Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 4479: God Eater

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

In the ancient battlefield, the sky was dim and the ghostly atmosphere was quite similar to the ghost mound in the reincarnation of the forbidden sky.

But the difference is that there is no known era in which the war broke out and was buried by the years. It was not discovered until recently.

Here, I don't know how many corpses are in the Nirvana Realm alone.


"Run away!"

At this moment, a burst of screams rang out.

I saw somewhere on the ancient battlefield, dozens of Nirvana **** realm strong, madly fleeing, all the faces of despair, like a catastrophe.

Behind them, there was a large black cloud, flying from all directions, with a strange sound of strange calls, which made the scalp numb.

Among the dozens of powerful nirvana, there are many who have great achievements in the field of speed.

But no matter how they fled, they couldn't get rid of the dark clouds behind them, but were quickly caught up.


These powerful nirvana realms were submerged in body shape, and the sound of shattered flesh and sharp screams mixed together and reverberated.

Only after the interest time.

When the dark clouds rolled over, the dozens of Nirvana God Realm strongmen all disappeared, and even the treasures were never left, apparently swallowed cleanly.

The target of this dark cloud was obviously not them. They never stopped and swept toward a mountain ahead.

This mountain was once invaded by ancient warfare, and it has already been riddled with holes and stained with various blood.


As the dark cloud quickly approached, the mountain exploded directly, and I saw a group of thousands of creatures rushing out of it.

Most of them are immersed in purple light, apparently descended from ancient gods, some of which are from the reincarnated ancient **** group.

Looking closely, Ba Cang, Yu Wei Chi, and Du Dongyu were among them.

In addition to them, there are descendants of the ancient gods from the three main groups, as well as the cultivators, who have the cultivation of Nirvana.

The leader is a tall, concave and convex female creature. Although the face is vague, but from the perspective of temperament, if it is placed in the human race, it is also a peerless beauty.

"Found it, follow me!"

The female creature sipped her jade hand, and her jade hand swept through the void, as if she had broken through the years. After affecting the flow rate of chaotic time, her figure became blurred, and numerous ghost images appeared.

At the same time, there is a terrible time force flowing, bringing countless floating shadows, enveloping the creatures behind her, and rushing to the distance together.


The dark cloud made a sharp scream, suddenly accelerated, and rolled over, letting the floating shadows that shrouded the group of souls shattered away, and it fell into the pressure of the Taishan Mountain and swooped down.

"Damn it, or not!"

Fu Lingxue's teeth clenched.

With her ability, she wants to avoid this dark cloud, which is naturally simple.

But the creatures behind him are probably all robbed.


Fu Lingxue stopped, and the avenue of breath stretched across the sky for nine days, and the source fluctuations could even overlook the current **** son, like a sharp knife, cut through this dark cloud.

All kinds of strange strange sounds kept ringing.

I saw black dots and fell from the dark clouds out of thin air.

Looking closely, it was a very small, dark worm.

Although Fu Lingxue is striking a strong shot, the number of these insects is really too much, everywhere in the sky and underground, and many have bypassed her and rushed towards the creatures behind her.

But all the creatures shrouded in by these bugs are rolling all over the place, and even urging Orthodoxy is useless.

Because whether it is Taoism or defense, these bugs can be swallowed up, and no hard artifact can do it.

"not good!"

Fu Lingxue's complexion turned pale.

This time came to explore the ancient territory.

In addition to the creatures of the three main groups, there are also descendants of ancient gods who are reincarnated in the Great Forbidden Heaven.

I originally thought that this was just an ordinary group task. Who would have expected such a setback?

If all these creatures fell here, how would she tell her back?

At this moment--


A supreme breath rose up, overwhelming the heavens and the world, making this ancient battlefield tremble.

As for the bugs, they were crackling, like dumplings, falling from the sky.


Immediately afterwards, a huge palm fell from the sky and wiped out all the bugs.

"Aura of innate gods!"

Fu Lingxuefang shivered.

As for the creatures behind him, the body is soft and can't stand up at all.

I saw a man with black hair and black hair who appeared out of thin air.

"It's Xiao Ye Ancient God!"

"Master Xiao Ye is here to save us!"

In an instant, the creatures of the three main groups cried excitedly.

"Brother Xiao Ye!"

As for the ancient gods, Ba Cang, Yu Wei Chi, and Du Dongyu, they are also full of excitement, and they are still in a trance.

The rising star who once fought side by side with them now stands tall.

"Master Divine Son, thank you for coming."

"Otherwise I'm afraid I can't take them back."

When Xiao Ye put away the supreme breath, Fu Lingxue quickly flew over to salute.

At that time, he practiced in the world that dominates.

Xiao Ye's performance has already convinced them the inner disciples of the Protoss of these times, not to mention that the other party is now expensive as an ancient god.

"You are trapped in this ancient territory by these things, can't you get out?"

Xiao Ye raised his palm and detained the body of a bug, he asked.

"Not bad."

"These insects, named God Eater, are innate creatures unique to the Forbidden Heaven. They look inconspicuous, but they can devour all the divine power, break all defenses, and even hinder. I control the chaotic time. , Leave with souls."

"It's just that this kind of innate spirit was extinct when the Master was still alive. As a result, there are so many here."

Fu Lingxue said with palpitations.

"God Eater?" Xiao Ye moved.

The number and types of congenital spirits in Voldemort are the heads of the five forbidden days, and they all possess great magical nature and brutal nature.

Unexpectedly, such a weird bug can be born.

"Sir Son."

"In recent years, the encounters of our three main groups have been very bizarre."

"For example, in this ancient territory, in addition to these God Eaters, there are still many innate creatures that have long disappeared."

"The'Eugene' who came with me was separated from us, and his whereabouts are still unknown. I suspect he was captured..."

At this moment, Fu Lingxue hesitated for a moment and preached.


Xiao Ye's eyes narrowed slightly.

This soul, he remembered, was the one who ruled the Great Realm to extreme desolation, and had already realized the 7th Avenue of Time.

Later, he joined the army of time and walked out with him to dominate the world, joining the three main groups.

Now that the other party has been captured?

It seems that he guessed that it is already ten or nine.

(The second one is coming!)

(Sorry, something is delayed, I will continue to write!)