Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 4490: Too much to ask

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

At this moment.

In the midst of the banned world of Wanhua, the alternating order of the Permian struck the fourth stage of the order, which has already been disturbed. The evil atmosphere has skyrocketed quickly, overwhelming the clouds, chaotic elephants, and everywhere in Shenwu.

From a broad perspective, hundreds of thousands of miles cleared the Chaos Thunder, and vaguely visible ghost images were being dispatched, like a rolling wave, sweeping in all directions, devouring everything.

Such a scene is like ruining the heavens and the earth, and it is terrible to bury a big forbidden sky.

Fortunately, the three main creatures had already retreated to the realm of the clan when the fourth stage arrived, otherwise they would all wither.

I saw that the Xiongguan, which was spread all over the Wanhua Great Forbidden World, was shaking in unison and was already collapsing.

However, there are two exceptions to the Xiongguan Pass, which are overshadowed by two bundles of heavy purple Daoguang.

Uh! Uh!

Xiao Ye and Yi Si have already stood up at the same time, looking into the void in front.

I saw that the phantom of the **** and demon had dissipated, and one huge figure after another emerged, all of them had the most primitive appearance of Chaos Avenue, and they were dyed with the color of God.

They are the incarnations of the avenues, like a block of unbelievable mountains, they are crushing the eternal blue sky, the heavens come to all kinds of brilliance, and the sound of Dao is endless, like they are singing for them.

They are in the three camps, but now they are advancing in the direction of Xiao Ye and Yi Jian. They walk very slowly, but they are quite scary. They are in harmony with each other. Underfoot.

Xiao Ye's eyes narrowed slightly.

In the fourth stage, there were still innate gods.

These are in front of the three top congenital spirit groups of Wing God, Tai God and Dharma God!

There are ten statues in total, appearing at the same time, with obvious intent to fight.

"Batuo and hardship are here, are you going to avenge?"

Xiao Ye's eyes fell on the Bodhidharma camp. His eyes became cold when he saw the two familiar monks.

"Xiao Ye, be careful!"

"In addition to the Batu of the Bodhidharma group, the other nine innate gods are all on the list of chaotic gods."

"Don't go shopping, I have notified the ancient **** group."

At this moment, a sound came to remind Xiao Ye.

I saw Yi's expression, which became dignified.

Regarding the number, the innate gods that came this time, although not comparable to the catastrophe of the gods of the last Permian, there are nine gods, all of whom are powerful among the innate gods!

In particular, there is a group of wing **** groups, whose strength is similar to him.

He did not expect that Xiao Ye showed his strength in the Forbidden Heaven, and it would really make the innate gods so disregard the order of the ancient gods.

Xiao Ye heard silence.

It is too easy for him to avoid looting.

The Tower of Time and the Domination of the Great Realm can all be his hiding place.

But he wanted to gain a foothold in chaos, all of which had to be faced, and he could not hide forever.

"The ancient **** ruler has already reached agreement with many chaotic forces, giving time to Xiao Ye, the growth period of the ten Permian."

"What do you mean by attacking now?"

Yilin has been transformed into the ancient **** body of half man and half beast, rising up into the sky, welcoming the ten innate gods, with dignified words.


"The fourth stage of the alternating period of the Permian was originally when the innate gods appeared on the battlefield and followed the reincarnation of heaven."

"Wait for me today, coming to open up territory, has nothing to do with coveting the time avenue, so this is not against the order of the ancient gods."

The other innate gods haven't spoken yet. Among the three Bodhidharma gods, the scrawny and kind-eyed monk Ba Tuo responded, and at the same time his enlightened eyes swept over Xiao Ye, who was at the male gate.

The congenital treasures on his body were all robbed by Xiao Ye.

Naturally, he will not give up.

Now I finally got the chance.

"Expand territory? What does this mean!"

As soon as this remark came out, Shen Si asked slightly.

"It's simple."

"This great ban on heaven, a large number of innate gods and spirits, and the sinister environment has been changed. It is suitable for the development of groups and teachings of ethics here."

"Your three main groups are not qualified and dominate the entire Wanhua."

Tutu Road, "Today, you hand over Wanhua Jiucheng territory, I will retreat in time, otherwise you will face, not only us."


Yi Si heard the words, suddenly anxious.

In chaos, any chaotic force attaches great importance to the ground, because it is related to the future of the force.

How can it grow without enough fresh blood to join?

And their three main groups are flourishing. Although the background is still shallow, anyway, it is a big force.

Let them hand over 90% of the site?

This is simply impossible.

"Yi Si, why bother with them!"

At this moment, Xiao Ye looked up and said coldly.

Fools can see it.

These ten innate gods came only under the guise of opening up territory. It is very possible, and it is also a kind of temptation to dominate the ancient gods.

Even if Yilin gave in, he would not give up and find new excuses to go to war, why waste his tongue?


"Since you don't want to, you can only fight a war..."

The pain next to Ba Tuo spoke, and the zen stick in his hand trembled with it, bringing up the sounds of Buddha, as if to purify a big forbidden sky.

Immediately afterwards, his tall figure appeared in the sky and appeared in the sky. The pouring light of the Buddha shattered the purple light of the guardian Xiongguan.

At the same time, the Zen stick in his hand swept directly towards Xiao Ye's head.

Xiao Ye responded quickly, and turned into a form of half-human and half-beast.


Suddenly, billions of rays of Daoguang burst, blasting the Xiongguan at the foot of Xiao Ye.

At the same time that the Kusao Doctrine was defeated, the difficult Zen stick was also shaken away.

Xiao Ye flickered and avoided it.

"A little skill!"

"It seems that if time avenue is added, he is indeed qualified to be in the top list!"

At the same time, the Wing Gods and Taishen who were present at the scene saw this. In the huge eyes, they all flickered with cold eyes, advancing in this direction.


Yilin showed the ancient **** body and rushed in the direction of Xiao Ye to show the mystery of chaos. He wanted to use his own power to stop these innate gods.

"On that day, you will take this seat and squeeze out the chaotic **** list. Most of the luck components, I want to see if you still have such good luck today!"

The hardship turned into the body of the Buddha, and hundreds of millions of rays of Buddha light bloomed and chased towards Xiao Ye.

Xiao Ye's Heavenly Dao Divine Power roared, and a half-man and half-beast body burst out a beam of purple light again, driving a terrible wave, spreading to the whole body, showing the ancient **** Brahma body, and struggling with peace.

"Since you are acting like this, I don't have to be polite anymore."

At the same time, Xiao Ye's eyes became gloomy after sweeping the innate deities of the battle with Yilin.

"Brother Wen, let's do it!"

(The first is here!)