doomsday is ushered in, the souls gathered around the square, a scene of people turning their backs.

The Dao God Realm exists, and all of them were shocked and fluttered, breathing out the blood of the gods, and could not get close at all.

The powerful Nirvana Realm, who was also trembling, was crushed and squatted down. Many of his bodies were split, and he was about to suffocate and panic.

This feeling is like facing a divine son and letting them realize the huge gap.

"This guy!"

Even the master of Hongyuan God's Wall was shocked.

Looking around, Xiao Ye's body of light shone, blocking the mysterious breath, not letting it subside.

At the same time, the ray of light intertwined together, as if forming a huge black hole, so that the wishing **** wall in front of him trembles.

The complex divine patterns surging on its surface were all peeled off, rolled, and flew towards Xiao Ye.

"Mad, this kid, where is the freak from here, the ancient **** bloodline is so powerful!" The master of the Great Wall was frightened and tried his best to control in the air, but it was still a step behind.

The Great Wall of God has become dim and dull.

The complex divine pattern that had been peeled off had enveloped Xiao Ye, and all of them even blended with his divine blood.

At this moment, the light burst into the sky, triggering the induction of heaven and earth. It seems that there is a certain kind of **** of the world, the gods and gods are born, and the fonts of gods emerge in the void.

As for Xiao Ye's body, there have been extremely terrible changes, and the blood in the body has gathered toward the abdomen.

(The first is here!)