Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 4395: Take it back yourself

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

"how can that be!"

Seven nights came back to God, the heart shivered, and exclaimed.

In chaos, any innate **** is an incarnation of the avenue.

They stood high above, like the free cloud wild crane, with an indifferent attitude, witnessing the changes in the years in chaos, and almost never intervening in the battle between the born souls.

Even if it is the existence of the level of God's Son, in a short period of time, it is only because of the status of the heir that he has received the attention of innate gods.

In God Realm.

Innate gods are also looking for treasures, and they will not exist with the Son of God and will have an intersection.

But now, Xiao Ye tells him that mountain-mountain is an innate god?

Where did the other party rob the gods of the gods and sweep the super-kingdoms, where is the style of the innate god?

not to mention.

If a mountaineer is an innate god, how can he be suppressed at the beginning when he is fighting against Xiao Ye?

"The mountain rider is not a congenital deity, it should be some kind of avatar. At the last moment, he struck me with ‘Tian Dao Divine Power’, so my guess is absolutely correct.”

"Trust you, there should be some awareness."

Xiao Ye continued.

Divine power!

This is the innate **** who is the incarnation of the Dao, and has the power after being authorized by Tian Dao.

These ones.

Xiao Ye also learned from the ancient **** Yilin.

He also encountered it for the first time, but he quickly recognized it, because that kind of power, apart from the Divine Power, he could never think of anything else.

Qiye heard silence.

Not bad.

In his current state, even if Xiao Ye did not mention it, he noticed something, but it was just too amazing to be incredible.

"I didn't expect it."

"The innate gods and spirits will also be incorporated into our struggle."

After a long time, Qiye smiled bitterly.

Mountaineers, even if they are not innate gods, are not offensive to them.

How can they compete with each other?

"Innate gods also have seven emotions and six desires, as well as a dark side. They are usually held in chaos by mutual restraint, so they will not show it."

"Now I have come to the Central Divine Court. In order to find treasures, this kind of containment is much weaker, and naturally there are innate gods who can't help it."

Xiao Ye's eyes became cold. "At best, they are only lucky, they are the incarnation of Dadao from birth, but the essence is not necessarily more noble than us."


He had great awe of innate gods before.

Well, this awe has been weakened indefinitely after the battle with the mountaineer.

"Just lucky?"

Seven nights heard a shock.

Xiao Ye is probably the first son of a **** who dares to criticize innate gods in chaos.

And he can feel it.

Being forced to hand over the account of his treasures, Xiao Ye did not intend to let it go.

Xiao Ye, to call Pan Xian God?

This is simply impossible!

"There is the first innate deity, in this way, to participate in our struggle in God Realm, maybe there will be a second."

"Next, you have to be careful."

Xiao Ye took a deep breath, depressing his complicated thoughts, and walked straight away.

Staring at Xiao Ye's back, Qiye shook his head with emotion, and then left.

A super kingdom was discovered, which led to the arrival of various chaotic **** sons, and the final belonging fell into the hands of the mysterious mountain-mountain.

No one expected it.


After sweeping the super kingdom, the mountain rider left, but did not shoot any more.

The chaotic **** sons of every way set foot on the road of treasure hunting in the **** realm again.

Every time the Central Shrine is opened, it will last for half a stack, and there are many opportunities for them.

time flies.

In a matter of minutes, another million years passed.

In the boundless world of the gods, the treasure hunt of the gods is still full of ups and downs, and the treasures of the family have become rich again.

It's just that there are no more super countries.


The dazzling dharma gods and gods of the sky gods, who were extremely keen in their senses, discovered that they seemed to be secretly, with a pair of eyes, staring at them.

Million years ago, the extremely active Xiao Ye.

It seems that after being defeated by the mountain-mountain, it has suffered a lot. It has become extremely low-key in recent years, and the whereabouts are missing, let alone ransacking the Son of God.


An ancient **** kingdom formed by the intersection of five purple rainbow lights forms an embellishment in the **** realm.

It's just that this ancient kingdom of God is empty, and it has obviously been swept away.

No one noticed.

In this ancient kingdom of gods, there is a seven-story small tower, sleeping with dust.

Tower of Time, in the sixth floor.

Xiao Yezheng sat in it, his endless spiritual writings shining all over the world.

Driven by Xiao Ye's will, these divine writings are ever-changing, and various Taoist tactics have evolved, like the flower of the avenue, blooming slowly.


Xiao Ye, studying Orthodoxy!

Looking closely, Xiao Ye was surrounded by a strand of chaotic light, and the goddess' motherhood, with a golden leaf in her hand.

The veins on the leaves are clear, there is the light of the road, simple and natural, and the breath is like breathing, resonating with Xiao Ye's divine personality.


At a certain moment, a line around the whole body has transformed.

The scriptures of the spirits that make up this Taoism, between ascension, became complete and integrated into a whole. The Taoist tactics that broke out obviously increased their power.

The speed at which Xiao Ye's body absorbs the spirit's motherhood has also greatly increased.

"There is another high-class ethics, the highest level of training!"

"This'golden golden leaf' really deserves its reputation, and it will make my affinity for Chaos Avenue increase by about five times again!" Xiao Ye opened his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.

The golden leaf in his hands is the treasure bred by the central **** court.


He happily agreed to the request of the mountain rider, also to turn passive into active, and did not hand over everything.

This is caused by the strength gap.

Otherwise, wait for the mountain rider to do it yourself, don't be so golden leaf, even the tower of time may be exposed.

The Taoist battlefield created by Yilin contains 500 Taoism.

Before entering the Central Divine Court, Xiao Ye did control all the high-class ethics in it.

But with such a huge amount, it takes a very long time to study all to the highest level.

And since the first battle with the mountain rider.

He then practiced in God Realm.

"The sharpener does not cut the woodworker by mistake, and the strength is not strong enough. Even if the harvest in God Realm is so great, in the end, it is just to make a wedding dress for others."

"It won't take long for me to practice to the limitless peak."

"The mountain-mounter is not a congenital deity, and the power of Heaven and Dao can be very limited. I may not have the chance to win!"

In Xiao Ye's eyes, an amazing light erupted.

Belongs to him, he will get it back by hand!

(The second one is coming!)