Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 4536: Xiao Ye appeared

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

In the chaos forbidden sky.

The number of median Taoist gods is definitely the most, and it is also at the bottom, too fragile.

Most of the acquired spirits of the median Dao God Realm are shining but they are only a superimposed period. Eventually, they can withstand the rebirth of the Dao Dao and grow up to the top.

They do not need to know too much about the secrets of chaos.

Driven by the reincarnation of heaven.

The four median gods in the forbidden world are all fighting hard in the battlefields of the Permian period.

The first stage is just an alternate appetizer of the Permian period.

After the years of 250,000 years have passed.

The high-ranking Taoist gods, who have been forbidden for a long time, are appearing one after another.

Compared to the median Taoist gods, although their status is higher and they know the current chaotic pattern, they are also involuntarily involved in the reincarnation of heaven and earth.

And after the big shuffle of chaos.

The most affected is the ancient **** group.

This ancient force that once stood on the top of chaos has long been glorious, and the situation has become extremely difficult.

However, this situation.

After Xiao Ye turned into an ancient **** and formed an alliance with the three main groups, it was finally changed.

For example, in the last Permian.

The three main groups also sent a lot of creatures to reincarnate, and compete with the descendants of ancient gods to cross the heaven and earth reincarnation, so that most of the descendants of ancient gods in reincarnation survived.

Until now.

The three main groups are overwhelmed by themselves, and have not sent a spirit to come to help, but the true legends of the ancient gods are still confident.

Because they are very clear.

The main goal of the major chaotic forces in this reincarnation of heaven is the three main groups in the Wanhua Great Forbidden Heaven, and they will not bother to target them.

Moreover, the ancient **** group clan, Mu Shenyun, has reached a terrible height.

Although many supernatural beings were born during the reincarnation, they were far from the opponent's opponents.

Another 250,000 years after the **** rain passed, the third stage came.

Reincarnation is banned.

An amorous creature appeared all over the body.

In his celestial cover, the monstrous blood exploded, spreading out in the void, like a purple light curtain covering the sky, so that the other gods in the reincarnation were all dignified colors.

That was Mu Shenyun, the **** of ancient gods!

The opponent is weaker than the Seven Lords of the Three Lords, but it has also reached the beginning of the infinite infiniteness of the Divine Realm.

"It's the third stage."

"I heard that there are more innate gods coming to Wanhua Daban Tian, ​​but Senior Xiao Xiao has not yet appeared..."

Mu Chengyun stood in the chaotic void, ignoring the eyes of those **** children in the rebirth, but looked away in the direction of Wanhua.

He was changed because of Xiao Ye, and he also obtained the practice method of the God Son Realm developed by the ancient gods from the opponent.

This is great grace.

The last two Permian.

He is also caring for the creatures of the three main groups, and he is doing his own way to pay back.

Nowadays, there are various innate gods and spirits converging in the banned heaven of Wanhua.

But he couldn't do anything. He could only pray in silence for a long time.


time flies.

The third stage is also rapidly moving towards the later stage.

With the fighting power of the **** child level, confrontation.

Chaos and wonders have emerged in all major bans, and large areas have been overturned.

For acquired spirits.

The fluctuations of Chaos God Son's battle must not be contaminated at all, otherwise they will be wiped out.

In the chaos, a body of the born soul of the venerable Divine Realm exploded, and after blooming the last glory, it mixed with the artifact fragments.

Forbidden days.

World wars are also erupting.

From a glance, the emptiness of the film shattered in the shaking, and the tyrant atmosphere of the two god-children was rushing to and fro, which turned into a storm of destruction and continued to expand towards all places of the demon.

In the forbidden world, the fighting of the natural spirits after Nirvana has stopped.

Through the boundless blazing radiance, there are vaguely two majestic figures, fighting every move with fierce fighting, surrounded by chaotic wonders.

They are leaping like Dapeng, too fast.

In one breath, he ran into hundreds of millions of miles, and there was a tremendous wave of eruption between the figures, wherever he went, everything was destroyed and the destructive power was amazing.

"It is rumored that the first **** of the gods in the contemporary age, after this practice of the Permian period, has already controlled sixty ways, the strength is extremely powerful, and the **** of fierce gods is afraid to lose."

"The descent of the air **** is indeed special, but the first fierce **** son of the contemporary is not simple. It is not so easy to defeat him!"


The acquired creatures in the forbidden world have already retired from the old world, talking while watching the battle.

Suddenly, the fluctuations of the war of the god-child level disappeared without warning.

"Is there a victory so quickly?"

The acquired spirits in the forbidden world are slightly stunned, and they quickly looked up.

Only then discovered.

The two Divine Sons did not divide the victory and defeat, but they stopped at the same time, as if they were given a body-setting technique, and looked terrified, not far away, and collapsed due to the war.


When other gods in Voldemort were also looking out from above, they suddenly shuddered as if they were struck by lightning.

I saw that the billowing smoke was dissipating, and a vague figure was vaguely emerging.

It was a human man with black hair and black hair, but his appearance had long spread to chaos, and his prestige was above him for nine days.

this moment.

The time and space of Fu Mo's Forbidden Heaven seemed to be frozen, and there was no more sound.

"It's the ancient **** Xiao Ye!"

"I didn't expect that after so many years, he was still in our forbidden world, and we just fought and had disturbed him!"


The first air **** and the first fierce **** son are pale, neither retreating nor staying.

Their group, the heirs of the previous generation of spirits, all died in the hands of the time creatures under Xiao Yezao.

They were all created in these two Permian periods.

Despite all these years, the information about Xiao Ye pointed out that the other party was in a bad situation.

But now in front of Xiao Ye, they felt like ants, looking up to a giant with an insurmountable gap.

"A new generation of fierce god, **** of empty god?"

Xiao Ye's eyes, with a strong vicissitudes of breath, seems to have gone through hundreds and thousands of epochs alone.

His eyes glanced at the two **** sons, as if thinking of the past years, a gentle smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.


He didn't stop, his figure was right, and he went straight away.

"have they gone?"

Seeing this, the **** of emptiness and fierce gods were relieved and relieved.

"Quickly spread the news, Xiao Ye appeared!"

At the same time, they took out the communication artifact and sent a message.

Although Xiao Ye blamed herself for the death of the candlelight, she dared not return to the three main groups in recent years.

But in the later stage of the third stage, it still appeared, obviously it is necessary to hurry back to Wanhua!

(The second one is coming!)