Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 4452: Crazy

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

From now on.

The most dangerous thing in Wanhua Datiantian is no longer the turbulence of space, but the raging chaotic thunder, like countless gods and demons are dispatched, making this a chaotic world, the most dangerous place.

This is brought about by the sudden change of the super change situation, and even the higher Nirvana can easily be wiped out.

Wanhua Datiantian is already crowded with the supreme breath of innate gods, as if connected to the heavens, there are countless chaotic lights falling down, forming a chaotic wonder, where it is madly surging.

Look carefully.

There were eighteen large, chaotic, indistinct shadows besieging a normal-looking human man.

They raised their hands and exuded the highest will. They are the true incarnation of the Dao. They are interpreting the original meaning of the two Dao. Each blow brings the power of Heaven and Dao to surge.

These eighteen shadows are the shadow gods in chaos.

Mohan, the shadow **** who had escaped before, was among them.

"Hahaha, Xiao Ye!"

"No matter how strong you are, you won't be the opponent I'm waiting for, just follow this seat obediently!"

The shadow **** Mohan made a loud laugh.

In fact, when he shot Xiao Ye, he had secretly notified the Shadow God group.

Because he is very clear.

The power of Time Avenue, relying on him alone, is simply impossible to enjoy alone, but will lead to self-death.

Therefore, he retreated second.

Even if he cannot control Time Avenue alone, it may benefit the entire Shadow God group and change the lower status of the Shadow God.

"These shadow gods are really shameless!"

Besieged by so many shadow gods, Xiao Ye was also mad.

The blood of the divine source he tempered was pushed to the limit. He rushed left and right, but he was repeatedly blocked back, and he could not stand alone.

With his current strength.

Is not afraid of the lower innate gods.

But that is in the case of singles.

After all, he has not yet transformed, and his speed and defense cannot be compared with innate gods.

If it lasts for a long time, the lower innate gods can completely kill him.

not to mention.

The longer the time, the more innate gods will come, and then his retreat will be cut off.


Another loud noise erupted, and the purple light of the sky was dimmed.

As for Xiao Ye, he was also shocked and flew out, the body of the body was raged by the heavenly power, which shocked the hole.

"See where else you can escape!"

Mohan, the shadow god, moved forward and moved directly to Xiao Ye. A large hand composed of a shadow grabbed towards Xiao Ye.

At this moment, Mo Khan, the shadow god, suddenly felt a shock, and clearly noticed the surroundings, as if some order had been changed.

In his eyes, the speed at which Xiao Ye's residual body moved became 100,000 times faster, easily soaring to the level of innate gods, avoiding his blow.


Immediately afterwards, the shadow **** Mohan only felt the burst of sound behind him, it was a long knife coming out of the air.

This is not an artifact, but is condensed by the pure power of the road. Its blade is colorless and transparent, which makes the flow velocity of the surrounding time disordered, breaking the barriers of space and time.

Mo Khan, the shadow god, was shocked, but he couldn't avoid how to let him dodge.


At the next moment, the shadow **** Mohan stumbled and groaned. The penetrating power of this long knife was so amazing that he cut a crack and blood splattered on his real body that was more than a million feet tall.

"It's time road!"

The eyes of other shadow gods changed slightly.

I saw Xiao Ye dragging his residual body, which had already appeared not far away, and there was a supreme avenue of breath on his body, which caused its original source to soar, and the wound hit by the Divine Power of Heaven was healing.

This is the Avenue of Time.

Xiao Ye is awesome, the time avenue of level eight!

"He really is a successor of time!"

"Time Avenue, you can control chaotic time, don't let him escape!"

At this moment, seventeen other shadow gods were screaming, using all the power of Heaven and Dao to ban this side of heaven and earth.


I saw Xiao Ye's eyes turned blood red, looking at Mohan who was injured by the blade of Time Dao. His hands were raised, and he crossed the arc of Xuan'ao.


Looking at it, at this moment, there are thousands of long knives condensed out, and they all slashed towards Mohan.

Time is supernatural and profound.

The blade of time is also known as the time-level avenue of comprehension to the seventh level. Even innate gods cannot avoid it.

With Xiao Ye's achievements today, the power of time on display is naturally extraordinary.


A scream of screaming came out from the mouth of the shadow **** Mohan.

I saw his real body, once again increased the number of stab wounds, and actually suffered a heavy blow.

And the time power rising from the knife wound gathered together, and swept away toward him all over the body.

He is an innate god, and he even has signs of aging.


Before he could stabilize his figure, tens of thousands of long rivers crossed Tianyu, drowning his figure.

This is a long time.

The use of Xiao Ye's current achievements can also threaten innate gods.

I saw that the heavenly powers of Mohan, the shadow god, were all abruptly destroyed, and the innate **** body was also aging.

In addition, Xiao Ye madly urged the blood of God's Source, and hundreds of millions of purple Daoguang rushed towards him, making his life quickly towards the end.


With a muffled sound, Mohan's innate **** body with a height of more than a million feet shattered away like a dead tree, and only part of the original source escaped, refusing to nurture the void.


This scene made the other seventeen shadow gods take a breath.

They know the power of Time Avenue.

Therefore, when he saw Xiao Ye mobilizing, he was strictly preventing Xiao Ye from escaping.

Where to expect.

In such a short time, Xiao Ye actually killed Mohan and fell!

To know.

Defeating the innate gods and killing are completely different things.

Innate gods are the incarnation of the avenue. How terrifying are the innate gods and where are they so good to kill?

But now, this scene actually happened.

A chaotic **** son, killed a congenital god, this is a chaos precedent!

Until now, they wake up.

The Avenue of Time is controlled by a supernaturally qualified ancient deity, and it is definitely not as simple as one plus one.

"kill him!"

The seventeen shadow gods were all mad, struggling towards Xiao Ye.

But beside Xiao Ye, there were countless floating shadows, and he managed to avoid chaos while controlling the chaotic time.

Even with the power of Heaven and Dao, he suppressed the chaotic time he controlled, and his speed was still fast, above these shadow gods.

"Time Blade!"

"Time fist!"


At the same time, Xiao Ye was pushing the magical power of time, sprinting towards the front, and made the gap between the heaven and earth powers that banned the heavens and the earth.

"Hurry up!"

Just after getting out of trouble, Xiao Ye never looked back, rushing towards the front while controlling the chaotic time.

In order to break through, he was forced to use the Avenue of Time, which must have been inspired by other innate gods.

Now, he can already feel that a huge crisis is coming.

All he has to do now is leave as soon as possible, find a place and hide in the Tower of Time!

(The second one is coming!)